What if money was no object?

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If money was no object, then there would be no existence of mankind, as we know it.

This world lives and thrives on inequality. Some people @Being.smart have too much money. They pay us lesser mortals to do a job. Now if money was no object, nobody would want to work. There would be nobody tilling lands. There would be nobody maintaining law and order.

For any society to work, there has to be something which is in short supply and in huge demand, so that it can be traded. It is known as money.

If everyone has it, then we are essentially looking a Socialist economy, which failed because nobody wanted to work.
Well money as in not money, but anything precious which has value. And I said mankind as we know it. Means as we know it now. Going back to the primitive state is not really what we should be looking at.
That comic and that philosophy is all fine and dandy, but we live in a county with a a population of over one billion people. Opportunities here are limited and unlike western countries where you can start anywhere and still have a comfortable life within few years, you have to work your @$$ off or someone else may have your job. Call me pessimistic, but that's the way it is and unless you are filthy rich, 'do whatever you like' is a pretty useless advice.
I thought this was going to be a speculative thread about a post-scarcity society. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-scarcity_economy). As long as there is scarcity, there will always be some form of money involved.

There have been some great works of fiction that try to imagine what a post-scarcity world might work like. e.g., Bank's Culture series.

As for the comic? I think it is an extremely naive view. "Do what you love and money will follow" works out for very few people and you need to be in a position of relative wealth to even attempt to go that route.
That is such a crap comic. If I had all the money in the world I would sit on my couch all day playing video games, eating pizza and drinking beer.
That's the point

I thought the point is to follow your passions (Painting, Poetry and Horse Riding) and excel at it, until that becomes your income source.

My passion is slacking off - you don't get any trophies or money for being couch potato of the year.
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^you can.

make a youtube video about how did you slack off, rant on movies and games :P it works. Cinemasins for example.
Too much work. It would conflict with my slacker ethos. :pompus:

(if anyone wants to fund my dreams, PM me. I'll send you my address and you can order a pizza for me everyday)
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Too much work. It would conflict with my slacker ethos. :pompus:
(if anyone wants to fund my dreams, PM me. I'll send you my address and you can order a pizza for me everyday)
Maybe you misunderstood the whole point or are just trolling :)
This is about following your hobby and making a living out of it. You will find many examples around you and here too who have a steady job and are also exceptionally good at something totally unrelated to their job. Those that find time to continue their hobbies like gaming/audio enthusiasts/modding etc in their spare time. A few of these sometimes do go on to start their own venture related to their hobbies. There are examples right here in this forum. The point is to realize this as early in your life as possible.
Was sleeping/slacking your first choice since childhood? There must've been something which interested you.
In any case even sleeping can help you earn money. There are sleep studies carried out at universities/research organizations which will pay you to do exactly that.
Even in a barter system, you should have something to offer in exchange for something you want.
@AMG , i am extremely poor bro:(, don't even have proper slip-on to wear

Proud to be a Bhikari :D

The comic is not about "No Money" system. It's rather about doing the right 'job' - doing something to earn money which actually you enjoy doing.
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It's not actually money.. but rather the concept of debt and private ownership.
and forget about law and order, without money and power there wouldn't be need for legal system as most of the crimes are money related (or because of inequality) If the resources are shared efficiently then it is pointless to put a price on it.

like say in an big island with only 20 people and plenty of air, freshwater, land and bananas. It will be pointless to sell any of those to anyone.. the earth is like that only. but instead majority of resources are held by selected few people.
like say in an big island with only 20 people and plenty of air, freshwater, land and bananas. It will be pointless to sell any of those to anyone.. the earth is like that only. but instead majority of resources are held by selected few people.
but how do you reward those who work hard?
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