tarun said:I am also on a lookout to buy one. I also saw a new model named "Sport" which looked good too. The dealer quoted me 24k for the "Sport" model and 25.5K for SUD701. He mentioned that "Sport" is a better/new model as compared to SUD701. I am really in doubt which one to go for. Is SUD701 really that good? I understand from the previous replies that the build quality of SUD701 is better. But what about other features? How does it compare to it's counterparts IFB/LG/Samsung? All the dealers which I talk to praise only about IFB for front loading.
Here is the link to SUD701:
Whirlpool India
well i was also initialy thinking of IFB but after looking at various showrooms and talking to users and the fact their own IFB technical team told me to stay away from their DIGITAL series of washing machines and their top loading models.
initialy for the untrained eye u wont spot the difference b/w various manufactures but when u realy start to look and compare, not by seeing or hearing the brochure ,sales person junk etc i mean u realy start looking at the washing machine u will notice the poor build quality of IFB,the plastic they use are cheap,their most top end model that has a electronic door release button is non functional i.e button pops out, 3 out of 5 places that had this washing machine had this issue.since the IFB technical team told not to go for the digital series,i taught i would check out the analog series and in that too the analog rotary selection switch were non functional,the door gasket uses in all of their washing machine are of poor quality,door latch is a joke ,overall poor fit and finish.
if u dont belive me check out this model Whirlpool India its the cheapest front loading model in whirpool india cost about 16k street price, just check out the door how it closes,latches,hinges and compare it to this model Product: SENATOR 6KG this is IFB 6kg model that cost about 24k street price compare its door latches,look at the gap even though the door is closed.
samsung washing machines are better then IFB ,lg is again better then IFB,but they still dont match the build quality if whirlpool front loading one especialy the SUD701
as far as the features of whirlpool its better then or equal to any IFB washing machine,and is smarter thanks to its 6th sense tech.
as far as the sport model well i havent seen that but amitnoida saw both and he went for the SUD 701,the price difference aint much so better to go for the SUD 701 it is the companies flagship model ,similar ones can be found in europe,US,HK etc besides u can even order some spare parts online from US stores.