Wat's Ur Educational Qualification?

MSc. in Mathematics and Computing from IIT Guwahati.

BSc prior to that - in Maths of course.

(so I earned my 'username' / www alias.

now a part of great indian IT crowd.
#red dragon What is the difference between both ?

Clinical medicine deals with patients,the usual doctors we see in clinics,hospitals.

Community medicine deals with community as a whole,not individuals.

It mostly deals with disease epidemiology.

Community medicine people earn a lot less compared to their clinical counterparts.
MDS (Oral Pathology)

#red dragon Just like you, I opted for a non clinical branch even though I had other (clinical) options. The reason being my love for pathology. To this day, I have never regretted the decision.
BSC (Computer Science) Mumbai Univ

AMIE/Btech - Institution of Engineers India (Computer Science)

Degree in music from the royal school of music london (which has not helped me in anyway and is useless)
B. Tech - Mechanical Engineering 2004-08

Don't have any plans of doing an MS, MBA as of now. May do an MBA later if my present degree turns out to be some sort of bottleneck or something. Would definitely prefer experience in the technical field.

#red dragon

dont hide your riches behind subject of Community Medicine, as now a days people earn as good as general medicine folks
nice to catch one more tech addicted medico wandering here.
B.E. (EXTC) from Mumbai University

Advanced Diploma in Embedded Real-Time Systems from Thinklabs( IIT Bombay ).....

Currently working as Embedded Software Engineer in an Automotive MNC....