^^And then we start using Anti-wrinkle, Face lifts etc....This never ends, its not only India or US, I dont know why people are taking it that way, or being so sensitive about it, Europeans like being Darker, like to put on more color (What happened to tall dark and Handsome???), there are many cosmetic surgery too to alter ones look, to each his own really. Some like dark, some like white, some like Yellow, some like red, some like a bigger nose, some like a smaller, some like even dark hair and some alter it to maybe Green blue or whatever. There are all kinda things...silicon, steriods and tonnes of other stuff too to alter ones appearance.
Its really an individual choice, I don't see any racism in it, every individual has their preferences, and so does every type of individual, its just that in India these products sell no matter what we say, whitening creams or whatever sells, thats why we have 'em here. Infact we even have tanning lotions for those who want to catch some tan. Nothing racist in that now is there?