Hey Guys...Here is some info on scrims...
Scrim is a professional/serious match between two teams of 5 each.
Here are the rules.
1. We start with all players being shifted to spec mode and two major players doning caps (captains) play a knife round. No Kevlar/Helmet/Guns are allowed in this round. Only knifes. The one who wins the round starts calling or selecting people. One by one both the caps select a team of 5 each. In a clan match (for example Ozone vs TE), one player of both teams go for knife round as above for deciding who plays what team (but normally its not needed). Joining when caps are knifing, using guns by caps in knife round is all considered unprofessional.
2. Its always good to put password even before knife round, so that pubbers (people who dont know how to scrim) cannot join the server. The password is normally set to "*****" for mix matches and a custom one for clan matches. You can set password by RCON commands >> Set Password (sets to "*****" but also to "actor" in some old mani configs) or type "rcon sv_password *****" in console.
For what is the normal password (instead of *****) pm me or Switch or Sandy.
3. After the teams are selected, the match is started using a special set of command cfg, called lo3.cfg. Admins with rcon access can start this with either typing "exec lo3.cfg" in console or by using admin menu options RCON commands >> LO3 Match.
4. If while selecting teams, someone calls for match settings the same can be done using RCON commands >> Match Settings.
5. The round starts with only 800 and the amount gradually increases as the rounds progress.
6. The cap or a command tells the team what to do. Not following your cmd's order is not considered good gaming practise.
7. Here are some short forms used while scrimming...
I think this will clear many basic doubts. I will make further contributions to this thread soon (if u guys need that).
Enjoy. :hap2:
EDIT: Added "Some basic info..." to the title.
Scrim is a professional/serious match between two teams of 5 each.
Here are the rules.
1. We start with all players being shifted to spec mode and two major players doning caps (captains) play a knife round. No Kevlar/Helmet/Guns are allowed in this round. Only knifes. The one who wins the round starts calling or selecting people. One by one both the caps select a team of 5 each. In a clan match (for example Ozone vs TE), one player of both teams go for knife round as above for deciding who plays what team (but normally its not needed). Joining when caps are knifing, using guns by caps in knife round is all considered unprofessional.
2. Its always good to put password even before knife round, so that pubbers (people who dont know how to scrim) cannot join the server. The password is normally set to "*****" for mix matches and a custom one for clan matches. You can set password by RCON commands >> Set Password (sets to "*****" but also to "actor" in some old mani configs) or type "rcon sv_password *****" in console.
For what is the normal password (instead of *****) pm me or Switch or Sandy.
3. After the teams are selected, the match is started using a special set of command cfg, called lo3.cfg. Admins with rcon access can start this with either typing "exec lo3.cfg" in console or by using admin menu options RCON commands >> LO3 Match.
4. If while selecting teams, someone calls for match settings the same can be done using RCON commands >> Match Settings.
5. The round starts with only 800 and the amount gradually increases as the rounds progress.
6. The cap or a command tells the team what to do. Not following your cmd's order is not considered good gaming practise.
7. Here are some short forms used while scrimming...
- ACE: Called when one person kills all the players of the other team
- BUY UP: But each and everything you can, like rifle or ak4 or mp4, full armour, HE grenade, kit/flash Grenade, partial primary ammo, flash, full primary ammo, smoke
- ECO: DO NOT BUY ANYTHING, ESPECIALLY GUNS!! Short for economy, used to save money for the next round so you can afford better weapons.
- GG: "Good Game". General courtesy extended to the opposition at the end of the war for playing against you. Also used to indicate that the war has ended and the player/clan intends on leaving the server, because a result has been achieved. Teams and players who do not say GG at the end of a war (no matter how bad or good they did) are considered impolite and poor losers.
- GH: "Good Half". General courtesy extended to the opposition at the end of the first half of a war.
- GL HF: "Good Luck, Have Fun". General courtesy extended to the opposition at the beginning of the war for playing against you.
- LO3: Live On Three. The typical method used to commence a war, where the round will restart three times. The war begins after the third restart.
- POKE: Camp. Peek here and there. Dont show urself to the enemies and try kill them. And rush when cmd says so.
- RUSH: Means buy and rush hard where cmd has told.
I think this will clear many basic doubts. I will make further contributions to this thread soon (if u guys need that).

Enjoy. :hap2:
EDIT: Added "Some basic info..." to the title.