Virtualization Guide

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I want to run and install variour dos based and win95 based games in my pc.

I want to use m$ virtual pc 2007 or vmware and to emulate a intel p2 machine with win95 & dos installed.please guide
satyanjoy said:
do i need vmware server (free) or workstations(evaluation) ??

You need to buy VMware Workstation full version , if there is a trial you can try that.


VirtualBox is a great freeware.

Link : VirtualBox

Understand how it works via my guide and you can even use virtualbox.
VMware server 2.0 is out, it's pretty nice. I have no use for the workstation feature set and VMWare server works fine for me. Virtualbox doesn't work too well on my machine, but YMMV. At work we run VMWare Server 1.0.3+Centos5 on an 8 core Xeon 8 G of RAM and it runs atleast 9-10 Virtual machines concurrently without a hitch (yet to migrate to ESX).
@viridian: I understand ur requirement which more on business purpose. My purpose is to run some old games for DOS/Win95 on my winxp.Also my pc is too fast to run those old i want to emulate a older hardware with win98 to run them.

@alsiladka: I am also using virtual pc 2007 and able to create n install two virtual pc with msdos n win95 installed. i installed dx8.1 in my win95 vpc and try to run commandos game and facing freezing proble..any advice.also can i specify the hardware for the vpc?

@Quad Master: Have not tried virtualbox yet..will try it. I have no plan to buy a full software..rather i will prefer a free version with limited features.
satyanjoy said:
@alsiladka: I am also using virtual pc 2007 and able to create n install two virtual pc with msdos n win95 installed. i installed dx8.1 in my win95 vpc and try to run commandos game and facing freezing proble..any advice.also can i specify the hardware for the vpc?
Have you enabled the Hardware Virtualisation via the Options in Virtual PC and then after that via the Settings of the individual Virtual PCs? Try that.
If you planning to play the game only, and not use the host OS for that time, then via the settings, also allocate the maximum CPU to the Virtual PC.
alsiladka said:
Have you enabled the Hardware Virtualisation via the Options in Virtual PC and then after that via the Settings of the individual Virtual PCs? Try that.
If you planning to play the game only, and not use the host OS for that time, then via the settings, also allocate the maximum CPU to the Virtual PC.

in my office lappy i got this "Note: Hardware-assisted virtualization is not available on this computer"..wil try this in my home pc where last night i installed win95 n let u know
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