What are your top 5 Rockstar games

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Lord Nemesis

Rockstar is responsible for some of the best and most controversial games that PC and consoles have seen. Name your top 5 Rockstar games from your list of favorites.

Each of the 5 entries have to be specific games and not entire series. For instance, you can post multiple GTA games, but you are not allowed to post entire GTA series as a single entry.
GTA 5 4 3 2 1[DOUBLEPOST=1431888340][/DOUBLEPOST]only other rockstar game i remember is bully , it was a fun game .[DOUBLEPOST=1431888390][/DOUBLEPOST]I have only played GTA Vice city , SA & GTA4 from the GTA series .
Vice city will always have a special place in my heart since that's the first GTA game I played.
Here's my list
1. GTA Vice city
2. GTA 5
3. GTA San Andreas
4. Max payne
5. Max payne 3

Others I've played are GTA3, Manhunt 2 and Max payne 2. Haven't played RDR and Bully.
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Forgot to post my own list.. here goes:rolleyes:

1. Bully Scholarship Edition
2. Red Dead Redemption
3. Max Payne
4. Max Payne 2
5. Max Payne 3

GTA series doesn't figure in my list of top Rockstar games or even anywhere in my list of top 30 sandbox games. I do have GTA III, IV and V, but got too bored playing them and put them on hold unlike the games on my above list which I played multiple times except for Max Payne 3 which I haven't completed yet.
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I do have GTA III, IV and V, but got too bored playing them and put them on hold
Surprising!! I've played vice city at least thrice, GTA SA twice and currently clocking 40+ hrs on GTA 5 with roughly 70% completion. If my whole gaming will be accounted, most of it would've been consumed by the GTA series followed by the Tomb Raider franchise.
^^ The most time I have spent on a Rockstar game is on Bully which I have played more than a dozen times followed by Red dead redemption which I stopped in between when playing for the time time.

Normally, I love most sandbox games that are done even half decently. But GTA series simply failed to hold my interest for some reason.
I have GTA4 for PS3 and PC and GTA5 for PC, but even with game pad, I felt the controls were poor (especially driving) and the story not so exciting and maybe as a result I couldn't get past initial few hours. GTA5 looked promising, but I ended up putting it on hold after playing for 4~5 hours. Maybe I will try to pick it up later sometime when I am bored and have nothing else. Currently, I am playing Grim Dawn, Van Helsing for second time and Shadows of Mordor for second time.
^^ Actually, my introduction to GTA was a lot earlier with the GTA 3 series 12-13 years back.

GTA 4 was the first GTA that I bought. I bought it on the PS3, ended up getting headaches due to blurry graphics and purchased it again for PC when that came out hoping for a better experience.

Btw, if anyone wants to buy Rockstar games, there is a discount sale going on humble bundle as part of their spring sale.

YCT(the first time i heard the games' name thaths how my friend pronounced it.. Vice City
Max Payne 2
San Andreas
Max Payne
I may be one of the very rare people who didn't enjoyed GTA series like everyone else in the world did. :D
I had started GTA SA, GTA 4 - but couldn't proceed beyond 10%. And I haven't yet tried GTAV.

Anyway, my top games would be
Max Payne 1 (one of first games I had played on computer)
Max Payne 2
Red Dead Redemption (the background score - still buzzing in my ear !!! :p)
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San Andreas, Vice City, and Max Payne 1. Loved the radio stations in San Andreas. The 80's music and the discussions the RJ's had about the city, and it's societal nuances....! Lovely.
1. Vice City
2. GTA V
3. GTA 3
4. Max Payne
5. GTA 4 -- mainly because of the expansions Lost&Damned and Gay Tony

GTA 4 could have been much higher if the port was a good one at release. But, the expansions saved it. Anyway, really enjoyed GTA V. Very well done port. But the best is always Vice City. The music, the sunsets, the colors, the characters were all so memorable. I must have played this at least 4-5 times. I even bothered to search and collect all the hidden packages. Hope they set the next GTA there. Los Santos looked so beautiful in GTAV. Can't imagine how beautiful Vice City would look in this engine.

Still waiting for Red Dead Redemption on PC :(
Now that was ONE BAD port. Making it run at a reasonable frame rate was a nightmare.

No frame rate issues in GTA4 at least for me even on my old GPUs when I got it.

How has bully aged? Can I play and enjoy it now?

Yep, definitely. The scholarship edition for PC has improved graphics over the PS2 version. You can play it at native screen resolution with AA and in fact looks quite good to this day although you cannot compare with the like of recent day graphics heavy games. In fact I was planning on one more play through myself.

Personally, I thought Bully was a brilliant concept for a sandbox game and its a shame that they never made a sequel.

I also wished that RDR would come out on PC. I have the XBOX 360 version and would love to buy it again for the PC. Despite being on the same engine as GTA4, It had none of the problems with story, pacing or controls that I had with GTA
Yep, definitely. The scholarship edition for PC has improved graphics over the PS2 version.
Good to hear that. I was thinking about the getting for PS3.
I also wished that RDR would come out on PC.
Wished that for such a long time. Will be playing on PS3.
But the best is always Vice City.
Can't agree more. I still feel if I fire it up, I'll be able to drive and find my way around without looking at the map too much.
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