Linux Valve to launch native Linux game in July

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Dark Star

There had been a lot of hype that Vavle will port all the older games to Linux and will hire Linux game developers and porters..Later on lots of jobs [Linux in general] were listed in Valve jobs page and now its official ?

Valve will be releasing their first Linux game and will mark the beginning of new era.. Marking this as the beginning of high end games coming to Linux OS..Dyson is the new game that will be available in July and along with its Windows version Valvle will be releasing a Linux version as well..

Dyson is an ambient game of space exploration and conquest that employs surprising themes of plant growth and bio mechanical evolution. The game allows the player to explore a beautifully realized universe rendered in a style that is both unique and compelling. Dyson's aesthetics are reminiscent of children's books like "the little prince" and the gameplay is supported by an original ambient soundtrack by Brian Grainger.

Gameplay revolves around conquering asteroids in space and using their resources to literally grow and nurture new semi-organic plants and creatures to do the player's bidding.The player is pitched again several teams of AI opponents that all vie for the same resources and can offer fierce opposition.

More news : Dyson | [Phoronix] Valve To Launch Native Linux Game In July?
LMAO. Valve announces a 50mb pithy game as a testbed to see how Linux fares and all go ga-ga over "ooh the future of Linux gaming is here since Valve has decided to make one..." BS! If they were serious about Linux, they would started with the original HL itself when Epic and ID were giving native support with UT and Quake series.

There is a Linux archive of Dyson available, but it's simply the Windows version complete with the EXE file and all of the DLLs, but free of having to use any installer. The Dyson developers then just refer the users to running the game with Mono or Wine.

Look how native it is..!

Better to support games that actually work well on Linux and got the native clients like Savage2, Regnum Online, and many more out there.

Check Penguspy - Find & install the Best Linux Games (easily) for more.
A bad attempt from Valve to get started with Linux as a platform. Like qneb pointed out, the least they could do was start with Half Life 1, which was released 11 years ago!
It feels like gaming on Linux has gone backwards, some years ago game companies used to release Linux native versions too (id, epic etc) nowadays they focus on consoles and Windows/DirectX.

I guess the OpenGL standards group is to blame for stagnating the platform which is sad...

I wish MS gets sued again for DirectX monopoly and/or OpenGL spec is able to catch up so that game developers can write for multiple platforms without much code maintenance headaches...
I wish MS gets sued again for DirectX monopoly

:lol: Hahaha ... Anyway Open CL seems to be good enough but its sad that OGl status is pretty despairing .. Even with massive number update i.e. ver 3. they didn't offer much to the audience :|

I hope Khronos group come with something very competitive and tempting for game developers
I dont think the game has been developed by Valve. It howevers does promote independent game makers and it might be on store for their other windows customers.

AFAIK, valve uses steam for distribution which does not run on linux unless you run it under wine.
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