US man kills himself live on gamers' forum

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goldenfrag said:
Sad man.
I dunno why people go to such extremes over Games.
Truly. Very sad.
Thats not true! Listen 'Frag don't believe CNN and AFK those other news sites.They all took the report from a Bulgarian newspaper which completely misreported the entire thing.Mitchell suffered from some "Manic Depression" or something..I forgot the exact name...:huh:...But anyway he was prone to depression,and that coupled with financial and housing problems,and problems in school,made him do it.I'm not saying it was the right thing to do,but the way the media and Thompson have jumped on this and blown it out of proporton is just disgusting.
Kingkrool said:
Jack Thompson has a point when he says that (some) violent games are unsuitable for children, and that games manufacturers are not doing enough to stop sales to such persons, indeed, they are encouraging it, and hiding information (GTA hot coffee mod anyone?)
Maybe,but the way he's going about doing it shows that he has no true concern for violent video games at all,and he just wants fame.
...There is a void in every heart. You can fill it up with the things of God, or the things not of God. This unfortunate soul chose to fill it up with combat games. The playing of these video games is masturbatory activity, meaning senseless self-stimulation....
...All of you gamers need to put down the controllers and get a life. The utter inanity of the vast majority of postings here shows how vapid "gaming" really is...
...Do you feel any remorse for having contributed to this "culture of death?" Of course not. Hey, let's all play MORE games, and ignore all the really productive things to do with our lives... his gamer "buds," knowing he was killing himself, couldn't figure out how to call 911 themselves for him. That would have involved leaving their computers I guess....
And he says all this in spite of knowing gaming had no relation to his death! If this isn't ignorant and just plain cruel,I don't know what is.
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