Alright completed the whole game. Not bad at all. For die hard Splinter Cell & Hitman series fans, please don't bother with it. Casual stealth fans would love it.
It could have been a lot better had Replay Studios concentrated on the variation of stealth kills & weapons. The kills are fairly easy & the guards movements get very predictable. You lure them by whistling, sneak up behind them & BAM! You have a dead Nazi right there. You can change costume to an SS uniform in later stages. It brings in a new game mechanic whereby you can walk/run among the guards without getting shot at. The catch is if you're really close to a guard, then they get suspicious & you get a meter on-screen which reports your suspicion level. Once the meter decreases completely, the guards are alerted & you're done for if you don't escape.
Morphine is the only new addition to this game. Like I explained above, it freezes time for short span & you can perform a quick kill. This is not extremely useful, but people who love watching Violette in her undergarment, then they might be in for a treat.
Weapons consist of Colt.1911 rifle, knife, Luger, Flare gun (hardly of any use), G43 sniper rifle, shotgun & STG44 Assault Rifle. You can increase your skills (Stealth, strength & Morphine) via the Exp points gained from the collectible items, spread throughout the game.
Graphics are really crisp & sharp. AA works perfectly. Some odd glitches & AI clipping issues are present. Texture details is more or less like Wanted & Dark Sector. Frame rates are very consistent. With everything maxed out it flawlessly runs at 50-60fps. Doesn't drop at all, unless you have a flame throwing Nazi soldier. The levels are more or less repetitive. You keep switching between France & Germany.
Background music is really good. Detailed sound of everything around you can be heard. The guards cheesy & hilarious conversations are done splendidly. As every stealth game, this game too shifts the mood of the music, depending on the situation. If you're in a stealth mode, there would be little to no sound at all. Once you're detected, it switches to a very heavy tune, thus infusing a small sense of fear to hide ASAP. You can even laugh at a particular song that some Nazi soldiers constantly like to hum. It's really hilarious.
Though it poses no competition to Hitman & Splinter cell series, if you enjoy normal stealth games, you'll enjoy this game.