
is it possible to do Windows NET Meeting whiile connected to a VPN.

Please note that, while connected to VPN My IP Address changes i.e., My static IP is 10.x.x.x - I use this IP for Windows NET Meeting. But when I Connect to VPN, My IP Changes to 172.x.x.x -with this IP I cannot access NET Meeting.

I have a single NIC Card, core2duo proc, windows XP SP2
if both vpn server /IP is in same range that of your vpn client pc, they should be reachable.

check firewall blocking.

can you use ultravnc instead of netmeeting ?
No, both are in different IP range(separate DMZs). Ultra VNC is blocked in our network. NetMeeting is the only solution available. Any work arounds ?
Yeah! gave it a shot, but it doesn't work. The moment, i connect with VPN, Both hamachi & Net Meeting disconnects automatically. I'm not able to reconnect them , unless I disconnect the VPN :-(
if you are using hamachi, VPN is not required. hamachi itself functions like VPN.

Because Hamachi in itself is a VPN solution.


You can not have multiple VPN active on client OS, try server OS.

NetMeeting in itself is a VPN (creates a VPN of its own to be precise)
"NetMeeting in itself is a VPN (creates a VPN of its own to be precise)"

I never thought so. Can you pls. explain this part ?


realized it must be windows netmeeting that you guys are talking about.

Mistook it for something else :embarrassed: