What are some things you can buy within 500rs which can greatly enhance your life?

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Seriously its not the money, its you who can change it. Also it depends on what is that you want to change.
For most of us privileged lot, just 500 rupees will not bring much change in our lives, let alone enhance it in some magical way. We already have access to basic life necessities (food, water, clothes, shelter, education, etc...), and the extra money we're looking for is to supplement and better our lifestyle.

But for those who struggle to meet even their basic needs, 500 rupees can go a long way in securing their life (remember someone making a video on this long back). It's a matter of perspective. Sounds like a lecture :angelic:, but it's a harsh reality.

I guess just changing your life's perspective by understanding everyone else around you will enhance your life to a greater extent than what even thousands of rupees could buy.
Truth to be told under 500 bucks and gives sure shot happiness, condoms. Rich or poor.

If being conservative, wheat or rice and vegetables.
Buy Olay :p
But what will u do after buying condoms? masturbate with those condoms (assuming a unhappy guy wouldn't have a girl friend)?
BTW: here in HK - u get laid in 1500 bucks; but with 500 bucks u sure can get a good foot massage from a sexy gal

Truth to be told under 500 bucks and gives sure shot happiness, condoms.
There are many a things that can be bought in Rs.500. Now when it comes to enhancing your life, it depends on each person's life.
500 bucks can get you cases for phones, skins for laptop, cables, connectors, reasonably priced t shirt, Undies, Socks, thongs for your lady love, condoms and for real enhancements - Lubricants! ;)

Heck, there's a plethora of options to choose from. Choose whatever enhances your life.
Books !!
Most of my favorites are priced well under the 500 INR mark, which also holds true for the many more I aspire to read.
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