PC Peripherals Viewsonic VA1912W: To Buy or not to Buy


Hi guys,
It's me again. Now I'm getting a bonus at work so I AM DEFINITELY getting a 19 inch LCD this week. But the question now is WHICH ONE?
I was going to order that 940BW today, but I just heard from someone that the VA1912W is cheaper and has better picture quality.

Not the Samsung 940BW... at the recent lan party, Chaos compared the picture quality between the 940BW and ViewSonic VA1912w; the latter was better by a mile (in Chaos' own words) Besides, the VA1912w is 15k.
FROM http://www.techenclave.com/forums/hw-recommendations-for-me-78099.html?highlight=ViewSonic+VA1912w
But look here,
NVIDIA Forums > Fixed aspect ratio scaling problem
Fixed aspect ratio scaling > garbled screen - Page 2 - nV News Forums

Which is a pity, since this monitor seems to have it all! :ashamed:

So Guys, what is your experience? Does it really matter? Have you had problems with games on your widescreen monitors? What kind of problems?
Please do let me know! Theres a small fortune at stake.

Which is better? The 940BW or the VA1912W/WB
Or is there something that I've overlooked? . . .
Hey there Hey_There :D At the recent Bangalore TE meet, a few members compared the 940BW and VA1912w with each other and the VA1912w was much better. Don't even think about the 940BW - they're both the same price however, at 15-15.5k.
i also saw an asus 19 inch wide....looked more slimmer due to its smaller frame..

i wonder how that fares . the price is the same 15-15.5 thou
RiO said:
Hey there Hey_There :D At the recent Bangalore TE meet, a few members compared the 940BW and VA1912w with each other and the VA1912w was much better. Don't even think about the 940BW - they're both the same price however, at 15-15.5k.

well forget the members, what was ur opinion?
I was not around when Choas and a few others did a side-by-side comparison. When I saw both displays separately, they both looked good... they were running different games to, so my opinion could force a bad decision ;)
Smith said:
^^ ur not helping :cry::cry:
i have been scratching my head over n over again n goin totally nuts :p

Read between the lines lol - in simple words, get Viewsonic VA1912w... Sharekhan picked it up last week, ask him if you'd like.
Add this to the equation ... according to all hardware shops I speak to Samsungs after sales service is amongst the BEST here. Check out my recent experience....
I had a problem with my Samsung 740N and I filled in a form in Samsungs site and one of the questions on this form is what day and time do you want the Samsung engineer to come over.... and every time the Samsung man has arrived EXACTLY on time. On my first call the engineer even brought over a new panel to replace the one I had complained about - he did not even want to check the old one but was ready to take my word for it and replace it with an absolutely brand new panel. Its about 6 months since I bought the LCD monitor. Unluckily for me the replacement panel had a defect in it and my bad luck carried on as Samsung did not have any more panels for 2 weeks. I was really pi$$ed by that time and I let Samsung know about that. The moment the new lot of Panels arrived from Delhi I got a call from Samsung that they were sending someone over to replace the Panel. The new Panel has worked fine. But what amazed me is that I have got 2 calls from Samsung enquiring if the new Panel is working to my satisfaction :O - I was also asked on the phone to answer a few questions like - was the Samsung man on time ? Did he satisfy my complaint ? Did he explain to me what the problem had been with the panel ? Was he courteous etc etc ..... Does anyone else give this type of service ?? For me after sales service is a very important factor in decision making - Samsung and APC stand out in this respect.
After sales service is a big factor . but the product itself has to stand on its own sometimes .

for example , some of the thermal cooling kits people buy and hardware that they buy from a different country . what is the garuntee ??
people simply but it because a) a its cheap b) its the best .

for the situation in performance wise , viewsonic imho its the best in the category .

and it too has after sales service at home , 3 years . from HCL .
the replacment on dead pixels is around 3 to 4 dead pixels .

i know some companies that give replacements on a minimum of 6 because they fall under operating range .
Eazy said:
Add this to the equation ... according to all hardware shops I speak to Samsungs after sales service is amongst the BEST here. Check out my recent experience....
I had a problem with my Samsung 740N and I filled in a form in Samsungs site and one of the questions on this form is what day and time do you want the Samsung engineer to come over.... and every time the Samsung man has arrived EXACTLY on time. On my first call the engineer even brought over a new panel to replace the one I had complained about - he did not even want to check the old one but was ready to take my word for it and replace it with an absolutely brand new panel. Its about 6 months since I bought the LCD monitor. Unluckily for me the replacement panel had a defect in it and my bad luck carried on as Samsung did not have any more panels for 2 weeks. I was really pi$$ed by that time and I let Samsung know about that. The moment the new lot of Panels arrived from Delhi I got a call from Samsung that they were sending someone over to replace the Panel. The new Panel has worked fine. But what amazed me is that I have got 2 calls from Samsung enquiring if the new Panel is working to my satisfaction :O - I was also asked on the phone to answer a few questions like - was the Samsung man on time ? Did he satisfy my complaint ? Did he explain to me what the problem had been with the panel ? Was he courteous etc etc ..... Does anyone else give this type of service ?? For me after sales service is a very important factor in decision making - Samsung and APC stand out in this respect.

Ask bottle and his Samsung 173p woes... he has a different story to paint.
SharekhaN said:
After sales service is a big factor . but the product itself has to stand on its own sometimes .

for the situation in performance wise , viewsonic imho its the best in the category .

and it too has after sales service at home , 3 years . from HCL .
the replacment on dead pixels is around 3 to 4 dead pixels .

I saw a 19" 8 bit viewsonic last month (now I understand it is DEAD) and I had to keep lifting my tongue off the floor the whole time I was viewing the screen - it was that good compared to my 6 bit Samsung :eek:hyeah: but I have never seen a 8 bit Samsung LCD so I dont know the difference between the Samsungs and Viewsonics. My experience with Viewsonics is from at least 12 years back when Roop in Mumbai were the only importers and they did the servicing. At that time all the Viewsonics CRT monitors I got for myself and for friends died around 2 years later. They did not last longer in our tropical climate.... I still have my replacement Viewsonic 14" CRT lying on top of my cupboard :) .... but I am sure the newer Viewsonics dont have this problem.

@Chaos I will PM bottle to post in this thread.... would be nice to know what his woes were about. :(

If I have to buy another LCD I will buy only Samsung.
Eazy said:
At that time all the Viewsonics CRT monitors I got for myself and for friends died around 2 years later. They did not last longer in our tropical climate.... I still have my replacement Viewsonic 14" CRT lying on top of my cupboard :) .... but I am sure the newer Viewsonics dont have this problem.

yup... me has been running a viewsonic flat 17 inch CRT for >2 years now... no issues so far(other than the light dimming when i switch it on :ashamed: )
greenhorn said:
... no issues so far(other than the light dimming when i switch it on

If you mean that the room lights dim when you switch the monitor on then you seriously need to have your rooms wiring checked out as they may be too weak for the electric load of the room. :O
Eazy said:
If you mean that the room lights dim when you switch the monitor on then you seriously need to have your rooms wiring checked out as they may be too weak for the electric load of the room. :O

no mate i live in an almost village... I'm far, FAR away from the nearest transformer. same thing happens if i switch on an iron or a heater. and the entire house dims slightly :(
Eazy said:
If you mean that the room lights dim when you switch the monitor on then you seriously need to have your rooms wiring checked out as they may be too weak for the electric load of the room. :O

LOL! same thing happens here :p its even worse when you swich on the AC :(