What does working in an IT job involve?

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^ yeah testers are no minority in IT world.

A huge proportion of the IT crowd work as testers - and they get the same position/package as the development counterpart.

Basically there are two types of testers - manual and automated.

"manual" guys test the software/product manually - from the end user POV - clicking+entering data - checking the behavior (expected and actual) - maintaining a 'boring' excel sheet - raising 'bugs' for unexpected/wrong behavior.

"automated" tester guys uses some testing software (eg QTP) for testing the software behaviors. they sometimes requires scripts (vb/python) for the same. rest same as manual testers.

Many people do not like testing - mainly because the work becomes monotonous after 2/3 cycles. People gotta check the same behavior on the same software over and over after every 'release' from the development team and report the problems. (plus maintaining the excel is kinda boring
Thanks for the replies guys that was very informational.How is the time schedule for network engineers.I hear they have erratic time schedules and sometimes have to come in on the weekends too.

I'm really interested in Network Security aspect of Networking.Do you guys think CCNA still holds value or should one target higher for CCNP or CCIE?
There are 3 types of System Engineers:

1. L1: These guys don't do anything and mostly escalate to L2

2. L2: These are people who say they do L2 work but instead do L1 work

3. L3: These guys make people realise that they are rare and hence highly paid
well, let me share my exp here:

the education that i've got is BCA and Diploma in Advanced computing from CDAC.

I call my self a C++ system programmer. currently working for a product based company. after being a programmer for 8 yrs now, my coding involves anything that is required to make my product work. bash, perl, php, c++, or any other programming thing.

for the past one year I might've coded around 1.5-2 KLOC in all the above mentioned languages.

when it comes to c++ programmers like me usually dig into debugging the code/crash dumps to find the sacred thing called "root cause". most of the toughest fixes that I've done involved in changing one line of code to fix but took almost 2-3 weeks finding it. for me debugging is more fun than writing the code.

Me and my fellow programmers involve in discussions, understanding, planning for new stuff more than writing the code itself. discussing about system internals, perf tuning etc...

btw, I currently work on technology called disaster recovery on SAN networks. to put it simply, SAN is the backbone for cloud computing and virtualisation technologies.

I get involved in all aspects of software development from analysis/design to testing.

We often come to work in slippers, wrinkled t-shirts, funky accessories, personal gadgets etc... they never monitor our network activity, we never ask them to install any software as we do it ourself
The work culture is very relaxed (I often sleep on my desk for some time whenever I feel sleepy). forget about time-sheets, they dont even care when we come to work and when we leave. in a sense its the truly flexi-timings.

on the other hand, when we are expected to work we work. even on weekends and long hours if the task is needed to be accomplished. no compromise here.

my advice to the fellow freshers is that if you want real programming job, lookout for small companies with less than 100 people and product base. startups offer the best challenges and they also offer the best goodies.
We often come to work in slippers, wrinkled t-shirts, funky accessories, personal gadgets etc... they never monitor our network activity, we never ask them to install any software as we do it ourself
The work culture is very relaxed (I often sleep on my desk for some time whenever I feel sleepy). forget about time-sheets, they dont even care when we come to work and when we leave. in a sense its the truly flexi-timings.

on the other hand, when we are expected to work we work. even on weekends and long hours if the task is needed to be accomplished. no compromise here.

my advice to the fellow freshers is that if you want real programming job, lookout for small companies with less than 100 people and product base. startups offer the best challenges and they also offer the best goodies.

The dress code things comes 'only' in service based companies, whose clients are from across the globe.

And to impress the clients, these service companies showcase the 'suited resource'.

These things do not apply in product based companies.

and yeah start ups are good to work with, to learn stuffs.

But people often complain in start ups the responsibility/work-pressure is too much to handle sometimes.

I had appeared for 2/3 interviews with start ups - but talking with them I got the feeling like they want someone like "Jack of all trades and master of at least few"
Kinda all-in-one guy. Sometimes they do offer very good money though.
where to find such start up jobs apart from job portals like monster etc. What would be the best place ?
^ I got call from the portals only (naukri/monster)

or friends/senior can refer too.

or linkedin? (I'm not sure if its any helpful though)
None of my seniors are in such companies. For them, Infosys is GOD

By 'seniors', you mean your immediate seniors from college i believe. Talk to a decent sample size of those who've been there for 4+ years.
I worked with IT services & product companies before and I know what the posts are trying to convey. The industry education connect in India is totally missing. Plus, the IT jobs are, in my humble opinion are glorified because of the 'salaries' & 'on-site' opportunities. Think about a regular middle-class Indian youth who's opted for engineering because parents thought engineering would ensure job and quick income. Indian IT did promise the job and fulfilled the dreams for most of the youth.
Those who could only dream of working in Air Conditioned offices, purchasing flats in metro cities & owning cars could now do it within just few months of IT employment. It was dream come true and IT got more glory that it should have. The IT employed youth quickly became the role models for the generation that had never seen salaries beyond Rs. 10k/month. (that's just $200 /month!). The 'on-site' employment even became a 'selection criteria' in the matrimony markets.
So the trend to join IT jobs prospered. Not only computer science engineers but Mechanical, Civil, Structural, Mining engineers would happily & easily get recruited in Indian IT with all the above mentioned benefits. No one really bothered about the kind of job they'd be doing.
Unfortunately, the Indian IT pioneers decided to go the services way; because it ensured quick buck and every dollar or pound converted to at least 30x the money (now it's 50x!) It's like getting 30-50 times more for the same work. That's why several companies that started in the 90s have quickly grown to become huge corporations now.
The type of projects that are 'outsourced' are often the non-engineering ones. A typical outsourced project comprises of coding/development/testing & maintenance - but the 'software design' is seldom outsourced. In simple terms; the building's architecture & structural engineering is done by the company and the job of laying bricks and painting (as per specifications) is often outsourced. It makes a perfect sense for any company to outsource work to India and other countries that offer cheaper rates. Just for example; a graduate engineer in India would happily work for a company for $500-$600 per month while hiring an engineer in US/UK would mean the company shells out at least $5000 - $6000 per month! Imagine the cost saving for the company by outsourcing the brick laying job!
Engineering students with a dream of working on 'cutting edge technology' often get disappointed to see the work that's being allotted to them. One of my close friend with a 'consultant' designation in his company (a big MNC) says any junior college graduate can replace him with just 2-3 months of training. He's frustrated as well; but sticking to the job because he's got plenty of EMIs due to the bank.
I do not wish to present a negative picture of the Indian IT industry to anyone. It's certainly not as 'negative' as it might look after reading above posts. There are several engineers who've 'adjusted' themselves to the system and are working happily. But no one can deny that a large number of engineers employed in IT feel that they can do much better than following instructions set up by the clients.
The age old debate continues. If India produces high quality engineers; why is there not a single software product from India that competes in the global village? I personally wonder why bigger & established companies dedicate a few hundred engineers to developing their own products for the common people. I'm quite sure a bunch of engineers working in big IT companies can develop a web browser to compete with Mozilla & Chrome & Opera.

Guys check the whole thread....

Heres the link...



is that u #avi

The dress code things comes 'only' in service based companies, whose clients are from across the globe.

And to impress the clients, these service companies showcase the 'suited resource'.

These things do not apply in product based companies.

For me, any company that gives any sort of importance to superficial things like dress code is not worth joining at all. It is a prime indication that technology is of least focus to them. I don't even apply to such companies and avoid them at all costs. Any company that has a deep focus on technology understands that programmers are at their best when they are comfortable and welcome such an informal culture in their workplaces. The only thing required is that people do that abuse the freedom given to them.

and yeah start ups are good to work with, to learn stuffs.

But people often complain in start ups the responsibility/work-pressure is too much to handle sometimes.

I had appeared for 2/3 interviews with start ups - but talking with them I got the feeling like they want someone like "Jack of all trades and master of at least few"
Kinda all-in-one guy. Sometimes they do offer very good money though.

Yes, promising start ups and product based companies do expect you to be a jack of all trades and master of a few. It is the right kind of attitude to be expected because it focuses on whether you can solve problems rather than whether you can program in XYZ language. Whether you do it in C++/Java or whatever comes later. Programming is more than knowledge of the syntax of a language. The first time that I programmed in Perl was then there was a problem that where Perl was the most suited and that was also the first time that Perl was used in such a way in the company. The company was perfectly fine with that and nobody forced me to write it in C++, Java, C# or Obj C.
For me, any company that gives any sort of importance to superficial things like dress code is not worth joining at all. It is a prime indication that technology is of least focus to them. I don't even apply to such companies and avoid them at all costs. Any company that has a deep focus on technology understands that programmers are at their best when they are comfortable and welcome such an informal culture in their workplaces. The only thing required is that people do that abuse the freedom given to them.


Can you name such companies ? Btw how did you come to know about dress code of those companies ?
Most Product based companies have an informal environment. Mind you informal does not equate to indecent and inappropriate. As long as you are not clothed indecently/inappropriately that is outright offending, everything goes. I used to go to work in loose un-ironed cotton trousers, t-shirt and sandals. Even with my present workplace, the only difference is that my mom insists that I have my trousers ironed, but I don't think it matters to my company even if I don't get that done. As for knowing about dress code, such info can be gathered by going though the company websites, word of mouth and other means etc.
We are obliged to wear formals only all days of work, having a dress code is not bad since you not only represent yourself but your company too
Most Product based companies have an informal environment. Mind you informal does not equate to indecent and inappropriate. As long as you are not clothed indecently/inappropriately that is outright offending, everything goes. I used to go to work in loose un-ironed cotton trousers, t-shirt and sandals. Even with my present workplace, the only difference is that my mom insists that I have my trousers ironed, but I don't think it matters to my company even if I don't get that done. As for knowing about dress code, such info can be gathered by going though the company websites, word of mouth and other means etc.

While this is a very welcome benefit, I know that this privilege is often abused. And some people translate shabby dressing as depressed and lack of motivation. I don't understand that

We are obliged to wear formals only all days of work, having a dress code is not bad since you not only represent yourself but your company too

This is true if you are in a Business Development / Consultant / Sales Exec. Appearances can make and break contracts. I have seen IBM send a chick dressed in a suit once to our office when after 5 days of troubleshooting and 3 days or escalating the server issue was not resolved. I need not add she was just a showpiece i.e. did not know why she was here
Formal dressing has more to do with keeping a good, tidy workplace, and projecting a clean image of the workforce to its clients and internally as well. Its the fancy unnecessary stuff thats a drag. Like ties.

I have seen IBM send a chick dressed in a suit once to our office when after 5 days of troubleshooting and 3 days or escalating the server issue was not resolved. I need not add she was just a showpiece i.e. did not know why she was here

She was there to *help* you
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