What exactly is PeerGuardian??

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It monitors or blocks all your protocols(tcp, udp etc). also it has lists of sites which it blocks, the list is updated regularly. it is not a firewall but a ip blocker.

keeps you safe especially if you p2p applications installed.
What does it keep safe?? I already have a firewall....

And what abt this thing abt excess downloading and PG helps to prevent that??
Your firewall does not interfere when you click a link & that link takes you to some nasty site, but peerguardian would step in.

about excess d/l, i am not that sure, maybe pg2 prevents your p2p from d/l junk from spurious ip's.
Whenever you download stuff from p2p, a number of company's can track your IP addy and monitor what things your're downloading, and the next thing you know the door ring bell and RIAA is there to sue you for downloading copyrighted material. All PG does is it block those company's from being able to connect/track your downloadings.
And firewalls don't do that.
The above explanation is not entirely accurate. It ios probably that above belief which got Undertaker a notice from Warner Bros.

Peerguardian simply prevents connections from your computer to IPs known to belong to the RIAA, FBI etc.

But you have to remembert to keep the file updated. If you think it is going to save you from prosecution, think again. What it does at best, is to reduce the cases of junk files being downloaded. Very useful on Kazaa I guess. DO NOT use it as a safeguard from prosecution.

Also, when I used it, it slowed down some genuine connections. Eg. I was downloading some updates for Adobe Reader, and they wewre going surprisingly slow (7-12 KBps on a 256kbps connection). Then I noticed that Peerguardian Lite was running. I turned it off, and the download speed immediately jumped up to 30 KBps.
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PeerGuardian is to be used only when you want to download stuff that the BIg bosses don't want you get.To prevent the casual downloaders from downloading TV series episodes or Movies the copyright owners fill the network with corrupt data.

So suppose a file that you want to download has size of 200mb.You might end up downloading 500-600mb. The excess 300-400Mb is the rejected data. This is the data that u download through your BitTorrent client and after the download, the client discovers that the data is corrupt, so it rejects it. So you usually end up downloading more.

PeerGuardian and a Firewall are totally different.While a firewall should be kept on throughout, PG should be starte only while using a BT or a FastTrack client.The main job of PG is to block the IPs of known organisations.So do not keep it on while downloading software updates because it might block the IP of the site you are downloading from.

PG can also hamper ur surfing experience. So keep it switched off while surfing.
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undertaker used safepeer afaik.

The main reason one would get junk packets over bittorrent or garbled audio over limewire is because of groups like the RIAA, etc sending out corrupt/garbled versions of the files being distributed. They just sit around acting as if they are sharing the file via the p2p software, while they are actually giving out the wrong file, messing up everyones download. They dont even have to be the ones initiating the share. If they see a popularly shared file of some copyright material, they will become a co-seed, giving out bad data. Peergaudian has a list of the ips of the groups giving out the bad data and bloks them.
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First let me clarify the purpose of PeerGuradian 2 is to protect the 'peers' from the 'evil nexus'(you know who....).Secondly,while I was using PG ,it was an old version which I had not bothered to update for quite some time,PG2 works well with constant daily updates.Currently over 81 million IPs are blocked by the program but it is still not 100% fool-proof especially given the comparison of a free-ware application versus the billion dollar survelliance(most of it barely legal I might add) might of the evil empire.BTW

PG2 blocks cnn.com as well because it is ....owned by AOL-Time Warner!

People in India need not worry about it at all though(as long as you don't share DPS mmses,hehe..),for students in American universities(the evil empire's favorite and easiest targets) its an entirely different matter though.
Keane 16 said:
Can PeerGuardian save one from the RIAA for torrenting?

Its not 100% foolproof mate. If the ID is known to be one associated with the RIAA or one of the tracking companies they use, then PG would bock it.

HOWEVER, they will always keep changing IPs, getting new ones. So there will always be new ones out there which PG doesnt know about or block. So as a method of avoiding the RIAA, I wouldnt really recommend it. To reduce corrupt data, YES. But thats it.
PeerGuardian is a List Blocker.

It uses a text file to block ranges of IP addresses. It is only as good as the list of addresses contained within this file.

This file can be edited, and now it can also be used by uTorrent to block the same IP address ranges. (You can easily find this info out at the uTorrent web site

It downloads list updates that are compiled from iblock list

For more lists you can check here

More PeerGuardian info

Many of you may have seen my previous threads re: being slapped on the wrist by my ISP re: sharing files that I may not have realized I was not supposed to :P In both of these instances I did not have PeerGuardian running, yet most of the time I do.

If you are shifty eyed porn king, then know that PeerGuardian will also block many of these sites too.

DO NOT over indulge on too many lists... only use the ones you really need or you will find many of the sites you need to access are being blocked.

An alternative to PeerGuardian is Protowall by Bluetack located here

Bluetack also makes a blocklist manager here to help organize and maintain your blocklist and convert them to other formats. For instance, many Firewall products will allow you to add blocklists for IP ranges that you want to block....but you really need to be careful with this and make sure you update this list regularly.
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