Velvet Assassin

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Ethan_Hunt said:
Played the game for around 2 hours now. Reached the 3rd mission & so far it's pretty good. Uses pretty much the same gameplay mechanics as Splinter Cell does minus the high tech gadget of course. The morphine feature is pretty funny for a stealth action game like this. :P

what does the morphine feature do ?

just installed sc2 pandora's tomorrow last night
The morphine feature, when injected with a morphine dose, freezes time for a brief moment. Here Violet has a certain amount of time where she can perform an instant kill on a nearby guard. Only one guard can be taken out with one dose of morphine.
Ethan_Hunt said:
The morphine feature, when injected with a morphine dose, freezes time for a brief moment. Here Violet has a certain amount of time where she can perform an instant kill on a nearby guard. Only one guard can be taken out with one dose of morphine.
hmm..not that stealth action games Hitman is the best closely followed by splinter cell series. I like hitman due to the dress change features-its more of working on the environment and situation - whereas splinter cell more focused on the uber cool gadgets an all - it also fun to play.
Alright completed the whole game. Not bad at all. For die hard Splinter Cell & Hitman series fans, please don't bother with it. Casual stealth fans would love it.

It could have been a lot better had Replay Studios concentrated on the variation of stealth kills & weapons. The kills are fairly easy & the guards movements get very predictable. You lure them by whistling, sneak up behind them & BAM! You have a dead Nazi right there. You can change costume to an SS uniform in later stages. It brings in a new game mechanic whereby you can walk/run among the guards without getting shot at. The catch is if you're really close to a guard, then they get suspicious & you get a meter on-screen which reports your suspicion level. Once the meter decreases completely, the guards are alerted & you're done for if you don't escape.

Morphine is the only new addition to this game. Like I explained above, it freezes time for short span & you can perform a quick kill. This is not extremely useful, but people who love watching Violette in her undergarment, then they might be in for a treat. ;)

Weapons consist of Colt.1911 rifle, knife, Luger, Flare gun (hardly of any use), G43 sniper rifle, shotgun & STG44 Assault Rifle. You can increase your skills (Stealth, strength & Morphine) via the Exp points gained from the collectible items, spread throughout the game.

Graphics are really crisp & sharp. AA works perfectly. Some odd glitches & AI clipping issues are present. Texture details is more or less like Wanted & Dark Sector. Frame rates are very consistent. With everything maxed out it flawlessly runs at 50-60fps. Doesn't drop at all, unless you have a flame throwing Nazi soldier. The levels are more or less repetitive. You keep switching between France & Germany.

Background music is really good. Detailed sound of everything around you can be heard. The guards cheesy & hilarious conversations are done splendidly. As every stealth game, this game too shifts the mood of the music, depending on the situation. If you're in a stealth mode, there would be little to no sound at all. Once you're detected, it switches to a very heavy tune, thus infusing a small sense of fear to hide ASAP. You can even laugh at a particular song that some Nazi soldiers constantly like to hum. It's really hilarious. :P

Though it poses no competition to Hitman & Splinter cell series, if you enjoy normal stealth games, you'll enjoy this game.
Neat n clean review . :hap2:

Somehow this review reminds me about the No Ones Leave Forever series.Although I have not completed the full game - only played the demo;it has few similar traits like - female lead, humorous conversation between npcs. Have you played NOLF ?
Ethan_Hunt said:
Alright completed the whole game. Not bad at all. For die hard Splinter Cell & Hitman series fans, please don't bother with it. Casual stealth fans would love it.

It could have been a lot better had Replay Studios concentrated on the variation of stealth kills & weapons. The kills are fairly easy & the guards movements get very predictable. You lure them by whistling, sneak up behind them & BAM! You have a dead Nazi right there. You can change costume to an SS uniform in later stages. It brings in a new game mechanic whereby you can walk/run among the guards without getting shot at. The catch is if you're really close to a guard, then they get suspicious & you get a meter on-screen which reports your suspicion level. Once the meter decreases completely, the guards are alerted & you're done for if you don't escape.

Morphine is the only new addition to this game. Like I explained above, it freezes time for short span & you can perform a quick kill. This is not extremely useful, but people who love watching Violette in her undergarment, then they might be in for a treat. ;)

Weapons consist of Colt.1911 rifle, knife, Luger, Flare gun (hardly of any use), G43 sniper rifle, shotgun & STG44 Assault Rifle. You can increase your skills (Stealth, strength & Morphine) via the Exp points gained from the collectible items, spread throughout the game.

Graphics are really crisp & sharp. AA works perfectly. Some odd glitches & AI clipping issues are present. Texture details is more or less like Wanted & Dark Sector. Frame rates are very consistent. With everything maxed out it flawlessly runs at 50-60fps. Doesn't drop at all, unless you have a flame throwing Nazi soldier. The levels are more or less repetitive. You keep switching between France & Germany.

Background music is really good. Detailed sound of everything around you can be heard. The guards cheesy & hilarious conversations are done splendidly. As every stealth game, this game too shifts the mood of the music, depending on the situation. If you're in a stealth mode, there would be little to no sound at all. Once you're detected, it switches to a very heavy tune, thus infusing a small sense of fear to hide ASAP. You can even laugh at a particular song that some Nazi soldiers constantly like to hum. It's really hilarious. :P

Though it poses no competition to Hitman & Splinter cell series, if you enjoy normal stealth games, you'll enjoy this game.
satyanjoy said:
hmm..not that stealth action games Hitman is the best closely followed by splinter cell series. I like hitman due to the dress change features-its more of working on the environment and situation - whereas splinter cell more focused on the uber cool gadgets an all - it also fun to play.
I much prefer Splinter Cell. Keeping tabs on a 3 guard patrol through a thin wall/door using the thermal vision and then proceeding to snatch the last of the 3 everytime they pass by. Just awesome :).

Splinter Cell games also have better controls which never feel overwhelming inspite of the sheer number of gadgets and moves.
Whereas Hitman feels too simplified with its context sensitive actions.
saumilsingh said:
I much prefer Splinter Cell. Keeping tabs on a 3 guard patrol through a thin wall/door using the thermal vision and then proceeding to snatch the last of the 3 everytime they pass by. Just awesome :).

Splinter Cell games also have better controls which never feel overwhelming inspite of the sheer number of gadgets and moves.
Whereas Hitman feels too simplified with its context sensitive actions.

splinter cell is very tight game -everything is in tact- kind of rule based game. Hitman is loose- you can poison,you can snipe or you can "kill-em-all"-

Both the series are fun to play at their own merit. I am bit inclined towards those game - where I can play around with the environment,npcs n all and approach the situation in various way.
saumilsingh said:
Splinter Cell games also have better controls which never feel overwhelming inspite of the sheer number of gadgets and moves.
Whereas Hitman feels too simplified with its context sensitive actions.
The thing I hate about Splinter Cell is the complicated way of hacking into things. I vaguely recollect having a lot of trouble with it while playing Chaos theory & it would eventually result in setting off the alarms (on multiple failed attempts I believe). It's overtly stealthy & very slow compared to Hitman. Hitman has a very flamboyant way of presenting everything. You have multiple ways to kill an enemy, ranking system based on your performance, weapon selection, ability to switch clothes (the best feature) etc. This, coupled with amount of detail spent in designing every level, is rather unique in each of it's game, expect for Contracts may be. So I find this rather appealing. :)

Have you played NOLF ?
Just briefly. NOLF 2, to be precise. It was very interesting, but for some reason I can't get around completing it. May be because I have succumbed to the whole "game being dated" thing. :P
Ethan_Hunt said:
The thing I hate about Splinter Cell is the complicated way of hacking into things. I vaguely recollect having a lot of trouble with it while playing Chaos theory & it would eventually result in setting off the alarms (on multiple failed attempts I believe).
Strange, I remember the hacking being extremely easy in Chaos Theory.
i hope they revive No One Lives Forever. NOLF 2 was a gem enjoyed every moment of the game the graphics were brilliant and the gameplay was outstanding ,the game was genuinley funny and had beautifully portrayed charachters and well fleshed out story . no game till today cant match up to its originality and awesomness.aaaa fond memories
ubergeek said:
i hope they revive No One Lives Forever. NOLF 2 was a gem enjoyed every moment of the game the graphics were brilliant and the gameplay was outstanding ,the game was genuinley funny and had beautifully portrayed charachters and well fleshed out story . no game till today cant match up to its originality and awesomness.aaaa fond memories

:hap2: nice to see people here in TE still remember this game
it is a stealth action game during world war II mate also the game is optimized very well that it can run in basic GPU with 512 MB ram ....:D
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