@rdst_1 lol please don't turn this into a derp-Lord Nemesis thread by bringing in cancer drugs and deshdrohis
This can be avoided by clarifying in the thread and warning against thread crapping.
Buyers are free to sell anything and quote any price they want but they have to be transparent. People occasionally put products on sale that they received as gifts but we aren't asking them to give it away for free are we ?
Personally my only gripe is with probable scalpers who buy products that they don't want and then sell it at higher prices while depriving others who are actually interested in buying the product.
for e.g., that one guy who snagged a HD598 after going through updates on the Amazon deals thread probably saw the demand and disappointment from so many ppl on having missed out on the deal, sat on a sealed box for a month and put it up on sale while not providing a pic of the invoice at all.
He may or may not have been a scalper but who the hell buys a new pair of cans and keeps em sealed for a month ? Sure he's still selling it lower than its current price and they aren't cancer drugs but some serious audiophile somewhere was denied a super deal that would've meant a lot by someone who didn't even bother auditioning one of the best all rounders under 20k.
We can debate about ethics, morality and supply and demand all night but this kind of stuff reminds me of the Amiibo shortage last year where people who had zero interest in the toys emptied shelves and sold them online for 10x the price to gamers who wanted it real bad.