[Video Included] Please suggest me a Window AC for my SMALL Room - HALP!

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Hi friends

I am confused a lot

I want to buy a Window AC, but 1 shop suggests I should buy 1 Ton AC, another 0.8 T and so on......

My room is quite small (living in a rented house). Don't know the dimensions, so made a video here: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNNNvbAnwTQ[/media]

Please suggest me what TON AC will be sufficient for this room. My budget is upto 15K, but I am open to suggestions

Also, please suggest me Company and Model Number

Please help


That video does not gives an accurate indication of what your room size is...

Go to a shop and buy a measuring tape(the ones made plastic will be quite cheap).

Post your room dimensions: LxWxH

How many window do you have and size please?

How many wals of the room are exposed to sun/outside weather?

and your location please.

1T and 0.8T wont make much of a differenc, but if you are getting the smaller one for cheap and it suits your location why spend more.
+1 to what Falcon said. Just measure the room size and search in google. You have plenty of sites which guide you on what tonnage to choose.
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