weird gaming news.

FOund this on Gamespot:

GTA linked to homicide in Japan
Game industry suffers more troubles as a 15-year-old accused killer is reported to be a fan of Grand Theft Auto III.

TOKYO--Japan was shocked this week by an incident where a 15-year-old boy has allegedly murdered his parents, by battering them and then slashing them to death. He then concealed his crime by blowing up their Tokyo apartment, using home-made explosives.

Today, some media outlets are reporting that the boy's schoolmates have described him as an average student who loved playing video games, and that he was a fan of Grand Theft Auto III.

The boy was arrested yesterday at a hot springs resort in Gunma prefecture. According to police, the boy admitted to his crime when confronted, reportedly saying, "I wanted to kill my father since he made a fool out of me. I decided to kill my mother as well, since she was always saying that she wanted to die because of all the work she had to do. I felt sorry for her."

Grand Theft Auto III's Japanese publisher, Capcom--and the entire Japanese game industry--have been facing an onslaught of criticism recently, primarily in Kanagawa prefecture where the local government has decided to put age restrictions on the sale of the game.

By Hirohiko Niizumi -- GameSpot
POSTED: 06/22/05 06:28 PM PST

This is really funny:
SCE finds pornographic UMDs "utterly undesirable"
Sony's gaming division publicly states its objection toward adult films formatted for the PSP.

TOKYO--Sony's PSP will be getting its first lineup of adult videos in just one month. But while some male PSP owners may be rejoicing, Sony Computer Entertainment is frowning. The company recently told Japanese newspaper Asahi Shinbun that adult UMD videos for the PSP, a gaming device aimed at child audiences, as well as adult ones, are "utterly undesirable, but we cannot stop software makers from selling such videos."

As GameSpot reported earlier, two adult-content publishers, Glay'z and H.M.P., will be releasing a total of seven adult videos on Universal Media Disc for the PSP starting in July. Asahi Shinbun reports that several other companies are ready to follow suit.

Though software releases for the PSP are subject to approval from Sony Computer Entertainment, Sony's gaming division does not hold sway over movies released for the device.

Some consumers are questioning Sony's decision to accept material from adult-content publishers, while others surmise the company has learned from the war between Betamax and VHS that adult-oriented movies can significantly affect the expansion of a new media format. In fact, one of the reasons for the failure of the Betamax format was the explosion of adult movies on VHS, as adult movies were not given production clearance in Sony's Betamax format.

But for Sony Computer Entertainment, adult videos have come to the PSP at a very bad time. Regional Japanese governments are currently keeping a strict eye on extreme content in games ever since the Kanagawa prefecture designated Grand Theft Auto 3 as a "harmful publication" due to its violence. Prefecture officials went on to ban sales of the game to minors. The prefecture of Saitama and prefecture of Osaka--the latter of which ironically happens to be the home of Japan's GTA3 publisher, Capcom--are also considering prohibiting the game's sale to minors. With movements toward gaming restrictions on the rise, a handheld gaming machine that can also play adult content may not be taken too well by regional Japanese governments.

By Hirohiko Niizumi -- GameSpot
POSTED: 06/17/05 03:49 PM PST

Imagine porn on the go :rofl:

the first story is sad and a serious issue which the governments and people are ignoring when selling games to under 18's and allowing children to play violent games in cybercafes. I have seen personally here in mumbai in 1 cybercafe , 2 kids fighting when one used a sniper when they were supposed to be playing some pistol only game ( CS ) .
Also i had read somewhere , one person killed the other when he sold of some rare virtual weapon in an online game ( japn i think ).
lol, I must have read half a dozen stories like this, the accused were usally fans of GTA series and Manhunt(some dude wanted to see how it wud be if he choked some1 to death with a plastic bag, like in the game)...It's just far fetched, honestly the games arent to be blamed, if that was the case I think movies are to be blamed on a larger extent...
However, there was a small news item in the International Section of yesterday's Times of India, hidden away in some corner that said a 12 year boy in Russia played *shooter games* at a local computer club for as many as 12 hours a day, he used to go home only for food and sleep, he's been doing it since his vacations started, thats like a month or so ago and he died of brain haemorrhage...
Ho0ligaN said:
lol, I must have read half a dozen stories like this, the accused were usally fans of GTA series and Manhunt(some dude wanted to see how it wud be if he choked some1 to death with a plastic bag, like in the game)...It's just far fetched, honestly the games arent to be blamed, if that was the case I think movies are to be blamed on a larger extent...

you got it wrong , games are to be blamed for all these incidents. you only said about how some dude wanted to see how it wud be if he choked some1 to death with a plastic bag, like in the game . Games have much more impact as you are the character playing it for hours compared to a movie hero who is a different person and more likely exposure to a movie is limited compared to easy acccesibilty to video games.
I've been playing violent games since I was 7 and I can safely say that I haven't strangulated, kinfed, shot anyone nor run 'em over with a car or a bike. Thing is that these 'morons' who 'act' out certain 'impressionable' scenes from certain 'violent' games are in some way or another 'mentally' challenged. Just check out the idiot's excuse:

"I wanted to kill my father since he made a fool out of me. I decided to kill my mother as well, since she was always saying that she wanted to die because of all the work she had to do. I felt sorry for her."

How can anyone possibly blame this on games? Some dude goes into a police station and caps some cops in the head and goes "life's a game" CLEARLY has some brain malfunction.
puns said:
you got it wrong , games are to be blamed for all these incidents. you only said about how some dude wanted to see how it wud be if he choked some1 to death with a plastic bag, like in the game . Games have much more impact as you are the character playing it for hours compared to a movie hero who is a different person and more likely exposure to a movie is limited compared to easy acccesibilty to video games.
Hello, anybody can amass 100 bucks and go watch movies, sure you can go to cyber cafes, but I dont think there are more cyber cafes than theatres, or for that matter a cyber cafe can fit in a max of 25 ppl at a time. I am not telling that games arent to be blamed. All I am saying is if you go as far and say games make ppl go violent, u shud *hold* movies and TV serials responsible too(on a larger scale)...My POV is Mentally insecure/weak ppl do these kind of weird things and games/movies aernt to be blamed for them. Games are games and Movies are movies, they arent to be held responsible for what some jerk did in some corner of the world, the *jerk* himself is responsible for what he did. Theres no point in bringing out points like "He was a fan of such and such a game", who cares what his taste of games/movies/songs were...
Well! My studies are being affected nowadays . dont know if because of the games or something else. need advice. any psychiatrists here.
^ yea that's already ben posted.

And i think their parents and the kids itselft are to blame, not the games. The games are ESRB rated - E for Everyone, M for Mature. All GTA games, including all horror/thriller games are 'M' rated and parents should make sure their kids should not be getting it, why would they want their kids doing the pimping missions or picking up and paying hookers after they they do their 'work' ?
My younger bro has been playing games like Resident Evil, Silent Hill and GTA since the age of 10, just like many otherk kids do, do all of them go out and kill pedestrians ?? Only the ones who aren't taken care of commit these wierd crimes which then the games get the blames.