Vista #1 biggest tech disappointment of 2007

I knew it long back that you are here to fight! And as such you are completely taking the wrong meaning out of my posts.I did not once say that it being architecturally different provides an advantage to users.

i m no saint but i second ur opinion pat....v r all here to give our point of views on things and not to fight :) however v shud also look frm the other person's point of view as well...but sometimes things do go out of hand it becomes a war of words.....:S
and the best solution to all this is to forgive and forget :D :eek:hyeah: that's the least v can do i guess...........;)
Hehe..Thats true..This thread has actually turned into Windows V/S Linux V/s OSX thread! Anyways,I am not here to fight at all.I just made a point on what I thought is not good and why,for me atleast,its not good! Thats all!
I actually agree with Pat in saying that UAC is not really for security against malicious apps, or even users. It has nothing to do with that at all. It is actually more for security against vulnerable apps, which can then lead to remote exploits. UAC basically means that any high privileged execution is explicit, rather than implicit. A lot of it will be fixed in the next couple of years, more and more app writers will realize that it is actually easier to not use hard coded paths... and then you'll rarely see such UAC prompts. One thing I've also found useful is the virtual folder feature. It's sorta like the idea of a soft linked folder, but a bit better from what I can tell (it only exists for the current user, on a per user basis). It might help you to organize your files in a way that you never need to use certain restricted locations. Or you can do so in a controlled fashion.

Part of the problem is that the Windows world never enforced the /home concept, even though it existed, unlike *nix where you just don't have write access outside of /home/username

I too would never have cared for UAC, until I saw how easy it was to be compromised by all the crapware floating about... I faced it. There were all sorts of keyloggers on my parents' PC, and I had to format it.
Yep..I am not completely against Vista..There are a few features which are very good and need to be commended..Maybe with SP1, it should become even better..
Party Monger said:
So its u who's talking nonsense, ok?

If you insist.

Contrary to what you might think, I bear no personal grudge against you, and nor do I have the reason to. My judgements have only come about after observing your behaviour on a couple of threads that I have also been a part of. And if you've noticed, on this thread itself, it isn't just me but a number of members who've pointed out what they find wrong in your attitude.

Practise what you preach. If you accuse others of being fanboys, look at yourself first. For example:
lol ya..Expose is cool,, didnt get much time to check it out but it sure did LOOK nice...

Now tell me this: if you don't 'get much time' to check out a basic feature of the Macintosh operating system, how and why should anyone accept your opinion on it? Clearly, you have a tendency to talk big without making much sense.

Your previous two counterposts against me were mostly quotes from other threads and completely lacked substance. My major argument from the beginning was that you cannot compare a game with an operating system. Yet you went on with your bizarre 10-days-versus-a-1000 analogy. Your logic from the start is filled holes primarily consisting of false assumptions. For instance, where did you come up with the it-takes-ten-days-to-complete-a-game figure? It takes a month for me to finish a game. Maybe because I have other things to do in my life, like work?

I am no Leopard fanboy and in all probability I end up using my PC more than I use my mac. At the risk of being repetitive I say once again, know something before you talk about it. There's enough time and space on this forum to give forth your opinion on things. So I suggest you spend your time learning instead of parroting quotes and ignorantly mouthing off lines without thinking.

Finally, and regarding this particular line of yours:
and most certainly not when im not even a part of the conversation

Let me clarify that this is a public forum and any post, discussion or 'conversation' as you choose to call it, is open to any member. If you're going to talk crap in the public domain then be prepared to get flak and face the music.
tracerbullet said:
Contrary to what you might think, I bear no personal grudge against you, and nor do I have the reason to.

Right...keep repeating it...maybe someone will believe u...

tracerbullet said:
if you don't 'get much time' to check out a basic feature of the Macintosh operating system, how and why should anyone accept your opinion on it?

Thank u very much, Im not asking u to accept anything..

Like I said Im smart enough to decide on my own whim wats a basic feature and wats not...If i think Time Machine and some of the newer tech deserve my time den i am free to abide by that..And in confirmance to this, i rightly talked abt only the performance of osx, that i experienced on that mac book...Abt Expose:- I liked wat i saw, even though very briefly...and thats wat i made pretty apparent too..
And if im wrong, there are many knowledgeable members out here to rightly correct me, if they feel the need to do so..

tracerbullet said:
Your previous two counterposts against me were mostly quotes from other threads and completely lacked substance. My major argument from the beginning was that you cannot compare a game with an operating system. Yet you went on with your bizarre 10-days-versus-a-1000 analogy.

There u go, instead of giving an analogy/logic, all u do is use words like "bizzare", "false" etc... and yourself quote past instances..

Even my most "idiotic comparison" has much more logical backing than YOUR monosyllabic trash...

tracerbullet said:
Your logic from the start is filled holes primarily consisting of false assumptions. For instance, where did you come up with the it-takes-ten-days-to-complete-a-game figure? It takes a month for me to finish a game. Maybe because I have other things to do in my life, like work?
party monger said:
.....Now lets take a game like half life 2(excellent game)..An average gamer would play it for 10days at the max....And how long on an average would u use a genuine Operating System???

I was speaking about an average gamer...And watever be your style of playin...All i meant was that an average guy spends way more time on an OS than on a particular game...

tracerbullet said:
I am no Leopard fanboy and in all probability I end up using my PC more than I use my mac. At the risk of being repetitive I say once again, know something before you talk about it. There's enough time and space on this forum to give forth your opinion on things. So I suggest you spend your time learning instead of parroting quotes and ignorantly mouthing off lines without thinking.

With all that I said and proved above...It turns out that ur the "one parroting quotes and ignorantly mouthing off lines without thinking'..So i suggest u urself try the remedy that u so lovingly provided..

tracerbullet said:
Let me clarify that this is a public forum and any post, discussion or 'conversation' as you choose to call it, is open to any member.

Sorry, I didnt mean it to come out the way it did, All i wanted to say is that before u go out and criticise someone's opinion, post ur opinion first and then give other people a chance to explain theirs with respect to yours..

tracerbullet said:
If you're going to talk crap in the public domain then be prepared to get flak and face the music.
Your wisea** comments are the ones that'l face music if they keep coming at the rate that they are coming right now..Especially when they are not even backed up properly...:rofl:
Pat said:
Yep..I am not completely against Vista..There are a few features which are very good and need to be commended..Maybe with SP1, it should become even better..

Exactly my point...Vista is not all that bad....v can't be making fun of the software geeks who worked really hard :S to make this happen...the beauty and the look of Vista is Supreme , only some features of it make it quite bad...but like pat said lets hope the SP 1 is better..:p :hap2:
. Compiz is terrible in that it switches on that stupid window distortion by default (or maybe that was just Fedora core 6), which is the anti-thesis of usability. Drag a window and it compresses and stretches such that you can no longer understand its content until it stabilizes. That sucks. MS did get that right - none of their effects decrease usability. The Alt+Tab is nice (Compiz has similar, no idea about OSX, but I bet it does), and the window switch is OK, but not as good as expose.

Very well .. Ms did right hogging Gb's of ram for that shitty effects isn't it ? that Compiz can do in mere 250 Mb of ram.. and lemme tell you that wobbly windows and compression depends on the options you choose ... It depends on user choice and can be disabled by Compiz Config Settings Manager far as usability is consider except Metissa none OS provide usability effects... Though you can get addicted and can use them efficiently ..
One feature i like abt compiz is the cover flow sorta window changing using alt tab...look really cool...
Not only cover flow Compiz Fusion has something similar to what you call Flip 3d :p Though..

Well Actually I don't wanna post much on this topic . but still here what I think !!!!May be I am wrong do correct me since I haven't used Vista much so please pardon the mistakes that I don't know much bout it !

Considering my self as a new Computer User. lemme accept for an Instance that MS Windows is the best OS !!!! Then I switch to it my knowledge is concerned ... Begin an Ultimate OS its must have everything, Out of the Box after all I am paying a premium price for it .. Isn't it considering I am a "Genuine User" [O.T].."P.S :" Most of the user taking side of Windows here using pirated Windows still they are proud Windows user :lol: .....[/O.T]

Ok I got it in my hand after paying 10-15k :p :p I installed it wait most of the users can't even install it what a pita .. They must come with a easy installer ..I mean the process that boot consisting Licenses Agreement , Partition Editor..after that its easy Baah installing Linux is way easier via Live Cd or without it :p. Now finally I get it somehow.. Now everything went fine. Then what I got a 20-25k PC [ rudimentary Indian PC ] and it took ages for it to boot :( My friend bought a .pdf how disgusting I can't view it out of the box.. one of a fake frnd brought me .rm files damn I can't even watch DBZ oob.. I got to make presentation WTH not even a Presentation Editor. :mad: I got to do C++ again it let me down. and many more..My sis is a Designer[not in really :p] and can't even create and edit as no good editor :|.....I am done now. . this window will make me bankrupt I got to pay for each and every software .. Consider 50k for PS , 5-10k for MS Office [ I am not talking now Open Source don't point towards OOO now its total MS and Commercial ..]......Ahh I forgot the favorite and most ultimate part i.e. Viruses. . I tried free ware they are not good enough being a Te member I opt for Nod32 gosh again I had to pay :p

Why I pay 15k ++++++ lots of money and lots of money for software ..Now you can't say that use Pirated !!! can you ! in case you say I won't :p ,what for should I pay just tell me.. What special I get with windows ? Just for a BIG NO !!!! What for ... its better I buy Mac which got everything or a Linux atleast that has got everything for every1 except drivers of sound , latest graphics drivers in case of ext. card [even windows do not come with pre-installed atleast Linux do come with old atleast ] , and some drivers for old modem /// .. I do agree that 1 has to work a bit since you are new to *nix world ..
Party Monger said:
Right...keep repeating it...maybe someone will believe u...

Thank u very much, Im not asking u to accept anything..

Your wisea** comments are the ones that'l face music if they keep coming at the rate that they are coming right now..Especially when they are not even backed up properly...

Dude, you sound like a cranky kid who's daddy just spanked him for eating too much candy! Anyway, this argument's getting rather tedious so let's just agree to disagree for decorum's sake. Okay? Okay.
tracerbullet said:
Dude, you sound like a cranky kid who's daddy just spanked him for eating too much candy! Anyway, this argument's getting rather tedious so let's just agree to disagree for decorum's sake. Okay? Okay.

N u sound like a man falling short of arguments....:bleh:
Still agree with u, Even i had made up my mind not to reply next time u go on the same road...
Party Monger said:
N u sound like a man falling short of arguments....:bleh:
Still agree with u, Even i had made up my mind not to reply next time u go on the same road...

oh........finally :S ......thank u so offence......:)
Dark Star said:
Very well .. Ms did right hogging Gb's of ram for that shitty effects isn't it ? that Compiz can do in mere 250 Mb of ram.. and lemme tell you that wobbly windows and compression depends on the options you choose ... It depends on user choice and can be disabled by Compiz Config Settings Manager far as usability is consider except Metissa none OS provide usability effects... Though you can get addicted and can use them efficiently ..

i did your whole post but for this part i'll speak :)

dwm.exe eats 50MB max on my pc :p

dwm.exe: One of the new features in Windows Vista is the Desktop Window Manager (DWM). It responsible for the graphical effects such as live window previews and a glass-like frame around windows (Aero Glass), without draining your CPU. A DWM-capable graphics card is required to enable the 3D effects and Aero Glass.

30-35% out of 2GB is mostly used by superfetch which helps a lot & frees the RAM immediately when needed :eek:hyeah:

as for linux you have to learn the os to use it fully :rofl:

vista is like ready made clothes :D

vista vs. osx ended now don't start vista vs. linux as i'm in no mood to search cons & post as my mouse is spoiled ;)
I agree window distortion is a configurable option - notice I mentioned the fact that it was a default. I never said it couldn't be switched off. Defaults should not decrease usability. And window distortion does. dwm.exe doesn't use too much memory, though it may affect you if you are on 512MB of RAM, otherwise no.

As for your presentation making etc arguments, what options do you have on Linux? Open Office? I really did like that at one time, but then I got Office 2003 and then Office 2007. Unfortunately, OO has stood still since then. It is just a little bit too unrefined. The one good thing it does have is the ability to save to a bunch of formats (eps is the one I am talking about). I hear NeoOffice for the Mac is pretty good, but I have never used it, so I can't comment.

What do you mean about not being able to open PDFs? Are you talkinng about Acrobat Reader not being installed by default? I guess that is a somewhat valid complaint, though I will say there is little MS can do about it. They are not allowed to bundle their own PDF reader, and there are a lot of anti-monopoly restrictions which means that they cannot even bundle anyone else's easily.
Yeah..Antitrust rulings against Ms have stopped them from increasing further usablity by adding applications like a pdf reader etc..

Even antivirus companies were scoffing when there was a rumour of an antivirus being packaged wid windows...eventually they rolled out one care separately..and made it pretty basic...
Udit said:
i did your whole post but for this part i'll speak :)

dwm.exe eats 50MB max on my pc :p

dwm.exe: One of the new features in Windows Vista is the Desktop Window Manager (DWM). It responsible for the graphical effects such as live window previews and a glass-like frame around windows (Aero Glass), without draining your CPU. A DWM-capable graphics card is required to enable the 3D effects and Aero Glass.

30-35% out of 2GB is mostly used by superfetch which helps a lot & frees the RAM immediately when needed :eek:hyeah:

as for linux you have to learn the os to use it fully :rofl:

vista is like ready made clothes :D

vista vs. osx ended now don't start vista vs. linux as i'm in no mood to search cons & post as my mouse is spoiled ;)

What you have to learn to double click folders or what ? or what .. Its a myth that Linux is Geeks Os ! Now its user friendly and pretty easy to use :) Well yeah lets end this debate :p
Dark Star said:
What you have to learn to double click folders or what ? or what .. Its a myth that Linux is Geeks Os ! Now its user friendly and pretty easy to use :) Well yeah lets end this debate :p

Are you saying you can configure linux distro without every using terminal window ever????

Unless that happens I dont see linux becoming everyone's home PC os.
Hell its tough enough to even teach some people to use and diagnose Windows properly. Let alone making those people learn Linux, how to install packages, update drivers, configure network, change security parameters.

Its still geeks OS. And the meaning of the word User Friend implies right from the installation to driver updates to hardware configuration and down to end regular day to day use.
The problem in those games is really of APIs and drivers. The Linux philosophy is really one of hating APIs (and ABIs even more). You can use OpenGL's API (and that exists and is supported well) but the drivers are only just now starting... so as a result, you'll find Linux support is sketchy. I don't think that is insurmountable, but it isn't a priority.

Another issue is Linux's real time support. They have RT versions of linux, but they are a wide deviation from the standard kernel, which is anything but real time. Windows makes a better effort at that. There is no pure real time version of Windows (not that I know of anyway), but in general the kernel architecture does pretty good at quick responses to graphical I/O etc..