Graphic Cards Very confused between GTX 1060 3GB or 6GB. Need advice

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AMD thrashes Nvidia at DirectX 12 in Battlefield 1

Source: RX 480 dominates GTX 1060 at DX12 in Battlefield 1

Dont take GTA5 into consideration for the latest gen GPUs.

Even my GTX950 gives 60+ fps in GTA5 buddy.

GTA5 does not tax the GPU very much. It is coded or programmed that way.

Take the latest games using present Game engines like Doom, Battlefield 1 and Infinite warfare.

Ashes of Singularity is a DirectX 12 based title but uses or taxes the processor more than the GPU.

In this title AMD GPUs win or thrash nvidia GPUs.

Why left HITMAN? consider that too. Most of them are AMD titles.The point is don't make any conclusion by just reading some random google stuff. AMD is great but 400 series draws too much power also pricing is not good outside usa. Do some more research. Therefore Let the person check both & decide.
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Why left HITMAN? consider that too. Most of them are AMD titles.The point is don't make any conclusion by just reading some random google stuff. AMD is great but 400 series draws too much power also pricing is not good outside usa. Do some more research. Therefore Let the person check both & decide.

Not really. The power difference is at max 20-25W. Also the performance gap between the 1060 6GB and the rx 480 8GB has basically turned on its head with newer titles. From a 10-12% advantage in DX11, the difference is now basically nought and in DX12/Vulkan it is basically a whitewash.
Vulkan is an open source cross platform API. Although it was developed from AMD's Mantle, AMD donated it to the Khronos Group. Nvidia has their own Vulkan implementation, AMD's happen to be better currently.
Vulcan is AMD tech.

That is AMD tech.Temperature reaching 90deg,20-25W more & the pricing.Only xfx is providing better cooling solution now.

Let me tell you - you couldn't be more wrong. AMD donated Mantle which was the starting point of Vulkan. From there on it went on its own path. There were more NVIDIA and Google folks involved in the development of Vulkan than AMD.

PS: I wrote a few CTS tests for Vulkan.
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When every company has a sound knowledge of what that really is then they must have thought something before releasing their products, also they know better than others (people on forum)on how to do business. Thus I had mentioned let the user decide. BTW AMD drivers were bad at first but they are taking care of it.
Not really. The power difference is at max 20-25W. Also the performance gap between the 1060 6GB and the rx 480 8GB has basically turned on its head with newer titles. From a 10-12% advantage in DX11, the difference is now basically nought and in DX12/Vulkan it is basically a whitewash.
Nah, it's no whitewash in DX12. It's still the yo-yo it has always been between these 2 gpus.
And it's still just as meaningless as all tested games already ran at 50-60 or 100+fps on both gpus.

Quantum Break is the only one where it's a meaningful lead with AMD being 20% faster (48fps vs 38fps).

Otherwise I wouldn't stake my decision on 10% more or less performance. 6fps at 60+fps or 10fps at 100+fps isn't a big deal to me.
At that point I start looking at things like pricing and heat dissipation. (Or even superficial stuff like seamless video recording via Shadowplay.)

I was facing the same choice and I went with the GTX1060 simply because my last 2 gpus were AMD heh.
All the available RX480s back then reaching 80c+ was a concern too. Though now there are units with better cooling out there.
i am in middle of buying new graphic card... which one should I buy 1060 6gb or 480 8gb, I won't be playing too much but this will be for my professional production PC....
Yeah, but when you compare it with 1060 otherwise amd has improved over the previous iterations and they are really pushing a lot to bring gtx 1060.
On the other hand if you happen to buy a gtx 1060, evga sc is one of the most quiet card available and nice and compact and for same price tag of 23000
i am in middle of buying new graphic card... which one should I buy 1060 6gb or 480 8gb, I won't be playing too much but this will be for my professional production PC....

rx 480 8GB version would be quite stupid if you are planning to play at only 1080p beacuse u don't need 8GB vram for 1080p ...... if you can find rx 470 4GB for 15-16k that would be good buy and gtx 1060 3GB for 17k no more than that would be good buy rx 480 for 18-18.5k would be a good buy gtx 1060 6GB for 21-22k would be good buy ..... rx 480 8GB is about average 6-7% slower in latest benchmarks in dx11 and 11-12% faster dx12 .

so whichever you can find at good ptice would be good buy imo this gpu war will go on forever as nobody has seen the future.
rx 480 8GB version would be quite stupid if you are planning to play at only 1080p beacuse u don't need 8GB vram for 1080p ...... if you can find rx 470 4GB for 15-16k that would be good buy and gtx 1060 3GB for 17k no more than that would be good buy rx 480 for 18-18.5k would be a good buy gtx 1060 6GB for 21-22k would be good buy ..... rx 480 8GB is about average 6-7% slower in latest benchmarks in dx11 and 11-12% faster dx12 .

so whichever you can find at good ptice would be good buy imo this gpu war will go on forever as nobody has seen the future.
I think with your price range it is almost difficult to purchase any of those graphic card
Do you have any link for any price you quoted????
I am a financial analyst so their will be few Java based applications + few software at the same time
At present I am using gigabyte 610 2gb and it's very slow..
It really shouldn't matter what GPU you have for something as simple as Java. Do you have correct drivers installed?
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