What improvements would you suggest to improve in my build to let me stream without loss of frames.

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Currently I'm getting about 200-250fps in CSGO in low-med settings. I'd like to max out video settings and be able to stream the same on YouTube / Twitch while still getting 250 fps.

My current config:

CPU Ryezen 5 3400g
GPU GTX 1060 3GB
MoBo B450M
RAM 16GB (8GB *2, 3200Mhz)
Storage SSD SN550 1TB
PSU Antec fully modular 550W Gold
Well, if you use NVENC then you should hop onto 20 series or higher GPUs so you can take advantage of new and improved NVENC encoder in those cards.
As for streaming CSGO only then you don't really need an upgrade. Just make sure you use NVENC and not x264 in OBS as your encoder.

PS: Competitive CSGO is not played at high settings.
CSGO is a CPU dependant game. Overclock your CPU to get better frame rates at Higher settings. My advice to use NVENC for streaming. If there is a performance impact, then try using AMD AVC encoder
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Competitive CSGO is not played at high settings.
Yes I'm aware. But I want to play at maxed out settings for better visibility during ends of smoke / Molotovs for whatever small advantage available.
As for streaming CSGO only then you don't really need an upgrade
This is helpful. I haven't started yet so I'm not sure about the formats you mentioned. Will have to research a lot more looks like.

Perhaps, a better GPU would do. I run a very similar setup to yours and own the 6GB cariant of the 1060.

Isn't CSGO a CPU intensive game? I was considering selling my Ryzen 5 3400g and buying something like a 3600 or 5600x. Will upgrade the GPU eventually when prices come down. Do you reckon this will help me?
I will tell everyone something. It’s Breyer to stream with cpu if you have higher core counts than nvenc. Personal experience. I was doing 2k stream on 2070 super and then 3900x and the cpu one gave me quality.
I will tell everyone something. It’s Breyer to stream with cpu if you have higher core counts than nvenc. Personal experience. I was doing 2k stream on 2070 super and then 3900x and the cpu one gave me quality.
Agreed but in this case the CPU in question is 3400G, a 4c8t chip not a 12c24t one. Wiser to use igpu or gpu acceleration in this case, especially for a cpu intensive game as csgo.
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well gpu's price are insane and its really hard to digest the pricing at the moment.
I will tell everyone something. It’s Breyer to stream with cpu if you have higher core counts than nvenc. Personal experience. I was doing 2k stream on 2070 super and then 3900x and the cpu one gave me quality.
My findings are similar to yours. If both the CPU and GPU are capable of streaming at a particular quality, It is better to stream with software encoding since it gives the best 0.1% and 1% lows. I did the comparison between software encoding on Intel Core i5 10600K, Intel quicksync and AMD AVC on RX570. Hopefully I will be able to shoot my video coming weekend.
In this case, the CPU is slower compared to my Core i5 and hence OP should go with Hardware encoding.
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Here's the comparison and summary for you guys:

In conclusion the new NVENC is the best choice for efficient quality streaming without impacting performance hands down. Granted CPU based software encoding (x264) will be little better BUT performance will suffer on the same machine and that is not worth the trade in performance for a marginal increase in quality.

Forget about this and use the NVENC encoder and be happy with what you have. When you make it into the big leagues you can go to a dedicated streaming setup using a second computer.
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