I'm facing an issue here, not sure if there is something wrong with my phone, or is something wrong with my settings
I switched from loop to vodafone due to the same problem
I'm on vodafone 2g and and my internet just doesn't seem stable, it looses connectivity to data services far to often, however my network in this case is full (like i can make calls and receive sms)
Location: Mumbai
Phone: Nexus 5
Can someone please help me figure whats wrong, awaiting your valuable inputs
I switched from loop to vodafone due to the same problem
I'm on vodafone 2g and and my internet just doesn't seem stable, it looses connectivity to data services far to often, however my network in this case is full (like i can make calls and receive sms)
Location: Mumbai
Phone: Nexus 5
Can someone please help me figure whats wrong, awaiting your valuable inputs