VOB files not playing properly


hi guys
im not able to play vob files properly on my new machine. ive tried the latest VLC player and the media player classic. the video doesnt come and the audio stutters majorly.
any setting i need to change? wat do i need to check.
you need to check the following:

1. Your video card/onboard graphic chip driver.

2. The codecs installed -- try installing a codec pack -- (e.g K-lite codec pack)

3. The directx files (Try updating)

Hope the above helps.
1. GPU drivers are in place.

2. installed k lite codec with media player classic.

3. directx also in place.

any other possible reasons why things arent working? shud i try using powerdvd perhaps?
Remove and Reinstall You VGA Drivers.

Which OS are you using. IF Windows 7, use the latest 9.8 CATALYST Drivers, since it seems you have RADEON 4850..

mainly if your video card drivers not proper this will occur..
Most VOB files can by tuned into MPEG files just by renaming it with "123.mpg" instead of "123.vob".

Make a copy of the VOB file first, and then see whether the video can be played by changing the extension to mpg.

If it works, then great :)
yest i tried another DVD, which worked just fine. so im guessing maybe thrs a problem with the region and all. will install ANYDVD today and check.
dont think so..DVDs were pretty good. tried a couple of them. i hav a feeling that ANYDVD 'might' resolve my problem. will try tht tonight.
What is the source of your VOB files? Ripped/Copied/Downloaded?

Original DVD's are almost always encrypted, and if you have just copied them to the HDD, then they will not work. You have to use some decrypter to decrypt the VOB's.
metalbandit said:
What is the source of your VOB files? Ripped/Copied/Downloaded?

Original DVD's are almost always encrypted, and if you have just copied them to the HDD, then they will not work. You have to use some decrypter to decrypt the VOB's.

copied...but the thing is tht they worked on my old laptop after i used to copy them. right now they r not workin on my new desktop. the only diference is tht i had ANYDVD installed on my laptop.

PS - tried using dvd decrypter, but it was takin far too long, hence i closed it.

PS2 - @wisecrab: hav already renamed to mpeg and tried in vain