What is the best software to protect my personal files with!?

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so many shooting many SW.
But why??

NTFS file system has itself got a very strong security.
If u have XP installed on NTFS
then u can strongly protect any folder with different set of permissions.
No SW needed at all.

Just follow these steps.

* Open Windows Explorer.
* Select the Tools menu.
* Select Folder Options.
* Select the View tab.
* Scroll the Advanced settings ,may be last option i guess.
*Use simple file sharing (Recommended)
Now uncheck the checkbox and you are ready for show :cool2:

*Right-click the folder that you want to Lock and then click Properties.
*Now you will notice an new tab named Security that was never there before.
*Now click on the Security tab.
*Choose the group or user name.
*Now you can adjust their permissions:
*To allow or deny a type of permission, select the Allow or Deny check box in the Permissions for User or Group dialog box.

*Now check the Full control Checkbox below deny.

*Now click on Apply,next OK and you are done.

When ever any one tries to access or delete the folder you get Access Denied error.

So,when ever you want to Acess the folder,simply Uncheck the Deny check boxes.

Liked it??

Thank you guys for giving a time for me .. this process really works and the best too.. but it will be difficult for me to repeat this process for every file or folders .. right :huh::huh: .... I really got some good suggestion from you all from the last 3 days .. someone helped me without using a software and someone by software ... but to me from the last 3 day i realize that I must go with some SW which will be easy to hide or lock files and folder ... please don't take it in other ways, you guys really helped me a lot to take some decisions..
hence looking after all those conversion i think Folder lock will suit me .. coz it's FREE and also easy to use by drag and drop facility ... what you say ?? please I need the help :huh::huh:
Technogirl said:
Thank you guys for giving a time for me .. this process really works and the best too.. but it will be difficult for me to repeat this process for every file or folders .. right :huh::huh: .... I really got some good suggestion from you all from the last 3 days .. someone helped me without using a software and someone by software ... but to me from the last 3 day i realize that I must go with some SW which will be easy to hide or lock files and folder ... please don't take it in other ways, you guys really helped me a lot to take some decisions..

hence looking after all those conversion i think Folder lock will suit me .. coz it's FREE and also easy to use by drag and drop facility ... what you say ?? please I need the help :huh::huh:

Yeah! Go for Folder Lock :hap2:
thewisecrab said:
You could use TrueCrypt.
However, to keep things more discreet its better you go about it in your own way. This is how you (atleast how I) do it:

1)Archive the file using WinRAR, Winzip, 7-zip or whatever manager you have.

2)Make sure that you can view file extensions in the file name, ie. if you are having a look at a file, then the name of the file should read "something"."something"
(if you cannot view the extension, then navigate to Tools > Folder Options > View and uncheck "Hide extensions for known file types" )
3) Now right click on the file and select "Rename"
4)Give it any crap name now (and remember where the file is saved)
5)Say "Yes" to whatever warning Windows will give.
6)Viola! Now nobody (other than you) can open the file :)

To open that file, just rename the file back to it's original extension (ie .zip or .rar or .7z whichever), unzip the file and you are done :)

It's always worked for me

Its Open Source, not freeware :)

Yeah, right, untill someone takes all the files and tries all combinations of know file types "(ie .zip or .rar or .7z whichever)," and crack ur encryption system open. :tongue:
Technogirl said:
I need a software to hide/lock/setpassword on my personal files so nobody can access them but me!

Is it clear whether you are the sole user of the system ?

Or is this a shared system/with networked storage.

Solutions will depend on this distinction.
debabratad said:
Yeah, right, untill someone takes all the files and tries all combinations of know file types "(ie .zip or .rar or .7z whichever)," and crack ur encryption system open. :tongue:

Agreed, it's not the best method, heck even I use folder lock sometimes, but hey, in 90% of the cases, it does the trick :ohyeah:

And if you are so paranoid, you could password protect the archive itself and then change the extension:bleh:
thewisecrab said:
Agreed, it's not the best method, heck even I use folder lock sometimes, but hey, in 90% of the cases, it does the trick :ohyeah:

And if you are so paranoid, you could password protect the archive itself and then change the extension:bleh:

hey brother !! I think there is some misunderstanding.. :( .. I think you are talking abt some other Folder lock software ...I think I mentioned earlier about Desksense.com .. which I have hyperlinked before .. :huh::huh:

I was just replying to debabratad's concern about the file being opened despite all the steps in my method, not to you as you've pointed out :)
i know it seems wearied

i use Partition MAgic to hide partition so no joel if u have big files.

else folder lock is the soft-ware
freehide folder its a freeware its level of privacy is i will say medium

files can be opened in some other ways if you lose the password

never tried true crypt.
i think its good
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