Warhammer Online - rant

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Just a rant on the pathetic state of MMORPG gaming in India...

Warhammeronline released last week in north america. Direct2drive has a digital download option available. But its restricted to USA,Canada & Mexico. I used a proxy to try to buy the game, but they do not accept credit cards from India, the same which I use for playing WoW. This after i spent downloading 9.4 GB of the game from torrent, which took like a week on my "superfast" 256 kbps connection :@ .

Then I hear a press release saying that WAR is going to come to Asia. Before I could get my hopes up, it says only to China, Japan, Korea and Macau(freakin macau lol).

Looks like the only option is to get relatives in the US to buy you "gasp" a game with "their" CC and then ship it across to you, or buying it from ebay India in say 2 months from now for an super-inflated price. Steam has no information so far whether they will make it available.

I have played World Of Warcraft for the last 2 years, was hoping to play WAR, as it is less time/dedication intensive due to it being more of RVR/PVP unlike the former.

World's biggest democracy, successful nuclear nation, one of the fastest growing economies, but we still cant buy a damn game online.

Just wanted to vent out, if this post is in violation of any rules, please delete it. If it is on the wrong forum, please move it.

Maybe u should try the european version?

I am currently DL'ing the client and once its done will see if the EU version is available from direct2drive it not i know a place that sells CD-Keys only

Want to try this so bad
Tried directdrive UK. No country restriction, but keep getting transaction error. Think they dont accept India issued CCs.
Ok , i can help you ..

Open this site - Warhammer ONLINE - Offgamers

Pay them by CC , a call is gonna come on your landline and the key is gonna instantly come to your Email Address .

My friend has bought 2 keys from here , AoC and Warhammer Online , both of them were fine .

As you have already downloaded the game you can opt for this method , just get the OG key and start playing :)
It is definitely gonna work :)

You just need to signup , give phone no. , address , cc no. and email address.

Then you're gonna get a call on your landline within 5 minutes , it's an automated call , so it's gonna say a some letters and you gotta remember it / or write it . and write those letters on that site in your ID and you're done :)
Good to see you got the key. Mini review now please.

I have the key but not yet registered due to time constraints
Played the Zealot and Witch Elf to lvl 8. Also read a lot through the forums and here are my comments so far -

(1). All classes can do well in rvr and pve, unlike other games where if you are good at 1, you will suffer in the other.

(2). You can get experience from pve and pvp. For people like me who dont want to pve all the time, i can just logon, queue for rvr and get exp.

(3). Public quests are fun. Its like an area where there are a chain of repeatable quests, which anyone can join in and contribute.

(4). Classic concept of rock->paper->scissors is slightly less significant. Tanks do decent dps. Tanks can kill casters and assasin classes can kill tanks,albeit with a little difficulty which would be tough in other MMORPGs. Class balance isnt perfectly optimized, but wouldn't make sense to make any changes now till characters reach the max level of 40.

(5). The female toons are hawt :ohyeah:

(1). Drivers aren't optimized. I get anywhere between 5-45 fps(more in pve, less in rvr) on my comp which is kinda outdated-
A64 3200+
2GB DDR 400 ram
8600GT 256mb
BSNL 256K UL connection

I say drivers are not optimized, as people with dual 9600 GTsi n SLI are having fps issues. It should get better, but might take a while.
(2). Graphics aren't that great as there is no HDR/Bloom option. WoW looked cartoonish, but looked more lively.

(3). Scenarios are fun if population is equal. Some servers have quick logging time, while others take a while. It should get better as more people buy the game and join up.
Game should get better, but would prolly take a couple months, when lot of people would be at lvl 40 and RVR would get more interesting. Having played DAoC for 2+ years and WoW for 2 years, WAR has been a overall more stable release than the 2. WAR has taken the RVR concept from DAoC and merged it with the good PvE aspects from WoW.

Best part is, there is nothing like, you have to logon at this time and do xx activities. Its a casual game for the casual people, and a hardcore game for the hardcore people. Perfect for people like me, who struggled in WoW due to being unable to allocate 5-6 hrs every day due to work & family :)

From my end, I would say, buy the game, try it for a month, and then take a decision. If you are a pure PvE person who wants to kill monsters all day, this is not the game for you, as some of the best rewards are renown based(from RVR). If you like fighting other human players, its bound to be a lot of fun.

If you wanted a change from WoW..you should have gone for Age of Conan..

WAR kinda sucks..slow gameplay...slow leveling...you are comparing classess at lvl 8...above lvl 20 there is a big difference in classess...its been a week since i opened this game...RvR also isnt very interesting...so i cancelled my subscription...

only thing i like about this game is PQ and Loot system...
Game has been out for less than 2 weeks. Too early to say game is a failure. Mythic made a fantastic game out of DAoC. Considering they build WAR, I can only hope for the best.

I like games based on RVR, which is pretty much non-existant and buggy in AoC.

Yeah levelling is kinda slow, but if everyone reaches lvl 40 within a week, what else is there to do?. My first toon in WoW took 21 days to hit 70, my 3rd toon took 6 days. Game optimization will take time. DAoC didnt have any rvr for the first year, when people were learning. 7 years later, its still going strong.

Yes, classes aren't balanced yet. Only when 100s of people hit 70, Mythic can analyze the classes and make changes. Nerfing classes now will be disastrous.

BTW some of the best moments are when you have 200+ people on both sides fighting it out. Sure its laggy, but the adrenaline rush is different and must be experienced to be believed.

Personally, I will be playing out my full free month and then decide what to do. Game so far has been stress free. I can logon when I want, logoff when i want.
AoC is bugged i agree but with recent patch and efforts of funcom the game is getting back is population..

you took leveling in wrong sense .. it took my toon to get to lvl 80(AoC) in 28 days..but it never felt boring... but in this game getting my toon from 14 to 15 is pain...

AoC only lacks end game content and siege battles... and pvp is much more fun in AoC believe me(despite of unbalanced classess) :P.. for me AoC >>> WAR..
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