What is the Counter Vailing Duty (CVD) that Dell online charges?

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I have ordered a Dell Inspiron online . In the Quote they send to me , mentioned a Counter Vailing Duty as RS4,037. what is this? It is not mentioned on dell site ,only 5%VAT is mentioned on site.

I am from Delhi,India.

a logical explainantion would be that the laptop (or some part) is imported unit and the CVD charged on that imported part has been passed on to you.

IS the CVD charged extra or is it included in the deal amount.
for ex if your laptop cost 35k + vat then is it showing as
basic 31
VAT 5%

If so than it is ok.It doesn't affect you monetarily. just check one thing that the vat is being charged on basic price ie 31 k

but if it is
basic 35
cvd 4
vat 5%
then you should call them up

BTW Is it possible for you to upload your invoice(just the taxation part),it would be really helpful to me.
Thanks for reply!!!

@rajat565: BTW Is it possible for you to upload your invoice(just the taxation part),it would be really helpful to me.

I have booked a Inspiron 15R i3 3rd gen ,4gb RAM, 500 GB HDD
I am inserting pics showing their rates in quotation:



Please tell me that whether it is OK or not?
if the deal was for 40000 then its fine.
cst is charged correctly at 5% but ideally it should have been charged on the basic price only and not on the basic+cvd.
If the invoice is in the name of the firm and if your firm is registered under excide then you can take the input of CVD.Also if you are doing any interstate sale than you can take the input of CST also.The downside would be you will be able to take depriciation on basic price only. Or you may not take the input and take depriciation on whole amount.

P.S. I know the above details are waste for you but CAgiri jahdne ka mauka hum kahin nahi chookte ;).Also special thanks for the pic it has cleared a big doubt for me.
Didn't you asked for some corporate (Tcs, infy, Hcl etc) discount or at least student discount. I just helped one of my friend n he got 6 % discount. You may try for same by taking help of your IT friend....!!
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