What exactly is "Steam" ??

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I know with the help of steam server one can play games online :S

But nothing more than that.. :ashamed:

So can anyone clear the issue here as to what exactly is Steam, its features , its advantages, costs etc...

Whats are its requirements..!!

Its just like Games on demand, or even PPV(pay per view, literally) kinda thing. You pay money and get a steam account which will enable you to download games off steam server without any further ado/troubles (no cd/manuals , just your hard drive space for the downloaded stuff :D). the steam server will also keep your game files updated(patched) so there is no need to manually do so. You also get to chat with your friends online and join them directly for gaming :)

here is the list of Steam available games atm: Welcome to Steam
@ broar - Getting a steam account is actually free. You have to pay only for the game and then associate it with the steam account.
Steam is a content delivery service from where you can digitally buy games, mods, trailers (legally, obviously) it's developed by Valve software to counter pirates. all Valve software games require Steam to be decrypted only then can they be played. Steam automatically downloads game updates so you don't have to. recently they've added Community to the list to features (mini version of Xfire basically) now you can add other users and chat/play with them.

ooh and I typed all this without checking wiki or Steam's site. how proud am I...
steam is what you get when you vaporize water. A steam server is nothing but a fancy name for a boiling pot :P
Oh i thought its just the mode for playing games online :O

So what about personal ratings and all ?
dipen01 said:
Oh i thought its just the mode for playing games online :O

So what about personal ratings and all ?

personal ratings? what do you mean by that? Steam Store?
that is ur stats about how long u played the game nad the steam rating is based on ur points that u get while playing online games like tf2 or cs and completing achievements my steam rating is ooh Shiny!
tifôsi said:
@ broar - Getting a steam account is actually free. You have to pay only for the game and then associate it with the steam account.

oh ok :) . actually I was visiting the steam site for the first time one hour before Dipen posted his views.. thats why my views looks similar to the site's :P
dipen01 said:
dunno :O

anyways...se ur sig shows...HL2 - 17 hours...

what does that mean..?

u played HL for 17 hrs ?

That's HL2: EP2 actually :) you can visit my X-Fire profile here and see the other stuff I've played.

Do u know, Orange box was nearly a 15GB download man. Rather i would go out and buy a box pack. It's pathetic.

It had 5 games. the retail box comes in 2xDVD-5s and then uncompresses to 15GB.

snoopfrog said:
steam sucks

who invited the haters?
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