What happened to ebay india

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Geb ppl are still active. If you want their contact details let me know. I use their services regularly for Import
Yes I do get mails from them .But i am bit skeptical about it should I believe them as there is no eBay .in for purchase protection !!!
Yes I do get mails from them .But i am bit skeptical about it should I believe them as there is no eBay .in for purchase protection !!!
I have bought couple of times (corsair ram, pogo plugs - made an GO here ) and had no issues.
I remember Ebay was once THE Ecommerce website for the longest time, before Amazon started monopolizing the market. Nowadays, ebay is at the backburner in almost every country. In India, I do think that Ebay still has market share (albeit not as much as we'd expected.
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I remember Ebay was once THE Ecommerce website for the longest time, before Amazon started monopolizing the market. Nowadays, ebay is at the backburner in almost every country. In India, I do think that Ebay still has market share (albeit not as much as we'd expected.
Don't say every country. India is the only country where eBay has no service. For used products, people in western world still use eBay and in some countries eBay alone for the lack of other websites which are US based only.
Don't say every country. India is the only country where eBay has no service. For used products, people in western world still use eBay and in some countries eBay alone for the lack of other websites which are US based only.

Wow that makes me sad for a lot of reasons.

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