What else do you use your PS2 for apart from obvious ??

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nitant said:
Do mod chips really make a diff? I have a local modded one bought some time back and have all my games on HDD using network adapter.

All the games I throw at it work great.

its like having a local psu with your high end rig- it will work -but till how long and how effectively that's questionable
hi guys

which would be better -

1. buy a new slim PS2 and get it modded (what would be the cost for modding and is it okay to give a PS2 to a shop for a couple of days and not get cheated i hope...)

2. or buy a modded PS2 from the grey market (again what would be the cost like)

am chennai, so anyone who can tell me where i can buy a modded PS2 or i can get a new PS2 modded would be great...

^What's the point of buying the PS2 & then modding it? Get a pre-modded one. It will save you a lot of trouble.
blackheart2925 said:
hi guys

which would be better -

1. buy a new slim PS2 and get it modded (what would be the cost for modding and is it okay to give a PS2 to a shop for a couple of days and not get cheated i hope...)

2. or buy a modded PS2 from the grey market (again what would be the cost like)

am chennai, so anyone who can tell me where i can buy a modded PS2 or i can get a new PS2 modded would be great...

buy a premoded one -will cost you 6.5k with one controller. go to Moosa game store in ritchie street.
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