Depends on what you want really. If you're looking for the cheapest option, go for the elements. For example, i bought one to use with the wdtv, since it wasn't going to be carried around much in a pocket, but would be moved from wdtv to pc occasionally, which is why i didn't get a mybook with the power adapter. If you want a slim, sleek drive (fingerprint magnet though!) go for the passport - fits very well in the pocket. If you're tired of hearing wd this, wd that, go for transcend !

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tech_bot said:
@Julian please confirm if you receive the USB 3.0 drive.
Just received the drive. It is a my passport essential 500gb with USB3.0. The packaging was pathetic. It was the regular wd passport box, which is not designed for courier handling, tossed into a huge homeshop18 tamper-proof plastic bag without any padding like bubble-wrap. the box itself was a bit crumpled and the seal sticker on the top seemed damaged a bit, but that didn't appear opened. what did though, was the bottom of the box. the box flaps at the bottom were damaged, indicating that it was opened. The drive has a scuff mark on the side near the led and a light long patch at the bottom. This might have been due to movement in the packaging, maybe not due to use. Did a surface scan, appears ok. Taking into account the long 10 calendar day delivery time (i had ordered on the 18th) and the pathetic packaging, i would not order from homeshop18 again, whatever the discount. Heck, i coulda got it for 90 bucks more at letsbuy, who deliver in like 2 days flat with excellent packaging.
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edit: it's probably the seller's fault (suman enterprises, delhi), but i would still hold homeshop18 responsible.