This is the last time, I am going to reply to this thread. You seem to be off your rocker. You have come with a query to a problem, and you are just not listening. Please see my responses below. Hope it shows some enlightenment to you.
Daedelus said:
-- using the 4-pin to 6-pin converter that came bundled with the card.
Try to use the 2 molex to 6 PCI.E converter. Better load distribution.
Daedelus said:
-- card has a dual slot cooler (black fan-blades/silver-head)
We know this.
Daedelus said:
-- some1 pls explain me the diff b/w the 450w PSU that i have and the corsair 450W one. Advantage and Dis-Adv
The Corsair 450W is certified/tested to supply constant ripple free power at specific loads till a specific temperature. I think it is around 50C. End of the day Corsair is a much better company, and makes some of the best PSUs in the world. Its a sure shot no-worry game when using this. Try to understand. You are using a GPU which is extremely power hungry. It is just not another RAM stick or HDD in the system. IT IS THE, most power hungry component in your system. Even more than the CPU. At full load it will probably consume 120-130W. That is a lot of power. When GPUs of these types are mounted, you move to a completely different league vs. a generic workstation system.
Daedelus said:
-- my nv 6600Gt died .. so i purchased this card. W8ing till the cpu market settles with the new i5 entries. wondering what comeback AMD will respond with....
What has this got to do with your issue and/or this thread.
Daedelus said:
-- if it were my PSU issue my pc wont start OR one of my 2-hdd's/dvd writer wont get detected
No, this is an absolutely incorrect assumption. Your system 'could' have a PSU problem, and it would start each time perfect. Slowly over time, the PSU will start to deteriorate, and this problem will propagate to the rest of the system. What you get: component over heat --> component melt --> component burn out. Bye bye system. When you start to game, it is then when the system will be stressed, and the PSU will be really tested for true integrity. But how will you know, something is wrong. You will never, till it has happened. That is the problem with PSUs, there is no fail safe to tell the user that a problem is occurring. That is why, we all here are so cautious and play super safe regarding PSUs.
Daedelus said:
Even i thgt it was the psu issue... so i ran RE5 benchmark (full high settings). Kept the fan speed as 70% and monitored the GPU-load,temp,core and mem clocks.....(which were all at 100% load) for 2-3 hrs and STILL the PC DIDNT FREEZE. So i cancelled "PSU issue" from my list.
System will not freeze due to low power. It will start to shut-down, not start games, burn out. Your diagnostic methodology here is incorrect. Your issue seems like a heat issue, or a genuine bad card.
I had recommended to cross reference temperatures using Riva Tuner...?
Daedelus said:
The weird this is that I HAVE TO KEEP THE FAN SPEED TO 70% !
Heating issue. You have the answer in front of you.
Daedelus said:
Endangering ..... how so ?
isn't 450W enough ? :huh:
450W is just right, but the device you are using to provide that 450W is not correct. Its not about the watt rating, its the quality. Let me put it plain and simple for you. You go to a shop, buy 2 kgs of sugar, and 2 kgs of rice. Now the shop keeper gives you the goods in: A. A paper bag, or B. A plastic bag. Both (A) and (B) will perfectly accommodate the 4 kgs of food. But which will hold up longer, which is more sturdy..? Your PSU is a paper bag, it is doing the job, but you never know, when it will rip open..!
Daedelus said:
buying that would seriously burn a hole.....
rather buy a 1tb hdd
As you wish. And have a 'bigger' hole, when your PSU burns out, so does the GPU, and the futuristic 1 TB HDD.
Daedelus said:
I'm wondering to RMA the card..... but it happened since the first day of use itself has surprised me.....
Neways i wasn't going to go for the corsair PSU since its obviously gonna burn a hole in my pocket.
But im scared of giving it for RMA........ my experience while RMA'ing ne product is BAD @!!!!!
It goes for WEEKS..... last i sent my ASUS A8nE board for rma (forgot the issue) ... it came back to me AFTER 45 DAYS !!!!! WTF !!!!!
I called up rahul from ITwares he told me that the sapphire guys should take 4-5 WORKING DAYS for replacement.......that means 2 weeks OF DOWNTIME !!!! Shya.....
Could there be ne other problem (besides the busted temp sensor ?)..... cos i cant do without a PC !!! :no::no:
This is something, we have to live with. No use whining and crying about it here. If you got a bad component, bad luck. RMA it, and make do with what you have, and wait it out. We all do. Why the heck, you think we all are advising you PSU change, cause next time it will not be RMA for you, it will be new purchase. Check your temperature sensors, remount the card, reinstall the card. You have a long way to go before you RMA. But do get a new PSU, irrespective off RMA or not.
Try not to post using SMS language. Looks extremely juvenile and unprofessional.
nitant said:
Ohh for gods sake is everyone here blind, illiterate, or is this forum sponsored by Corsair PSU's??
Every post says PSU, even when the guy says it works fine at 70% fan-speed. Shouldn't that take more electricity than 50% for f*cks sake.
I would recommend
1) RMA the card
2) Clean HS and reapply thermal paste
3) Monitor temps with an external solution
It could be that either your temp sensor is somehow busted or that some other component in your GFX card has become extremely sensitive to heat.
Ohh and dont listen to PPL advocating PSU upgrades. A Powersafe 400W is quite good. I have 4870 running on a Seasonic 380W.
A. Do not use such foul language in here. Even we all know how to swear, but do not. We have civic sense, and this is not the forum for it. Nor are we your chat buddies, to tolerate such stuff.
B. We are not Blind cause we all are typing using screens and keyboard.
C. We are not illiterate cause we are all using plain and simple english.
D. This forum is totally unbiased towards computer hardware companies. We all are recommending a better PSU, cause we can 'see' the OP running towards a certain disaster.
E. If you are going to relate the fan speed of a GPU cores HSF to a PSUs power consumption, then I can relate the flutter of a birds wing in Timbaktoo to the weather in New Delhi. Please.
Yes, his temperature sensors could have and issue, or some GPU ram module, or component is sensitive to heat. He has to cross reference, and reach a conclusion. It would not be good idea to open the card, he might be able to RMA successfully still, if its a genuine card issue. Also a Powersafe <> Seasonics.