20-25K Used OnePlus 3T for 20k

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Probably not worth it since the price of a new one was 22k , wasn't it? And IINM , this OP is doing very fast "planned obsolescence" meaning no further OS updates pretty soon?
Can snag a 6 month used OnePlus 3T for 20k
Is it worthy buy still considering OnePlus5 is upon us.
Oneplus 3T is a decent buy at 20k Go for it. Regarding OTA's they'll give for more 6-9 months, If lucky for the next 16-18months.
Their reputation has gone down due to OP2 mess and they won't repeat the same OP3/3T.

OnePlus 5 is worth going if you plan to buy something above 27k.
Don't listen to @swatkats he gives crap advice always :D

Personally I would not risk a second hand device for 20k... I'd rather get a new one in that range, like a Moto G5 plus or maybe higher model.
If the phone is in Pristine condition, Let the dude buy it.

I guess if the device is local and can be inspected while operating it to ensure everything works, then yeah, makes sense to buy it. If it's some sort of online sale (like on OLX and what not) in a different location I (personally) would avoid it. But that's just me.

@rkkaranrk - my bad - what was the original price of a new OP3T? i dont know why i thought it was 22k.
I guess if the device is local and can be inspected while operating it to ensure everything works, then yeah, makes sense to buy it. If it's some sort of online sale (like on OLX and what not) in a different location I (personally) would avoid it. But that's just me.

@rkkaranrk - my bad - what was the original price of a new OP3T? i dont know why i thought it was 22k.

It was 30k and I think 22k is pretty decent deal for 6 months old op3t.
It was 30k and I think 22k is pretty decent deal for 6 months old op3t.
i just sold my 1.5 month old op3t with 2k worth cases for 22500 in hyderabad
so no 6 month old op3t for 20k isnt a great deal , i know i sold it for too low .
but getting a 6 month old phone is a strict no no ,
dont know about the market at your place but .
but one can easily get 2-3 month old op3t at 23k in Hyderabad in pristine condition
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20k for 6 months mobile is not worth it. I bought mine on Jan 2017 for 20.5k which was used for 2 months. Try for better deals in olx. In terms of software support I think I can trust oneplus this time. Considering the fact that they are following the beta and stable release cycle without skipping. I can be sure that op3 will be supported with software updates for at least a year easily.
i dont think the OP3T was ever sold at 22k , that is fake . I bought a 6 month old device on OLX from a trusted guy for 17k and it is just a damn fine phone for <20k . takes impressive pics , very comfortable to hold and has tons of custom roms and Developer support. Also dash charge is wicked fast and resale value is good for this phone .
The thing which sucks about the One Plus 5T is that its not the phone you wanna buy if you're in to accessories like Otterbox or Supcase. There are no premium cases available except the UAG pathfinder which is available only in black. Plus you can't watch videos on Netflix and other similar apps in HD quality because the phone lacks a software DRM license. I got to know about this issue from 1+ forum and there is no way to fix it even through Android update. I'm starting to regret buying this phone.
The thing which sucks about the One Plus 5T is that its not the phone you wanna buy if you're in to accessories like Otterbox or Supcase. There are no premium cases available except the UAG pathfinder which is available only in black. Plus you can't watch videos on Netflix and other similar apps in HD quality because the phone lacks a software DRM license. I got to know about this issue from 1+ forum and there is no way to fix it even through Android update. I'm starting to regret buying this phone.
Spigen has some really good cases for oneplus 5/5t.

As for HD video they did released an update but there is only one problem with it that you have to send your phone to oneplus to get it updated to play HD Videos on Netflix and Amazon prime. As per oneplus there is some security process is involved to update it which can be done thru authenticated system.
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