Want to buy new monitor for my rig

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Hi Guys,

I am upgrading my RIG so I need some help from the Guru's ...

I am looking to buy a new LCD/LED monitor 22inch, 23inch, 24inch for the budget around 15k.

First Preference is 24inch monitors ...

I have short listed DELL SP2309 ...., Dell Ultrasharp 2209WA, Dell G2410

But having double minds ....

Please Help Me Guys .....

Thank You In Advance ....
What is the primary usage of the rig? Gaming or professional 3D animation etc..

If Gaming go for the Dell G2410. If professional 3D work then go with Dell Ultrasharp 2209WA as it is a e-IPS panel.
DarkAngel said:
What is the primary usage of the rig? Gaming or professional 3D animation etc..
If Gaming go for the Dell G2410. If professional 3D work then go with Dell Ultrasharp 2209WA as it is a e-IPS panel.

My primary usage is GAMING & MOVIES ...

tush said:
Read some good reviews on DELL SP2309. Has HDMI too. Worth buying it as it fits your budget.

Do you know someone from TE who bought this monitor ...
Even I am planning to buy one soon. Was googling for this SP2309 and came accross some good reviews. You can google it and find out.
Wht r the Guru's suggestion for

Alienware 21.5" AW2210 OptX Full HD LCD :)

Come Guys ... Pls help me.... I am looking for a quick buy ....

My cash for my RiG is reducing everyday ...
alienware 21.5 is higly overpriced. Just marketing gimmicks. Get the Dell SP2309 or G2410 as per your preference between quality and screen size.
Dell Ultrasharp 2209WA: G8t for designing. IPS panel. tilt, height adjustable, pivot stand. USB port on side. (Using it now).

DELL SP2309: 2ms response time. tilt, height adjustable stand, USB port and webcam built in. HDMI port. G8t for gaming and video editing

DELL 2410: just a large screen.

For movies and games I would recommend SP2309.
SP 2309 IS indeed a very good monitor with more than full HD resolution and the integrated 2 MP webcam

i was also confused between sp2309 and st2410 finally got the later coz the sp2309 is a glossy panel which didnt suit me coz of my room settings and placement of my monitor and i wud have had tubelight reflections on my screen from behind ,

rest is upto u thats around 2k costlier than ST2410
Hey Guys ....

Got Some Samsung Monitors

1.Samsung SyncMaster F2380M


I am thinking of "Samsung SyncMaster F2380M" so can anybody tell me where to buy this monitor ... In PUNE or MUMBAI ...

Help Me Guys ...

Come on guys Help me locate a dealer In India for this monitor...
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