Went on a date with a femisnist, things went downhill. Lol

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Full convo or GTFO.
You definitely said/did more than that to piss her off. Come on, show us screenshots where you ask for bob & vagene ;)
Nope, not at all. Else she would have mentioned it ofcourse. She was just a hippocrite, thats all. The whatsapp convos are now deleted however if one can get them from old database tell me how as i guess phone stores them. I dont wanna rewrite current db and no need to prove to anyone. You can have her number and ask yourself.
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I think you're mixing up being a bad person with being a feminist. There are plenty of male freeloaders too man. I've personally seen a lot of the latter. You expect a feminist to be some version of godly ethical person. They have their flaws too. Like any other, there are good and bad people both who identify as feminists.

No, you are mixing up equality proponents with feminists. They are not the same thing. Equality of gender, race, color, caste etc are an ideology. Feminism today is a political movement that has nothing to do with gender equality.

Good and free thinking people (men or women) with ideologies like that will ever associate themselves with groups or labels like that. Strong Ideologists (be the ideology good or bad) are always individual and independent. They will practice their ideology independently without caring who it aligns with and not. A woman who strongly believes in equality of gender would never describe themselves as a feminist just like a person who believes in equality of race would never associate with an inherently race centered political group or its label. Associating with a group like that means that you are are willing to accept and and represent all of their agenda and you would be willing to change your ideology to fit that agenda.

When a feminist sees that the women is wrong and the man is the victim in situation, they will still take the side of the woman because that is their core agenda. You can see this quite well when all the feminist "role models" banded together to defend a girl who made false rape accusations against a innocent male classmate and sent him to jail for several years of his life just because she wanted an excuse to give for going home late and stuck with the story because she saw that she could make a couple of million by suing the school and when the truth came out and the guy was finally released from from prison with this life already ruined, they still portray the girl as the victim. They said that asking for this girl to be punished just for just making a false rape accusation and sending a man to jail is just as criminal as rape itself. Some of the more crazier ones said even said that the guy is responsible for causing her mental suffering because she sent him to jail with a lie.

A woman who truly believes in equality will not stand for it and will defend a victim whether its a man or woman.

Only argument I agree with is that they want to be "more equal". Yeah, they basically want affirmative action. The world is stacked in favour of men. I don't need to tell you that. For women to feel secure in traditional male dominated place, they would need more affirmative action. Cause men have other males to mentor or guide them. And there's a variety of them to pick from. For women there are none or very few to begin with. If you try to understand the point, you would.

You should look up what "more equal" means. What feminists want is a selective role reversal, not equality. They want to be more privileged than men when its beneficial for them, but selectively want to be treated as oppressed, again when that is more suitable. There is no mentor-ship to be had by associating with such a group. Only brainwashing to fit their own agenda.
When a feminist sees that the women is wrong and the man is the victim in situation, they will still take the side of the woman because that is their core agenda.
Ummm no. Either you have met some shitty feminists (i have met some too) or you just dont like the idea of women standing up for themselves. I can assure you there's plenty of feminists out there who arent afraid to call a spade a spade.
Just out of curiosity, is it you labeling these women you met as feminists based on your own perceptions or do they actively claim that they are feminists? No person self identifies with a group label unless their ideology itself is malleable to suit the groups agenda. Given what the most vocal feminist role models have to say, no sane women with intent of practicing equality will self identify as a feminist.

The feminist movement demands that every one who identifies as part of their group, defend women at all costs even women are grossly in the wrong. Any one who doesn't comply with that is called out, vilified and evicted from being considered as feminists. They also regularly attack any women who defend men when the women are in the wrong. As I pointed out repeatedly, Feminism is not an ideology. It is a political movement and practiced more like politics or religion. It does not matter what is right or wrong in your own mind.
The feminist movement demands that every one who identifies as part of their group, defend women at all costs even women are grossly in the wrong.
Please provide a source for all these accusations.

They also regularly attack any women who defend men when the women are in the wrong.
Source for this? Examples of this regularly happening?

As I pointed out repeatedly, Feminism is not an ideology. It is a political movement and practiced more like politics or religion. It does not matter what is right or wrong in your own mind.
I think you label it as such cause it makes it much easier for you to think less of feminism if you consider it a typical political movement. To be honest, any movement among humans to change the way society works will be political. But you don't mean it as such. You would love to reduce it to brain dead practices of religion, cause it helps you reject it completely with just anecdotes rather than serious thought or even having any idea about it.

I implore you to read more.
LOL, this is indeed the soap opera thread.

Son, there is no equality between men and women. There is a reason why you went on a date, otherwise you already have plenty of male friends ... right?
A woman who talks about chivalry, and gifts and favors from men knows this. No matter what they speak.
Anyway, you already knew that women think/feel something else and speak something else.
Yeah its all water under the bridge now. I am now dating this Japanese chick :p
Ummm no. Either you have met some shitty feminists (i have met some too) or you just dont like the idea of women standing up for themselves. I can assure you there's plenty of feminists out there who arent afraid to call a spade a spade.
Like there are good people and bad people in all walks of life. The good are always rare :)[DOUBLEPOST=1549488936][/DOUBLEPOST]
This is the problem with foreign chicks. You have to take them to all the touristy (boring) places...
:D They love it.
This is the problem with foreign chicks. You have to take them to all the touristy (boring) places...
Actually i enjoy going to these places too anyway. One day she saw a donkey on the badlands of gurgaon and said what a cute donkey , lol. Funny how we perceive animals and how they do.
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Please provide a source for all these accusations.

Source for this? Examples of this regularly happening?

Follow feminist reactions on false rape cases or just about any topic. Go through any feminist publications or videos for your proof. It should be quite easy since feminism has been quite vocal in its rhetoric.

There is a vocal feminist professor named Judy Haiven who speaks at feminist events. Have look at what she has to say and what she does to male students in her class and what she advises other feminists do. Try to have a look at what self proclaimed feminist professors have to say and what they do.

Try other out other vocal feminists like Anita Sarkeesian if you can manage to keep your sanity for long enough.

Here is also a insightful debate on "sexist" air conditioning at offices.

The general feminist consensus on a topic like false rape accusations for instance is that it is a myth to be ignored or even when its glaringly obvious with a specific case context, they argue that the accuser is still a victim using some upside down logic, The whole episode is to be ignored and forgotten because it doesn't fit their purpose. There are no male victims. Women cannot be sexist. Women should never be punished for making false allegations. Asking for a woman to be punished for making false rape allegations and destroying someone's life is worse than rape itself. No dearth of such gems

Why does someone need to write something like this in an article about false rape if feminism is about gender equality than about woman? Because that is the expectation.

As a feminist, I know I’m ‘supposed’ to be on the side of the women in this story. And believe me, I want to be. No victim deserves to be left behind. But the more I talk to these men, the more something about these stories sticks out to me.

I think you label it as such cause it makes it much easier for you to think less of feminism if you consider it a typical political movement. To be honest, any movement among humans to change the way society works will be political. But you don't mean it as such. You would love to reduce it to brain dead practices of religion, cause it helps you reject it completely with just anecdotes rather than serious thought or even having any idea about it.

As a matter of fact, I do think less of any "ism" and group mentality thing be it religion, patriotism or any thing else. Feminism just happens to be no exception to that. Human beings have the ability of independent thinking in-spite of living in a society with others. Every person can have their own ideology and opinions on various topics. Ideologies can have common ground with others, but it does not mean you need to group up with them. Even if it looks like 99.99% of your ideas match with someone else, your ideology is still yours and theirs is theirs. The problem with group-ism and labels associated with groups is that its the brain dead idiots that go self identify with groups and they often go with the flow and change their own behavior around the most vocal leader figures. You can see this phenomena quite well in US. There are many people who were known to be conservative republicans to others, but don't like being labeled as such now because Trumps idea of republicans is not matching with their own ideology. They give their own personal ideology more importance than the label. The brain dead idiots on the other hand, just change themselves and go with the flow for the new version and continue.

So yeah, I do differentiate between someone who is believes in equality of the sexes as their own ideology and someone who self identifies as a feminist. Which is why I asked, is it you just labeling someone as feminist or do they self identify as a feminist. You didn't answer which makes be think it may be the former.
Most level headed woman that I know with a fair take on gender equality would consider it an insult to be labeled a feminist.
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