PC Peripherals Webcam related help required


I dont know where to post this, so posting it in general section.:( Can somebody tell me a good software to take timed snapshots with webcam. I have an intex night vision webcam. The bundled software is useless. It only allows to record avi video. I cannot take timed or cyclic snap shots with it. So is there a 3rd party doftware that can be used to take snapshots. Pleeease pleease help me.
That microsoft software is not utilizing the full potential of the cam. :( it takes snaps at 320x240 resolution and resizes it. And the quality suffers badly. :( The software that came with the cam takes good pics at higher resolutions but it does not allow timed snapshots. :(

Also, if i want to buy a new webcam from a better comapny, which one will u suggest? i want to take atleast 800x600 resolution pics or higher with it and atleast 640x480 resolution video recording at 30 fps. which one shoudl i buy? :)