very high dose of Bhaang

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Just thought of sharing, BEWARE OF BHAANG (atleast dont cosnume high quantity, like the mistake made)
Had high dose of Bhaang on this holi festival day and it was VERY VERY DEADLY experience
(probably worst of life). some said, I skipped death luckily.
(person who brought BHAANG, already warned me in morning not to consume excessive)

I got down at around 11 AM to celebrate, had half bottle (around 200 ml) thandai which was pre-mixed with little bhaang.. Didnt felt anything
Uptil 3 PM consumed around 500 ML more and was in a very sweet state (the best part and the limit to be touched).

Finally got hands on entire BHAANG by 3:15 and consumed around 1 tea spoon with half litre thandai (3 of us).
Left for home, took bath and then was still in sweet little state..
Till 4 PM I thought to consume a little more and goto sleep..

I nearly mixed more then then 10 tea-spoons in half glass of thandai.. consumed entire thing in 1 minute..
Nothing happened for first 15 minutes, I thought it will be best to goto sleep, so I hit bed..

Suddenly started feeling very weird and rushed to washroom puked nearly 5-6 times heavily, entire WC was messed with green CRAP.. little blood came out of mouth in end..
Felt little relaxed and then tried to hit bed again.. Then all of sudden felt my mind was working excessively fast.. (death fear).
I was in total maniac situation
Whatever I was seeing, I could see 1000s of visuals appearing in front of me, I could hear each and every voice, can feel/see each and every color.
(too difficult to write in words).

I started crawling in house from drawing room, to bed room to kitchen etc. etc.
State started around 5:30 i guess and lasted till 10 Pm,
Some neighbours who knew the side effects came in to help and suggest to consume excessive lemon water, which helps not to dehydrate body..
Had little vomit again around 7:00 pm where little more blood came out again ..
Around 1 am in nite i had little food and continued same after every hour..

Its too difficult to write in words what happened, but people who were alongwith me were very frightened seeing my state..
Yesterday went to doctor for checkup (cause of blood which came out), it was nothing serious but excessive over-heating of body..

Doctor said, you nearly skipped death.. !!!!!!!

Warning: Dont take excessive bhaang at all, the sweet state is best, but dont go for the high kick..
Will request to delete the topic in somedays, just sharing the worst, which shouldnt happen with anyone.. even accidentally..
isnt it illegal to consume and posses it on person in first place?
Its not, i researched a lot after hallucinations I went with and as people described who saw me..
Consuming bhaang is not illegal..

According to the high court in Chandigarh, confirming the above, bhang is not “cannabis (hemp)” under the act, but it is a “cannabis plant”. Under the restrictions of the law, it's therefore not illegal to consume cannabis leaves, but it is illegal to grow the plant.
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Good experience, be careful next time, unlike alcohol it is difficult to sober down after having too much bhang, also after the sweet period if you are a person like me you can become paranoid
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Oh boy! You went overkill. Moderation is key my friend. If taken properly it gives a very good high and makes you eat like a lion. I guess you took 50 times the dosage required to go from a happy kick to near death experience. Lucky you were at home with friends to help you out. I have heard stories people climbing trees jumping off cliffs and other dangerous stuff. I used to have that thing called Bhola :D
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You over did it. When I first had bhaang , I drank it with badam milk and I didnt get anything. But my friends were like wait for one hour. So we started on bikes and in 20 mins reached home. By that time , people started tripping. We had a good time
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Oh boy! You went overkill. Moderation is key my friend. If taken properly it gives a very good high and makes you eat like a lion. I guess you took 50 times the dosage required to go from a happy kick to near death experience. Lucky you were at home with friends to help you out. I have heard stories people climbing trees jumping off cliffs and other dangerous stuff. I used to have that thing called Bhola :D
This year one girl in my group started crying and another one started to remove clothes. Later found out they had double doses by mistake
You over did it. When I first had bhaang , I drank it with badam milk and I didnt get anything. But my friends were like wait for one hour. So we started on bikes and in 20 mins reached home. By that time , people started tripping. We had a good time
Takes about an hour I remember. People expect quick kick and keep on going then it hits full power :D
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Oh boy! You went overkill. Moderation is key my friend. If taken properly it gives a very good high and makes you eat like a lion. I guess you took 50 times the dosage required to go from a happy kick to near death experience. Lucky you were at home with friends to help you out. I have heard stories people climbing trees jumping off cliffs and other dangerous stuff. I used to have that thing called Bhola :D
You have LEGAL rights, as i went with dosage.
Give me time to yell the HEAVY AFTER EFFECTS.
I wont share a video. (though recorded from a friend).

It was NASTY THING to have over doose of that thing.

Still I am having heavy heat on body *no blood output.

Still in that feelling preovbably.
Oh boy! You went overkill. Moderation is key my friend. If taken properly it gives a very good high and makes you eat like a lion. I guess you took 50 times the dosage required to go from a happy kick to near death experience. Lucky you were at home with friends to help you out. I have heard stories people climbing trees jumping off cliffs and other dangerous stuff. I used to have that thing called Bhola :D
BHOLAAAAA Hahaahha.... Used to cost a rupee for 1 candy. Not used to any psychotropics, with just an expenditure of Rs 2 probably a day used to vanish off my calendar, not to mention the hysterical laughter and fun. Never had a BT but gave up on it, just didn't feel right :sweatsmile:
BHOLAAAAA Hahaahha.... Used to cost a rupee for 1 candy. Not used to any psychotropics, with just an expenditure of Rs 2 probably a day used to vanish off my calendar, not to mention the hysterical laughter and fun. Never had a BT but gave up on it, just didn't feel right :sweatsmile:
:D. I also had a powdered version of it. Milder smoother. Better than regular Bhola. I never did one bhola in one go. Half then after 5 hours another one... memories .. circa 2011.... few months only..
I can't find the powder version now... won't mind doing it again.
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I remember something similar happening to a friend in college hostel days. By 10.30 pm when everyone was almost asleep or settled in bed watching movies or reading stuff, this guy alone was roaming around the corridors loudly laughing and talking to non-existent people.. Suddenly his mood would change and he would start crying. Again he'd go into a hyper state. The cycle kept continuing for more than an hour when some of us got real scared about his health, and took him to an emergency ward.

P.S.: I was with him in the hospital room when his wife (who was studying in a different college and staying in hostel there) visited him the next morning.. Those daggers from her eyes were enough to rid away whatever high was still left in him. It was awkward and funny at the same time.. :P
It was NASTY THING to have over doose of that thing.

Still I am having heavy heat on body *no blood output.

Still in that feelling preovbably.
Your experience has intrigued me :D

Not tried this bhaang before.

I've never tripped on cannabis though even after a bong. Passing out was normal. Magic mushrooms however was quite nice.

So its something to do with the cannabis leaves you had. Some varieties can do it.[DOUBLEPOST=1553628750][/DOUBLEPOST]
I have heard stories people climbing trees jumping off cliffs and other dangerous stuff. I used to have that thing called Bhola :D
This year one girl in my group started crying and another one started to remove clothes. Later found out they had double doses by mistake
That would explain what happened in this article :D[DOUBLEPOST=1553629883][/DOUBLEPOST]
I never did one bhola in one go. Half then after 5 hours another one... memories .. circa 2011.... few months only..
This is best if not used to it. A regular dose would likely send the uninitiated round the bend.
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:D. I also had a powdered version of it. Milder smoother. Better than regular Bhola. I never did one bhola in one go. Half then after 5 hours another one... memories .. circa 2011.... few months only..
I can't find the powder version now... won't mind doing it again.

Guess you mean 'Rasila' :tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy:
Didn't try that but have heard the few smooth AF stories of people going limbless in their imagination.
For me these were 10 years back 2008 and around.

One friend from NE tried it for the first time, stood up, turned towards light bulb, got in attention, saluted and started singing Nanha munha Raahi hoon desh ka sipahi hoon in his broken Hindi and later pleaded us to save him from suffocation. Uffff... The days of sastey nashey :tearsofjoy:
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Rofl. I used to really micro load it. I tried half teaspoon ... Waited for 2 hours ... See how it went then if it was not fun next time it was one teaspoon.. I was very methodical. Being a geek I knew if I go Ninja on it I would have a sad stroy to share of my own lol. It was usually one teaspoon and that would do it. Very mild sustained happy light headed buzz for 4-6 hours. Bhola is too strong. I knew some friends used to compete who can have more etc. Maniacs. It made me hungry too. One thing I must say .. body gets tolerant to it very quickly. After a few week I had to really lay off it because I needed more and more of it to have the same buzz. Same thing with alcohol and mostly all drugs. So I used to "cycle" it like Creatine. This was 2011. Fun days.
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and later pleaded us to save him from suffocation. Uffff...
This stuff is definitely trippy. I remember some one being afraid he would forget how to breathe (!)

This whole colours thing with Holi, makes perfect sense :D
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