What is design?

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I tend to think of 'design' as graphic design, whose the main purpose I believe is to grab the onlookers attention. Shouldn't be too garish though (though even that works sometimes; kitsch). The imagery I get in my mind when the word "design" is mentioned changes every month or so. :D Right now it's a very vague but shiny fluid looking logo. :D Smooth, flowing curves along which the eye glides almost without realising it. Hmmm... Dunno if all this anwers your question tho. :D
I would say design is a thought process executed into reality or worked upon with inputs of knowledge, working and aesthetics...with a goal; and fine tuning to perfection (or somewhere close to it!!!). It can be an actuality or in the mind too.....pretty difficult to describe such a basic thing!....i am an architect ...use the term all the time!!
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