Storage Solutions Western Digital Denies Stopping HDD Shipments

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The Knight

Knight is coming
The whole Thailand issue may have sparked fears somewhat higher than necessary, so Western Digital stepped up to the microphone and clearly said it hadn't actually stopped shipping hard disk drives.

By now, people keeping track of all the problems hammering at the hard disk drive market will know about the floods in Thailand.

In addition to the loss of life and general destruction done to settlements, the natural disaster has a rather unfortunate effect on the HDD market.

Simply put, many factories that make hard drives or HDD components had to be shut down after the waters refused to overlook them.

Western Digital was among the worst hit, since its Thai operations account for most of its worldwide shipments.

Just how badly it was doing may have been exaggerated, however, as a Taiwan-based website actually went as far as to say WD had decided to totally stop shipping HDDs to that country in November.

Now, the company itself is saying that the reports were inaccurate.

“The statements made [by the web-site] are false. We understand our customers' concerns. WD and our suppliers are significantly supply constrained,†said Heather Skinner, a spokeswoman for WD.

“Our intent is to be as balanced as possible in our approach to satisfying all of our customer's requirements, in all regions, countries and market segments.â€

Of course, even if WD does continue to ship products, it is more than likely that the quantities are limited.

Meanwhile, hard disk drives in general have been getting more expensive, by 10% on average, though certain areas may see much greater hikes (or already have).

The current supply should last for the remainder of the fourth quarter, but shortages will still almost certainly plague the industry starting in Q1 2012, and, in many cases, much sooner.

Source :Western Digital Denies Stopping HDD Shipments - Softpedia
Just thought of sharing this bit too from WD's own site

" ......... In mid-October, to protect our employees and our equipment and facilities, we temporarily suspended production at our two factories in Thailand, which have been inundated by floodwater. In addition, many of our component suppliers have been impacted, leaving material for hard drive production considerably constrained. We are working with suppliers to assess the extent of their impact and help devise short- and long-term solutions. This is a complex and dynamic challenge that will require extensive rebuilding for the Thai people and government, and present unprecedented obstacles to the hard drive industry for multiple quarters.

At WD we are passionate, dedicated people and are doing everything we can to minimize any disruptions in our service or delivery of our products. We ask that you, as a WD customer, remain patient with us for the next few quarters.


John Coyne
President and Chief Executive Officer"

Thailand Flood Recovery
WD would never stop shipping HDD's unless all their factories in the world stops producing... This is not the case, its just that most of their capacities are in Thailand & so is the suppliers of the major components... The floods have constrained the supply chain with output falling considerably but not stopped completely from WD...

Its been said again & again...
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