i dunno if u gonna go on a roller coaster ride or something but I'll tell u guys exactly what happened.
two days after i got the address here, i asked one of my Hindi speaking friends to call him up and talk to him(no impersonation) just plain talk, that we know where he is having his office and what would happen to the Dealership if a police complaint have been lodged against him. at first he just acted innocent.
so i asked my uncle to take some action, he sent two of his beefed up inspectors to pay a visit to his place and made him pee in his pants it seems.
then after a day he himself called me up. and was asking who talked to me yesterday "why are u doing this to me?" his exact words. i said i've been going through hell because of u for a year and u are asking me why am i doing this to u? just be happy that i still haven't done anything to u at all.
and he began his explanations(the most elaborate I've heard), he has been swindled 2.7lacks by someone it seems and then to compensate that he swindled from people it seems, he got a total amount of 1.2lacks like this he told me(by cheating).
and he asked a weeks time to repay the money. and after a week he called me up and said "In mumbai only 5000 is allowed to be deposited in a SBI account for one month bhai, I'll deposit 5k now and in next 3 months i'll deposit a total of 17k" he said. is it true guys?
then what did i do? got three sbi accounts (my dads, my mums, my friends) so he deposited 15k in a period of 2 weeks. then he asked me for a icici account and deposited 2.1k therefore 17k total.
and now he is calling me up and asking "can u help me find that guy, he took my 2.7k and fled Delhi im at loss here and stuff"
what shall we do. is he lying or something? he actually cried while saying this.
well this is it guys. all tis is possible because of u. thanks again.