What does "your hindi is very sweet" mean?

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OOps... hotshot da, ektu sabdhane. :p Your post clearly implies that you like her. So don't hurry, just keep teaching her in hindi.

sunny dao ekhankar lok ? :O :p
@Hotshot - Guess she just missed the latter half of the sentence... trust me what she really wanted to say was.. " Your Hindi is Sweet" as long as you promise to make me a pro in C programing, else it sucks :evil: :eek:hyeah:

Anyways, in my opinion you are reading too much into it.. most of the Bengalis speak "Sweet Hindi" and it sounds funny and not atrocious.

Also, out of the entire long conversation you had with her.. all you remember is "Your Hindi is Sweet" I bet your male ears didn't grasp the liners you didn't really appreciate.. :huh:
meghna said:
@Hotshot - Guess she just missed the latter half of the sentence... trust me what she really wanted to say was.. " Your Hindi is Sweet" as long as you promise to make me a pro in C programing, else it sucks :evil: :eek:hyeah:

Anyways, in my opinion you are reading too much into it.. most of the Bengalis speak "Sweet Hindi" and it sounds funny and not atrocious.

Also, out of the entire long conversation you had with her.. all you remember is "Your Hindi is Sweet" I bet your male ears didn't grasp the liners you didn't really appreciate.. :huh:

Now thats a heart breaker meghna.. everybody else was playing along :tongue:
meghna said:
@Hotshot - Guess she just missed the latter half of the sentence... trust me what she really wanted to say was.. " Your Hindi is Sweet" as long as you promise to make me a pro in C programing, else it sucks :evil: :eek:hyeah:

Anyways, in my opinion you are reading too much into it.. most of the Bengalis speak "Sweet Hindi" and it sounds funny and not atrocious.

Also, out of the entire long conversation you had with her.. all you remember is "Your Hindi is Sweet" I bet your male ears didn't grasp the liners you didn't really appreciate.. :huh:

Well actually I was teaching two other friends too. So I was having to hear a lot of things.
But one thing that I am sure of is that she talked very little and only asked me some doubts.
The only other thing that she said was that I am a very good teacher and that she will learn C from me.

And I was thinking along the same line as you.

P.S: I edited my first post. Please read my first post again.
When a girl uses the word 'sweet' with anything other than a pet animal, a baby or a soft toy it simply means that she will tolerate/indulge you as long as she is getting what she wants from you. :eek:hyeah:

meghna said:
"Your Hindi is Sweet" as long as you promise to make me a pro in C programing

That's exactly what it means and any other interpretation you make out of it is reading too much into it.

Just to add, if she cares about you at least as a friend, she would be very honest and point out whats wrong in your Hindi and let you improve rather than deceptively use the word sweet. She is not your friend and probably her only interest in you is your C Programming lessons. I would be very wary of such friends regardless of their gender.
hotshot05 said:
EDIT: I edited some part of my original post. It seems that most people here thought that she is my student. Actually she is my classmate. She knows nothing about programming and so I agreed to teach her. I was teaching another two friends(both boys) too.

And if it is not yet clear, I have a huge crush on her. But I am not exactly sure if she is interested in me as I(being very blunt) had messed up a bit by saying the wrong thing to her friend. And she is very conservative and says that she does not want a boyfriend. But girls being the complex creatures they are, nothing can be said about them with certainity.

You should have mentioned this first! Now this actually changes a lot of things.
I would suggest, wait for a bit longer. If you really have something for the girl, don't jump in. Keep teaching her C and wait for more signs from her. :)

Ya...wait till pointers come up. High probability she will not get it (or you too) -- if you get them...then take the time to explain her...! :)
asingh said:
Ya...wait till pointers come up. High probability she will not get it (or you too) -- if you get them...then take the time to explain her...! :)


Nice thinking.

I think I will take Lord Nemesis's advice. But before that I will ask her if she is interested in correcting my hindi.
90% girls says that they are not interested in boyfriend..
but certainly say yes, when proposed...:cool2:

Dont delay the things... Propose her...
Dont think what she will say.. propose her, firstly she will resist, but If u are lucky enough U will get a yes...:bleh::bleh:

Propose her after the C gets completed..
Lord Nemesis said:
Just to add, if she cares about you at least as a friend, she would be very honest and point out whats wrong in your Hindi and let you improve rather than deceptively use the word sweet. She is not your friend and probably her only interest in you is your C Programming lessons. I would be very wary of such friends regardless of their gender.

I second what he says !

Also, The scenario changes after u edited ur post.. so guess just take it as it goes...
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