What a Funny incident happened with me @ Today on highway :P

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So you are a rally expert too? Or common sense overload?
any 150cc bike can be ridden at 110kmph. my r15 goes upto 130kmph. I commute to work everyday at 110kmph in hyd. its normal if you know your ride, sounds extraordinary if you are a normal commuter. :p
TheIndian , i had done emergency braking at 100-110 several times :D

Once one truck took the wrong turn and came in front of me, that's the most strongest braking i had done in my life. Gone from 110-0 in just 30-40 meters i think so :)

In case of emergency braking never fear :), just pull front brake 40%, rear brake 20%, and start down shifting asap like 5th to 4th > release cluth, 4th to 3rd > release clutch, 3rd to 2nd release clutch.. If you have confidence while driving, you can easily do it :)

Like I said enjoy your time on this planet.

Oh one more thing, next time you go buzzing at those speeds, do a max of say 75 never ever crossing that, and calculate now much extra time it takes (if at all it takes extra time) , driving fast is about getting from point A to point B in the shortest time possible, it more about skill than just gunning the throttle.
Post this in XBHP and check the replies :P
In case of emergency braking never fear :), just pull front brake 40%, rear brake 20%, and start down shifting asap like 5th to 4th > release cluth, 4th to 3rd > release clutch, 3rd to 2nd release clutch.. If you have confidence while driving, you can easily do it :)
Can you Post a Pic of yours WIth the Sweet Bike of yours :D

Serving me since 4 yrs, love it :X:X:X, Pic is 4yr old :)

seriously WTF about the speeds on bikes people are posting. You do realize than on indian roads they are suicidal? even with a full set of riding gear? when I got my car, I used to drive around 90ish speeds, but now that both me and my car are older, we stick to 70ish. I have been rear ended by idiots on 150 cc bikes more than I wish i had. Trust me, you only have an illusion of control. Even on uprated rubber and disc brakes, You still have control only on you and your bike. none on the idiot lorry driver who suddenly decided to switch or the cabwallah who comes the wrong way on a one way or another guy on a bike just like you with less skills than you. In the end you can argue about who was right and wrong, but in my opinion, It's better not to give murphy a chance to come into your life in the first place, than be prepared to deal with him
Save yourself from Road Rage. You do not know who the opposite person is, what is his background, what ill deed he is capable of, etc.
Most accidents happen, not because you were driving fast or rashly but someone else's mistake. People going at breakneck speeds on bike think they are flying or something but don't realize that a small bump can send them literally flying and in most probability dead or disabled for life.
And yes one does not realize until it happens to him. Everyone thinks, it cannot happen to him. But trust me, it can happen anytime, no matter what.
And yes i have had a very small accident before on a small road where there are almost no vehicles, all because the other bike rider wanted to overtake a truck :mad:
I hurt my leg, bike got damaged, helmet saved me. Go Figure.

The predictability on Indian roads goes for a toss. That's why i loved driving on US roads, at least in most cases you won't get unexpected bumps or potholes and even if there are then they have been clearly marked so people can avoid them. Same with traffic, you know how people ride in discipline (for most part).
What the hell is up with all those tapori idiots who intentionally screw their silencers up and then ride their bikes at break neck speeds? Jeez. Do they actually think they look cool? :\
And here come people with all types of stereotypes for bikers.

Well, if you're referring to my post (as one of the posts stereotyping bikers), it wasn't really about stereotyping anyone. :) I've seen several bikers do this. Doesn't mean everyone does it.

If you're NOT referring to my post in anyway, then ignore this post.
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