What exactly is Government of India doing?

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The hypocrisy of Left's in case of Edward Snowden and Assange is mind numbingly staggering. We all know Obama is a war criminal compared to Trump who never waged a war of declared one. He has ignited few to keep leverage and that's what a leader does. Other democrat's showed a video of Trump telling his supporters to go to Capitol but edited the part when he said "peacefully". Though Trump made one big mistake in not pardoning Assange and Snowden, shows he wanted to protect his vote bank rather than doing the right thing, he is no saint either.

To name a few for height of hypocrisy in Biden's admin - He said in 2012 that US will leave Afghanistan in 2014 but now says more troops will be deployed. Such are these war criminals. Obama being in the top of the ladder. He stopped Keystone XL project showed himself to be environmentalist and joining the Paris climate accord which will impact millions of jobs but then orders military to starts stealing oil from Syria is the height of hypocrisy lol- .
Obama and Hillary are both war criminals as was Bush. Trump wanted to end wars, he only wanted to go after ISIS and his biggest mistake during is 2016 campaign was that he wanted Russia to join forces to crush ISIS, that didn't go well with the deep state.

Why trump didn't parden them is because of this, the swamp won't prevent it.

Speaking of keystone, I am a green guy, I am pro EV and Solar but I cannot turn a blind eye to the millions of lively hood that will be lost when conventional OIL and Gas powered jobs are killed. The below video on Twitter was deleted by the fascists running them but its was copied to Gab.

Trump did say on his very 2nd day in the office, at CIA HQ in langley, that they should have kept the OIL in Iraq which btw they where already doing. He is the first president to publicly acknowledge it. Syrian president Al-Assad thanked trump for his honesty.

Just before Trump announced he intends to pull troops from syria. Conveniently came a chemical attack. Trump was forced to keep troops in syria and conduct airstrikes( atleast the air strikes targets was already given to syria, for face saving by the US).
The chemical attacks are staged by the White Helmets, the head of whom mysteriously died by slipping and falling from his apartment in turkey wink wink. On many of their videos you see them hosing kids with water, some times they where caught using the same children in different videos and different times.
Any sane person would ask this, why would the Syrian forces launch a chemical attack when they where already winning with Russian fire power, the UNSC knows where well Russia was a guarantee of syria chemical weapons. So no chance of using them, the same cannot be said to the Rebels the so called good terrorists. Who hillary wanted them to have stinger type weapons.

According to Russia there is the state and any one with guns that aren't from law enforcement or the military are terrorists.
The deepstate would rather have head choppers who want to impose sharia law, destroy ancient world heritage sites, kill and rape minorites. Then a president(Assad) who was a doctor who gives free healthcare, education, money to legal age woman for their marriage, religious freedom. Under Assad government headscarfs, burka etc are banned, I don't think there is any other muslim country that does it.
US media wants to label Assad a monster, yet in the syrian capital he was seen driving in a non armored Honda by himself. He is not afraid of western Journalists interviews with tough questions, that only thing he asks them in return is a unedited broadcast( he also tapes it himself just to make sure of it).

The deepstate off course wants a regime change.

This is Assad the monster, that the MSM media wants you to believe, wow just look at how many woman are wearing burkas, hint None. Compare that to the head choppers controlled territory . Guess which country supplies them with medicines , its India. The dead ISIS terrorists had Indian medicines with them, why because Assad still supplies medicines to his people despite the people being in ISIS controlled territory.
These leftiest's won't acknowledge any of this because acc to them, BLM was the most peaceful protest LOL. They say, SEEE THEY ARE EVEN NOMINATED FOR NOBEL, Oh well, guess what, so is Trump and so is Jared Kushner.
Speaking of leftists, lying is there way of life. Adam Schiff can make up stuff out of thin air, while pretending to read from the declassified paper.

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Obama and Hillary are both war criminals as was Bush. Trump wanted to end wars, he only wanted to go after ISIS and his biggest mistake during is 2016 campaign was that he wanted Russia to join forces to crush ISIS, that didn't go well with the deep state.

Why trump didn't parden them is because of this, the swamp won't prevent it.

Speaking of keystone, I am a green guy, I am pro EV and Solar but I cannot turn a blind eye to the millions of lively hood that will be lost when conventional OIL and Gas powered jobs are killed. The below video on Twitter was deleted by the fascists running them but its was copied to Gab.

Trump did say on his very 2nd day in the office, at CIA HQ in langley, that they should have kept the OIL in Iraq which btw they where already doing. He is the first president to publicly acknowledge it. Syrian president Al-Assad thanked trump for his honesty.

Just before Trump announced he intends to pull troops from syria. Conveniently came a chemical attack. Trump was forced to keep troops in syria and conduct airstrikes( atleast the air strikes targets was already given to syria, for face saving by the US).
The chemical attacks are staged by the White Helmets, the head of whom mysteriously died by slipping and falling from his apartment in turkey wink wink. On many of their videos you see them hosing kids with water, some times they where caught using the same children in different videos and different times.
Any sane person would ask this, why would the Syrian forces launch a chemical attack when they where already winning with Russian fire power, the UNSC knows where well Russia was a guarantee of syria chemical weapons. So no chance of using them, the same cannot be said to the Rebels the so called good terrorists. Who hillary wanted them to have stinger type weapons.

According to Russia there is the state and any one with guns that aren't from law enforcement or the military are terrorists.
The deepstate would rather have head choppers who want to impose sharia law, destroy ancient world heritage sites, kill and rape minorites. Then a president(Assad) who was a doctor who gives free healthcare, education, money to legal age woman for their marriage, religious freedom. Under Assad government headscarfs, burka etc are banned, I don't think there is any other muslim country that does it.
US media wants to label Assad a monster, yet in the syrian capital he was seen driving in a non armored Honda by himself. He is not afraid of western Journalists interviews with tough questions, that only thing he asks them in return is a unedited broadcast( he also tapes it himself just to make sure of it).

The deepstate off course wants a regime change.

This is Assad the monster, that the MSM media wants you to believe, wow just look at how many woman are wearing burkas, hint None. Compare that to the head choppers controlled territory . Guess which country supplies them with medicines , its India. The dead ISIS terrorists had Indian medicines with them, why because Assad still supplies medicines to his people despite the people being in ISIS controlled territory.

If you've been following US politics since 2009 you should've realized by now that they only have an illusion of choice.
While the people are distracted/divided on political ideologies the Fed reserve continues to print money out of thin air to keep their rigged stock markets propped up.
Trump was never going to drain the swamp because he is part of it. All that QAnon bullsh*t was a psyop to keep the "patriots" in the belief that he was on their side.
If you've been following US politics since 2009 you should've realized by now that they only have an illusion of choice.
While the people are distracted/divided on political ideologies the Fed reserve continues to print money out of thin air to keep their rigged stock markets propped up.
Trump was never going to drain the swamp because he is part of it. All that QAnon bullsh*t was a psyop to keep the "patriots" in the belief that he was on their side.
I don't disagree . I don't follow any of QAnon stuff.

Since when did people believe a messiah is going to get elected. These days its only choosing the best of the worst. Between lying hypocritical democrats(except Tulsi Gabbard) and Trump, the choice is easy.
Trump is not the swamp though, but it won't be unreasonable to assume there may have been some polite warnings to him about if you do this or take this action then we may release this about your business. I mean he was spied on by the FBI, while it may not have any russian collusion, can't guarantee about his business.

The US is able to print money, sanction, ban, kill and what not because they can get away with it since they are a superpower. The average US citizen doesn't care about these until it hits them personally.
These days its only choosing the best of the worst.

True since ages. The TINA factor is playing in.
Personally I have been really impressed by how India eventually turned around and faught that effing virus head on ( instead of going under the pseudo security of blanket lock downs)
And in certain aspects India is indeed way ahead of many EU countries and specially UK.
Most of you guys probably don't know about certain shocking things happening in Europe..
In UK, the great NHS doesn't do a single PCR, every test has to be done in private labs...guess the cost...150 EUR!! Now it's possibly 130 EUR after lot of protests.
NHS will admit a covid patient and will only provide absolutely basic treatment... everything else...you pay from your pocket!!

Are you being sarcastic or is this genuine praise for the diyar lidar?
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Between lying hypocritical democrats(except Tulsi Gabbard) and Trump

I have so much respect for Tulsi Gabbard really. She is the only democrat who spoke up against BIG TECH, even after democrats came to power.

Same thing Elizabeth warren said she will do before democrats were in power but when democrats came to power, she took a U-Turn and said nothing to facebook and twitter for Trump ban. She kept her mouth shut when twitter started manipulating follower's numbers and she went against the reddit's WSB's frenzy and sided the elites.

Whose the stooge?

Though that might be the only reason why Tulsi won't get any love from democrats.

Are you being sarcastic or is this genuine praise for the diyar lidar?
Neither. Don't know if diyar lidar is responsible for fixing the price of RT-PCR, if it was his decision...kudos to that man.
Moreover the AstraZeneca vaccine is not producing so much of side effects compared to Moderna..I didn't read any comparative studies, but most of the health care workers in Kolkata have received it without any major side effects (AFAIK) Almost everyone I know, who received Moderna ( myself included) had mini covid attacks!!
I truly don't understand politics mate...but know little bit of medicine..and a lot about common people in India. Whoever works for taxpaying common people's health and general welfare...I'm with him/them.
That's not saying much now is it, The Economist is nothing but a bankster owned globalist mouthpiece, one of the primary stakeholders being the Rothschild family.
Rothschilds being the primary backers of Cecil Rhodes who looted the erstwhile Zimbabwe+Zambia+South Africa (who also happened to believe in Imperialism and Anglo-Saxon supremacy btw) and funded the same people who led to the rise in Zionism and creation of Israel are going to tell people how their country ranks on the democratic index lol.
We take loan from World Bank, of which Britain is a member who were our rulers and promoted imperialism. Yet we continue to take loans from them.

ORF(Observer Research Foundation)- has been funded by Reliance to promote its interests globally. Won't it affect credibility of the think-tank?

Bill Gates has been part of a campaign to push monopoly of microsoft products globally and in India. Yet, India takes donations from Bill and Melinda Gates for Polio and Covid vaccines.

Asian Development Bank- Japan has been known for committing atrocities on our fellow brethren from North-East during Japanese pushback against Britain. Yet, we actively take funds from Japan in the name of Overseas Develpment fund.

There was also a question in one of the exams conducted by agencies which asked "Which of the agency published Democracy Index report?" Does that make UPSC, IBPS, Rajya Sabha vile institutions?

Isin't this too selective biasing?

Point is there would be someone, somewhere who has been associated with bad deeds in the past? Does that make the whole organisation bad?
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ORF(Observer Research Foundation)- has been funded by Reliance to promote its interests globally. Won't it affect credibility of the think-tank?

Globally ? Wasn't it created with domestic economic & national security interests in mind ?
If you think people aren't skeptical of privately funded think-tanks you're highly mistaken.

Bill Gates has been part of a campaign to push monopoly of microsoft products globally and in India. Yet, India takes donations from Bill and Melinda Gates for Polio and Covid vaccines.

India is a corrupt country, anyone can do as they please as long as they have the money.
All the negative effects of those Gardasil trials (partly sponsored by Big Pharma and BMGF) on tribal girls in Telangana was conveniently covered up over a decade ago yet the govt. allows them to function.

Point is there would be someone, somewhere who has been associated with bad deeds in the past? Does that make the whole organisation bad?

You have to be really naive if you believe banksters turn over a over a new leaf.
Tell me one important achievement of any of the think-tanks or organizations which aren't just media propagated bullet points just to paint them a rosy picture.

I have so much respect for Tulsi Gabbard really. She is the only democrat who spoke up against BIG TECH, even after democrats came to power.

She was also a member of CFR, no good has ever come out of that organization.
She was also a member of CFR, no good has ever come out of that organization.
Tulsi Gabbard is a woman of Honor, decent moral values, she thinks and uses common sense. She joined the military because of 9/11. She doesn't support overthrowing governments, which the US has done in virtually every recent presidency except trump.
She supports green technolgies, freedom of speech, firmly against government spying on their citizens, against big tech monopoly, she intruduced legislation for a paper trail for election ballets, etc

One can read her stance on various issue here https://www.cfr.org/election2020/candidate-tracker/tulsi-gabbard

She was the only democratic presidential candidate that had genuinely the support from even registered republicans.
Some still oppose her because of her stance on gun laws but those people would have still gladely accepted her has their president, even if they voted for trump.

Because of her anti regime change wasteful war stance, she his disliked by the deepstate. In US the deepstate, swamp rats prefer candidates who are warmongers.
Tulsi Gabbard is a woman of Honor, decent moral values, she thinks and uses common sense. She joined the military because of 9/11. She doesn't support overthrowing governments, which the US has done in virtually every recent presidency except trump.
She supports green technolgies, freedom of speech, firmly against government spying on their citizens, against big tech monopoly, she intruduced legislation for a paper trail for election ballets, etc

One can read her stance on various issue here https://www.cfr.org/election2020/candidate-tracker/tulsi-gabbard

She was the only democratic presidential candidate that had genuinely the support from even registered republicans.
Some still oppose her because of her stance on gun laws but those people would have still gladely accepted her has their president, even if they voted for trump.

Because of her anti regime change wasteful war stance, she his disliked by the deepstate. In US the deepstate, swamp rats prefer candidates who are warmongers.

You can't say that for certain just by what they've said or penned down, just look at all their warmongering presidents and you'll find some inspiring stuff there too, it just wasn't reflected in their actions.
If they could lie about WMDs who's to say to what extent they'll go to win people over.

Another example is Bernie Sanders, he's been saying the same democratic socialist stuff since the past 40 years, what has he achieved apart from becoming a multi-millionaire ? It's all smoke and mirrors.
Tulsi Gabbard is a woman of Honor, decent moral values, she thinks and uses common sense
If you look at her record of supporting Sanders over Clinton in 2016, there was no political angle. In fact by opposing the party organisation, she may have well destroyed her future in the party as an up and coming democratic leader. While no political leader is perfect, she has avoided making too many political compromises for career advancement. She was also the lone candidate who was consistently anti war
You can't say that for certain just by what they've said or penned down, just look at all their warmongering presidents and you'll find some inspiring stuff there too, it just wasn't reflected in their actions.
If they could lie about WMDs who's to say to what extent they'll go to win people over.

Another example is Bernie Sanders, he's been saying the same democratic socialist stuff since the past 40 years, what has he achieved apart from becoming a multi-millionaire ? It's all smoke and mirrors.

If you look at her record of supporting Sanders over Clinton in 2016, there was no political angle. In fact by opposing the party organisation, she may have well destroyed her future in the party as an up and coming democratic leader. While no political leader is perfect, she has avoided making too many political compromises for career advancement. She was also the lone candidate who was consistently anti war
For Tulsi her choice for supporting sanders was easy because her stance was clear from day 1, she is against US regime change wars and Hillary in the campaign debates wanted to take out Assad, she wanted to arm rebels with sophisticated weapons and she also wanted to enforce a NoFlyZone over syrian air space. This question of whether US can put a NFZ was asked by the committee to the then general, is reply was that yes they could put a NFZ but that would mean you are going to go to war with Russia who controls the syrian air space and is the US prepared for that.

Hillary and Obama destroyed Libya. They made ISIS grow, funded rebels to overthrow Assad. Obama waited for ISIS to reach the outskirts of Baghdad, the US didn't intervene till then. The then Iraqi PM finally asked for Russian help and Putin expedited SU-25 attack jets and new Mi-28 attack helicopters, along with military advisors. Only after that did US intervene to save face.

Under Obama, ISIS sold oil to Turkey. First thing Putin did was take out the ISIS controlled refineries and publicly shame Turkey and the US by releasing satellite footage of miles of oil trucks heading to Turkey being blown up by russian air force. Even after that US air sorties per day was less then 10 vs 60 to 80 for the russian air force. All of the ISIS in syria was killed primarly by Assad and Russia along with Iran.

Tulsi publicly criticized Obama for delaying to help Iraq fight against ISIS and she was also critical of the kids glove attitude of US vs ISIS.

Hillary didn't want Tulsi to win, she started a smear campaign against Tulsi stating she is a Russian Asset. Tulsi was not invited to DNC despite wining delegates.
I doubt she would run with the democrats in 2024, she may switch sides to Republican or may be go as a independent/third party.

Even Van Jose and a few at CNN couldn't stand the smear campaign against Tulsi. (Apologies to put a CNN video)
(Apologies to put a CNN video)

lol, I'm offended!! how could you do that with CNN! /s

Tulsi Gabbard really deserves respect from both republicans and democrats. She has fought and nailed Kamala Harris in the debate.

I'm not saying she deserves respect just because she and I have a similar views, No, she has my respect coz she says one thing before elections and regardless the party loses or get's power, she remains the same and don't change like other politicians do. She was against BIG TECH, she still is.
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