What a bad time to be a Gamer ?

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I have loved gaming and still do but what a sad time it is to be a gamer

1. Low stocks on new GPU, CPU
2. Low stocks / No launch info on Consoles
3. Jacked up prices and scalpers
4. Games are kinda meh and repetitive. Broken on launch

How did we go from everything being smooth to so broken ?
I have loved gaming and still do but what a sad time it is to be a gamer

1. Low stocks on new GPU, CPU
2. Low stocks / No launch info on Consoles
3. Jacked up prices and scalpers
4. Games are kinda meh and repetitive. Broken on launch

How did we go from everything being smooth to so broken ?
I guess it is averaging out. Last 2 3 years at least on ps4 has been amazing in terms of games and exclusives. 2020 keeping up with other avenues of life is again turning out to be shit.
Its never a bad time to be a gamer :p Maybe its just time to lay low and finish your backlog on your existing hardware before moving onto the future.

These are complex times for gaming industry. It is going through a shift right now with new consoles and great pc gaming hardware getting introduced. Mainstream gaming has been stuck on 1080p for far too long and now we are shifting to 4k with new technologies like ray-tracing coming into picture. When we add covid to the whole equation, it makes things even trickier.

Personally, there is no shortage of games that I have to play on my PS4. Lots of Youtube channels are releasing their top games for this generation lists and there's a lot to finish.
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Au Contraire, 2020 has been good. More than just good to be honest. With Cyberpunk 2077 still in the pipeline and the launch of the next gen ( consoles and GPUs (3xxx series)), a lot to look forward to in 2021.
However, I miss good multiplayer experiences though. Battle royale doesnt appeal to me much, and I miss good ol' online fast paced arena shooters like Quake and Unreal Tournament.
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i m in my 30 and having one son, still playing games.. i remember when i was in 10th.. bought floppy disk to copy Wolfenstein 3D/Vco2 from my school pc, teacher told me floppy disk have only 1.44MB, you should have CD disk. i went to the store and bought CD disk. teacher copied it (burned with power ISO software).
I have loved gaming and still do but what a sad time it is to be a gamer

1. Low stocks on new GPU, CPU
2. Low stocks / No launch info on Consoles
3. Jacked up prices and scalpers
4. Games are kinda meh and repetitive. Broken on launch

How did we go from everything being smooth to so broken ?

1. Time for manufacturers to make some money on old hardware, they won't be compelled to push hard for an upgrade and can drag out the old gen for a while longer.
2. Since there are new architectures and platforms (Big Navi, Ampere, PS5, XSX), maybe manufacturers want to play it safe with low quantities to iron out issues before going into mass production to avoid costs related to recalls ?
3. Scalpers gonna scalp I guess.
4. Compared to 2014-2017 when we got Shadow of Mordor, Doom, The Witcher 3, Arkham Knight, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Life is Strange, Soma, Undertale, Uncharted 4, Overwatch, Inside, Nier Automata, Horizon:ZD, MGS:5, RS6: Siege and a shit ton of other titles, the last 2 years have been tame in comparison,
We haven't seen a big release since RDR2 which is why there's massive hype behind CP2077. It's both a pro and a con, some people finally got some time to clear their backlogs.

It's going to be the same for the next two years since game development has been affected so there's actually no rush to go out and grab a console at this point of time.
Personally I'd like to see some innovation in games not just the iterative CODs, AC, WD, FC, Halo, Gears, etc
All that fancy hardware and the most fun I've had this year is playing Among Us with friends, game developers should take note and go back to basics and focus on making games more fun and accessible like Fall Guys instead of wasting resources on GaaS titles.
And yea sports titles need to become subscription based @30$ per year maybe (not gonna happen ofc).
i m in my 30 and having one son, still playing games.. i remember when i was in 10th.. bought floppy disk to copy Wolfenstein 3D/Vco2 from my school pc, teacher told me floppy disk have only 1.44MB, you should have CD disk. i went to the store and bought CD disk. teacher copied it (burned with power ISO software).
Both wolf 3d and doom launched on floppy discs, later got ported to cds
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My experience is the opposite. For me gaming has never been so good as it is now. BUT I am lil late to the party. Never had a real GPU before GTX 750 , now on 1650.

Games I loved past 1 year or so: frostpunk - RTS, "her story" - As unique as it gets. Superliminal - short unique portal'ish puzzler, Exanima - Real hard game that I spent ALOT of time. Subnautica - LOVE! Won't ever forget the first time I jumped. Heat Signature - This was a lot of fun, got repetitive in the end. Totally worth it.
Besides these - I had Red Dead, Horizon zero and now mafia DE. So yeah never been so good for me :D
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My experience is the opposite. For me gaming has never been so good as it is now. BUT I am lil late to the party. Never had a real GPU before GTX 750 , now on 1650.
Games I loved past 1 year or so - frostpunk - RTS, "her story" - As unique as it gets. Superliminal - short unique portal'ish puzzler, Exanima - Real hard game that I spent ALOT of time. Subnautica - LOVE! Won't ever forget the first time I jumped. Heat Signature - This was a lot of fun, got repetitive in the end. Totally worth it.
Besides these - I had Red Dead, Horizon zero and now mafia DE. So yeah never been so good for me :D
Absolutely on the same page with you. I have had upgraded my pc more than a year back now but was able to start actually playing proper games only in early 2020. There really is an infinite list of games i want to play all because i had the shittiest gpu for the longest time (gt 210!), and it just feels good to have a bunch of great games ready that i have never touched. Just to let you know how far back i was, i finished GTA 5 only in april of this year :P. Really wish i could put more time into playing more SP games and Indie games but i have ended up burning the most hours in comp games like CS,Apex and valorant most recently with friends. Currently playing RDR2 and enjoying it so far, was playing this absolutely brain puzzler called 'baba is you' @cute.bandar absolute recommenedation to any puzzle freak or anyone looking for a challenge tbh, really gives your head a good whack. Will 100% play cyberpunk once i finish my other games.

lol, realized that i kinda went offtopic here. IMO Was there ever a launch game that really stood out with both the PS4 and XBOX one when it launched back in 2013? I think this was also discussed in my other thread too. Killzone is the only one which comes to mind but even that wasn't apparently great.
Whats happening in 2020 with regards to shortage of parts has been happening whenever the new console cycle begins. Its nothing new. When a new gen is introduced, its always a good time to clear the backlog of 2 years (starting from one year before the launch to 1 year after the launch). The new hardware always has supply issues especially in India. PS4 and Xbox one had shortages when they were launched. RX 480 and GTX 1060 had shortages when they were launched (mostly due to crypto, but ya know). I have finished quite a lot of backlog this year on my 3600+5700XT setup. SOTTR, ME:A, Witcher 3 (Yes, Witcher 3, dont ask), AC:O and AC;OD, Titanfall2, BF etc. etc. All these games, ultra settings, high frame rates, lol.... Could not ask for a better experience. 2020 has additional problems though, which we all know, which has compounded the situation. But, I expect, things will be much better 6 to 12 months from now. AM4 is a dead end now. NExt year, they may release AM5 and supplies may again be less, who knows.

Its a great time to be sitting at home, spending time playing games, the time that would otherwise be spent commuting to and from work. I miss those Unreal and quake arena days, and I dont think with the current fad of BR games, anybody is going to develop them soon. Best bets for online non BR games are CSGO, valorant, Rocket League, DOTA, LOL etc. BTW, do check out Raji on steam. Its developed by Indian dev and is a first class game.

Maybe, re-install Fallout new Vegas, mod it to the brim, hope it doesnt stutter, hope its not rage uninstalled, and get lost in the game, true RPG style, lol. Dark Souls are a good set of games to keep busy too. DS1 and DS3 online is still alive and kicking. Maybe, pick up Sekiro, when the cost comes down...... aahhh the dreams!!!!!!
Well the primary reason for part shortage is the pandemic. Both production and supply chains all over are screwed and until there is a silver lining here (vaccine or otherwise), I do not see things improving one bit.

Lets be happy with what we've got so far considering this healthcare mess is a once in a century type of event and there is no getting around it.
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Whats happening in 2020 with regards to shortage of parts has been happening whenever the new console cycle begins. Its nothing new. When a new gen is introduced, its always a good time to clear the backlog of 2 years (starting from one year before the launch to 1 year after the launch). The new hardware always has supply issues especially in India. PS4 and Xbox one had shortages when they were launched. RX 480 and GTX 1060 had shortages when they were launched (mostly due to crypto, but ya know). I have finished quite a lot of backlog this year on my 3600+5700XT setup. SOTTR, ME:A, Witcher 3 (Yes, Witcher 3, dont ask), AC:O and AC;OD, Titanfall2, BF etc. etc. All these games, ultra settings, high frame rates, lol.... Could not ask for a better experience. 2020 has additional problems though, which we all know, which has compounded the situation. But, I expect, things will be much better 6 to 12 months from now. AM4 is a dead end now. NExt year, they may release AM5 and supplies may again be less, who knows.

Its a great time to be sitting at home, spending time playing games, the time that would otherwise be spent commuting to and from work. I miss those Unreal and quake arena days, and I dont think with the current fad of BR games, anybody is going to develop them soon. Best bets for online non BR games are CSGO, valorant, Rocket League, DOTA, LOL etc. BTW, do check out Raji on steam. Its developed by Indian dev and is a first class game.

Maybe, re-install Fallout new Vegas, mod it to the brim, hope it doesnt stutter, hope its not rage uninstalled, and get lost in the game, true RPG style, lol. Dark Souls are a good set of games to keep busy too. DS1 and DS3 online is still alive and kicking. Maybe, pick up Sekiro, when the cost comes down...... aahhh the dreams!!!!!!

Actually arena shooters have a deep and complex learning curve. And they are extremely brutal. Their strategy, aim mechanics et al are extremely fast and they have a lot of verticality as well that require precise movements. They help in the development of skillsets, reflexes, they challenge your strategy etc.

Their positives ^ only have led to their demise (unfortunately) . BR games are easier as they are squad based. Plus they are slower and available/easily playable on mobile platforms as well ( i cant imagine playing quake/ut on touch controls).

I hope the era of arena shooters somehow gets resurrected. With higher fps (144hz and upwards) going mainstream, I am sure the experience can only get faster and more brutal! Newer games like Doom Eternal and Dusk have brought speed and brutality back to shooters! I hope the trend continues/picks up!
I think it was a great year for gaming considering that a pandemic is going on and all supply chains are disrupted. Flight simulator 2020 is a great milestone in gaming graphics quality.
i am looking to buy a ps4 now because i wana play the exclusives
and there are no decent listings for a new ps4
28k for garbage game bundle slim 1tb everywhere
i am looking to buy a ps4 now because i wana play the exclusives
and there are no decent listings for a new ps4
28k for garbage game bundle slim 1tb everywhere
Check gameloot.in for second hand consoles and games. You can buy and sell games and consoles on this site. Please note that I have not used this site as I dont own a console. I know it just because a couple of my friends have told me about it.

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