Completely agree with Ethan
I feel the game is damn good, ppl who felt it was a waste of Money (yes i'd agree to that) but dload.. (BS! get a life, the game aint that bad at all). Infact i liked this game ( i guess a good game based on movie.. sometime reminds of Path Of Neo but that was borring eventually). THe game OST is pretty good, ya the one liners are funny.
Completely a "Cool Dude" attitude while playing when ur playing both, wesley or his father. Env. gfx aint that strong but the models are nicely designed and are good enuff.
Nuthing different from other TPS, but ya curve bullets are awesome add on and its fun to combine em while having a combat. THe quick shoot (anxiety) thing is also damn cool. U can also do gun Flanking which is again helpfull to kill boss at times.
Killing bosses aint tuff.. pretty easy, but ya u need to play with tactics and not just go and shoot the ass. Bulllters are another major thing u need to take care off.. if u run outta it, u only have option to perform knife attack and then take the bullets from enemy. You can perform a knife attack from behind to use the enemy as ur shield. The level with shield gun sux as the shield of those guns are full of junk and are destroyed easily.
Nothing like, this game is pathetic and why did they even bother to make it.. i'd say its BS who ever says that.. the game is good enuff and nice TP.. and most of all its short! its really like u watch the movie (1.5hours) u play its game 3hours! end of story
Also they included a good option.. if u die u get 3 options, Return to main menu, load last checkpoint and main
change difficulty, i feel that feature is very good for those who think of using a trainer to complete a level.. tho this game aint that tuff at all.
There are many stages where u just love the tactics ur supposed to use or the stunt or bullet clashing, etc.. u'll feel just awesome in such scenes.. one of those was the plane stage.. cant explain.. u have to play to experience it. ya the game is short (too sad) and am about to finish it.
Surpirse ahead.. u also get the exact movie scene where Morgan Freeman comes in (end of the movie).. they've made a good effort in modelling the stars in the game.. Morgan Freeman..heh it was cool enuff that my mom suddenly looked at and asked
"hey thz the guy from Bruce Almighty who plays god".. so i guess its pretty cool modelling
Sad part.. Jolie is missing and specially her bathing scene where she gets up from the bath tub and walks with a full back nude scene (movie scene if u know what am talking about) 