Warranty issues with NokiaCare


I have some software issue with my phone which is under warranty so took it to nokia care center.
Before that people advised me a hard reset & then a firmware upgrade since the phones firmware was never updated ever since i bought it. So first i performed a hard reset but same issue persist and using pcsuite & nokia software updater i finally updated to latest version 30 from v11. But still the problem regarding music player and fmtransmitter wasnt solved.
I handed the phone along with the purchase receipt. And explained them the problem. The guy saw in his database and said i have TAMPERED the product code of my phone :mad:wtf? And he showed me the previous date on which i updated the firmware. I agreed that i updated the firmware just to get the problem clear out bcoz many issues get sorted in new firmware. But he said it cannot happen and kept insisting i did something to the phone from a third-party shop & xyz things...:mad::mad: and said that i have void the warranty. He even said the firmware should never be updated using the pc-suite and we should approach them for it.
Even worse. My front panel and keypad got scratchy and so last month i installed new panel on the phone woth 3k. Sometimes i carry the my bike keys and the phone in same jeans pocket, so the new panel too got just a minute scratch at right right side.
The nokia guy said, you have void the warranty coz its also a physical damage to the phone stating it was dropped.:mad::mad: and the panel was installed from outside:mad:wtf? I never ever dropped my cellphone.
OMG such pathetic reasons i was gonna bang that persons head on his table literally. I came home extremely frustrated and researched the net and using NAVIFIRM found this.
It clearly states that there are two types of f'wares for almost many countries.
The f'ware i had before updating had product code 0586839 & after update got changed to 0580634 which void my warranty in his words. It was automatically selected from nokia's side while i was updating the fware. And i have no knowlege or clue regarding this thing.
Now m i at any fault?
How can i rip their a**e* and prove them that i havent dont anything to void the warranty. i wanna teach them lessons and give such illeterates knowledge on this things.
please help me guys.:(

Add of that nokia
Nokia care
Vile parle west.


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Re: Wtf? NokiaCare says warranty void

You already have the proof my friend... What else do you need... Bang the print on their table... And even if they still refuse, use the emoticons that you have used in the post right there...
Re: Wtf? NokiaCare says warranty void

Sorry buddy,if the product code got changed then the warranty is void :(

That is why i download the complete firmware of appropriate region from bluenokia and install it manually using phoenix software.

You can change the product code using some softwares like NSS(nemesis service suite) and then take it to some other nokia care branch ;)
Re: Wtf? NokiaCare says warranty void

hello it wasnt changed by me. It was embedded with new firmware and its not my fault.
Re: Wtf? NokiaCare says warranty void

^^I know that its not your fault(may be nokia updater messed this up) but nokia care wont give warranty for a phone with changed product code, you have to stop thinking in that way and try to change the phones product code to its original product code using softwares.

ps: i am not a nokia rep, so keep your attitude/tone in check.
Re: Wtf? NokiaCare says warranty void

ashish said:
hello it wasnt changed by me. It was embedded with new firmware and its not my fault.
If you downloaded the firmware from the official India website then it is no way your fault. I would say that it isn't your fault even if you accidentally downloaded the firmware from another official Nokia site. I'll pass on Nokia's corporate communications contact to you. Send them a mail and explain your problem. They should help you work it out.
Re: Wtf? NokiaCare says warranty void

tracerbullet said:
If you downloaded the firmware from the official India website then it is no way your fault. I would say that it isn't your fault even if you accidentally downloaded the firmware from another official Nokia site. I'll pass on Nokia's corporate communications contact to you. Send them a mail and explain your problem. They should help you work it out.
thanx Mr. tracerbullet
i was looking for such valuable answer.
please pass on the details. You can pm or post them here :)
@RS4 i dint show any attitude and its not time to do something like that.
Re: Wtf? NokiaCare says warranty void

Gaurish said:
Just change the product code to what it was before and take it other nokia care center
No we cant. It wont help mate.
Because i came to know now, nokia maintains a database for every valid handset which is stored at their sides in our imie forlder, thats what i was shown yesterday the complete details of my handset that when i tried to update and when not and even i was very shocked viewing the same. So when we update the firmware via nokia software updater, nokia sends the firmware update info as on what date/time and which firmware was updated incl. its product code.
So nokia guys will go as per the database reports.
Re: Wtf? NokiaCare says warranty void

ashish said:
No we cant. It wont help mate.
Because i came to know now, nokia maintains a database for every valid handset which is stored at their sides in our imie forlder, thats what i was shown yesterday the complete details of my handset that when i tried to update and when not and even i was very shocked viewing the same. So when we update the firmware via nokia software updater, nokia sends the firmware update info as on what date/time and which firmware was updated incl. its product code.
So nokia guys will go as per the database reports.
Then contacting nokia via email is the only option i guess, which nokia model is that? i think Dhruv aka TE mobile guru can help regarding software issues with nokia phones.
Re: Wtf? NokiaCare says warranty void

Which Phone you have?

ashish said:
No we cant. It wont help mate.

Because i came to know now, nokia maintains a database for every valid handset which is stored at their sides in our imie forlder, thats what i was shown yesterday the complete details of my handset that when i tried to update and when not and even i was very shocked viewing the same. So when we update the firmware via nokia software updater, nokia sends the firmware update info as on what date/time and which firmware was updated incl. its product code.

So nokia guys will go as per the database reports.
I have updated my phone several times and product code never changed after the update.
Re: Wtf? NokiaCare says warranty void

Actually its not my but ronits cell. He has net issues so asked me to post this issue he faced yesterday. Feeling sorry for him though.
He requested me to post this issue asap and to keep a watch coz he is having some net issues in his colony.
Re: Wtf? NokiaCare says warranty void

^ I changed my cell phone product code many times and changed back to original before handing over to Nokia Care. Never faced issues like this.
Re: Wtf? NokiaCare says warranty void

The Product Code change even after an Official FW Update is scary... :O

I never heard of this happening before.

As for the Panel Change, you should have done it at a Nokia Care Center as opening of the phone by any non Nokia service station voids warranty.

So, in any case, your warranty is void now. :(
Re: Wtf? NokiaCare says warranty void

agreed but the panel was changed at authorised nokia dealer shop which sells nokia phones and accessories.
and yes the product code changing automatically is indeed a very scary thing.
hi all guys thanks everybody & esp thanks to ashish on opening a query on my behalf :)

Got some internet issues in my place so still cant say how long it'll be stable.

Coming to the point, yes as you all suggested i changed the Product code myself to the original one and went to another service center where they accepted the phone & and when checked physically they dint bother about the silly scratch which is common by any mobile user. :)

But still i'm in tension, if they found i have tampered the code. :( and then further refuse to work on it.

On the job sheet they did mention the original product code which i have installed but still fingers crossed.
@ all ... i sold this phone to ronit :) well the panel is original ... no doubt in that at all...the nokia care centre ppl @ hyd are ready to vouch for that ... and regarding product code change..i just updated it via nokia software updater 0_o whats wrong in updating a phone b4 selling it off :( .. i never thought my updating would cause u so many problems...isnt updating from nokia suite legal??? then y the hell nokia provides nokia pc suite or ovi suite cd's...ronit go bash those guys re
Even though am not very old to TE but I can vouch for this guy here .. He is a trustworthy guy and about the product code and stuff .I can help you out ...first and foremost rule Nokia Updater sucks :) . I can help on this if the guys tell that the product code is faulty
Finally got my cell from nokia care.:clap: Problem was sorted and they dint do any drama like the previous nokia care Vile parle,Fones4 U, Irla,:mad: which sucks big time.

Last year they even tried to dupe my bro too. His 6500 under warranty had some 2.5mm jack issues and was told by them that extra components soldered to the board arent covered under warranty and you need to pay for getting it repaired/replaced. WTF :S

This was a really cheap and pathetic reasons i ever heard. Would expect such from rashi but nokia went beyond them.

The other nokia care said its all bullshit and wrong. And they replaced that part free that too within 2days.

I have filed a complaint with the nokia about Vile Parle , lets see what happens.
Nokia's service centers are just looters... I had a problem with my E 52 not switching on, but these guys told me that the problem was because the phones mainboard was bent and quoted an insane price for the repair (allegedly I had opened my phone)... got it checked and only the power button had to replaced...