Vodafone network woes

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I'm facing an issue here, not sure if there is something wrong with my phone, or is something wrong with my settings
I switched from loop to vodafone due to the same problem
I'm on vodafone 2g and and my internet just doesn't seem stable, it looses connectivity to data services far to often, however my network in this case is full (like i can make calls and receive sms)
Location: Mumbai
Phone: Nexus 5
Can someone please help me figure whats wrong, awaiting your valuable inputs
You can try with deleting the existing APN and creating new. Below are the setting which are working for me without any problem:
APN Name: Vodafone Mobile connect
APN: www
MCC: 404
MNC: 20
APN Type: default, supl
Keep remaining options unchanged/unset. Switch off mobile and switch it on. Enable Mobile data and select newly added APN.
@abhisinalkar done exactly as mentioned, let me see how it works for now

@abhisinalkar isn't that the default apn, already have that mate!

guys are there any settings that shouldn't be changed on android, as those changes would screw up the data service.?
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Everyone gets disconnected during calls dude, u can't call and use data at the same time.
ofcourse that does happen, but that's not my concern.
my findings now is that vodafone 2g is crap, will be switching to 3g soon
At the same place, me and my friend used our phone browser to connect to websites
his browser loaded and mine didn't (similarly with apps like FB, whatsapp etc), only reason being he is on 3g and I'm on 2g
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@kaunkaun: buddy i think its a network isssue. my colleagues are having similar issues. i also use vodafone but i dont have any net plan activated i have a crappy BB 8520.
I've switched on to 3g and all of my issues have been resolved :)
one theory could be that android has too many background services running that must be taking a toll on 2g's inadequate data speed
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Vodafone 2G service is very unoptimized. There is lots of congestion
Switch to 3G it is lot better
Vodafone 3G sucks in NCR. I am paying for 3G since Sept and am not getting proper coverage or speed. Most of the time it keeps running on 2G/E, once in a while it will switch to 3G and give a burst of speed and then again slack. Have got my sim replaced twice, lodged complaint with them several times result zilch
Vodafone 3G sucks in NCR. I am paying for 3G since Sept and am not getting proper coverage or speed. Most of the time it keeps running on 2G/E, once in a while it will switch to 3G and give a burst of speed and then again slack. Have got my sim replaced twice, lodged complaint with them several times result zilch
Same here........need to toggle the data everytime to use the whatsapp/mails.
Just carrying vodafone becoz its my office CUG connection.
Vodafone 3G is good in Pune but in my office area and especially inside building 3G is non existent and 2G crawls or does not work properly.
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