Laptops Want to date a laptop - Help Needed


Hi All,
I have been using desktop for 10 years now but never have bought a laptop.
Now, I planned to have one as I have disposed off my P-IV CPU at home(10K), Monitor not included :)
My requirements :
No. 1. Surfing Internet : I feel I am a net addict and I just can't stay offline.
No. 2. Watching Movies Online (Youtube) and Offline (DVD or Torrent Downloaded). Need HDMI to connect it to my Sony LCD TV.
No. 3. Playing Games on weekends (I don't want the kid in me to die)
No. 4. MS Office and Accounting Softwares (I forgot that, I am a CA and
at the end of the day I need them too. :)
There are so many wonderful laptops available with so many confusing
combinations(configurations) that a common man like me can never
make a satisfactory purchase. (i feel so)

Some people ends up buying less powerfull machines as compared to their requirements and some end up spending huge money on configurations they may never need.

Before, writing this post I have gone through a lot of forum posts, so have
my eyes on following :

1. SONY - VPCEB14EN (Local store is ready to give at 37500/- + bag)

2. Acer 5740G (Not enquired yet)

3. Dell Studio 15 (i3-350,3GB,320GB 7200RPM, 15.6'WLED, 1GB ATI HD 4570) 48500/- + Bag

4. I will also be happy with an HP. no model finalised yet.

5. Any suggestion from the members is welcome.

# I really want a battery backup of atleat 3 hours, anything less than that sucks, although I don't travel much.
## Further i am too confused with this Graphic card Syndrome.

Moderators, Please delete this post. As I made it on 23rd March. When it didn't came up, I placed another query under the title "Laptop Advice for Novice"

I'm pretty much where you are.
After much research , planning on buying Sony vaio EB-16 , i3-330m, ATI HD 5650. Around 49,990 online, but you should get it for a few grand less from a dealer.
Basically dell for the same price gets you a better processor, i5-430m , but graphics card is way down the chart ( ati 5470). even tho its 1gb don't get fooled , its not as good as a 5650. Of course , this only applies if you'll be playing games. and the difference b/w and i3-330m and i5-430m, tho it exists, is not thaat much.
the sony has a 500gb hard disk vs dell's 320. and tho' dells is 7200rpm and sony's is only 5400rpm, thats better on a laptop cos the more the rpm, the more the heating and wear and tear, and there's not enough real world difference. not worth a 200gb difference anyway.
both have 4gb ram.
Acer 5740g is highly tempting, and i almost went ahead for it, cos it has the best of both, i5-430m, 500gb, 4gb ram, AND Ati 5650.
But ! its acer -
1. overheating problems
2. cheapest motherboard
3. highest failure rate
4. lower build quality

check out these threads on the 5740g:

oh yeah, and did i mention that the vaio has the sexiest of the screens? :p
also it aesthetically the best. quite VFM too.