What is your internet speed?

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You aren't allowed to choose more than what you have subscribed for in this poll.

Anyway, does anybody know of an ISP maybe Yahoo which gives 512Kbps or more Unlimited for Rs.1000 per month in Delhi?
Aditya said:
Now how do I vote?

I have 256kbps Day which Quad at night :P.

1mbps Night (12 - 9am)...

Rs.1100/- pm

iGate... (Local ISP, takes its Bandwitdh from Exatt, HK, and Sg)
Almost Zero Downtime.
Have had problems since Yesterday. Some big problem with all the Caching Servers. Posting from Backup connection right now. Lol.

Been having the same issues.. you deal with the 5608**** phone number?

I'm on the 820 PM 160K by day, unlimited at night plan.iGate.
triband night unlimited...plan.... 256kbps speeds. .. 12-8 free downloading..(i do 750 everynight... ;) )... ..not interested in unlimited plans.. would fill up my new hdd too soon..lol
Meesa on unlimited 128kbps of TataIndicom Broadband.. supposed to cost me Rs.800 per month

Airtel is gonna start in my area next week i hear.. so am applying for that..
ChambeRFienD said:
I just ran a speed test of the connection here at work.. Results were 873.8kb/s.
Running a T1 line for 3 machines here. =D

darn showoff :@ :@

j/k...... you sure are lucky man.....
Nikhil he from US, he pays the same for T1 there that we pay for 256 here...

Btw i am on Tata Indicom Broadband 512kbps plan unlimited, yes Tata doesnt give unlimited plan for 512 but i got my way...

akS !
whateve_r said:
Nikhil he from US, he pays the same for T1 there that we pay for 256 here...

Btw i am on Tata Indicom Broadband 512kbps plan unlimited, yes Tata doesnt give unlimited plan for 512 but i got my way...

akS !

Arrey :P I know.... that is why I said he is lucky :P
whateve_r said:
Nikhil he from US, he pays the same for T1 there that we pay for 256 here...

Btw i am on Tata Indicom Broadband 512kbps plan unlimited, yes Tata doesnt give unlimited plan for 512 but i got my way...

akS !

What way is that? Some more details yaar :ohyeah:
Rahul said:
512kbps unlimited ...... 700per month ..... local cable wala ...... connection is airtel

if its local cable wala , how is it Airtel then ? :P

I THINK you mean ur wala has Airtel leased cable ?
Rahul said:
512kbps unlimited ...... 700per month ..... local cable wala ...... connection is airtel

512kbps Unlimited?! I want it!! Too bad my Cablewallah works for Sify Connections and their plans suck.
^^ connection is fast ..... but pings are very bad ...... anywayas i don't play online FPS so its fine for me ..... used to get 50-65KBps download speeds and 40-50KBps on torrents .....

Downloaded Vista RC1 in 24 hours Flat :D

broar94 said:
if its local cable wala , how is it Airtel then ? :P

I THINK you mean ur wala has Airtel leased cable ?

yeah thats wat i meant :)
ChambeRFienD said:
I just ran a speed test of the connection here at work.. Results were 873.8kb/s.
Running a T1 line for 3 machines here. =D

Wow man, thats great speed, wonder when we in India could enjoy that speed.:huh:

I am on Mtnl-Triband 256Kbps, day limit 1GB/month, night unlimited but at same speed... :(

@ Rs.590+80=670+taxes/month...:cool2:
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