What is your worst slip of tongue?

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^ yes he used it as an adjective. Thats why faheem made the font large for that word, so that we can see the funny side of it. It isnt actually a slip of tongue but good enough to get a laugh.
Teacher: Take your answer sheet and look at your marks.

Me: (shocked after seeing the marks) WHAT THE F**K???(asked her loudly):P

Teacher: What?

Me: Thank you mam (and left) :P
Aman27deep said:
I remember in class 8, we has to write an essay in Hindi about Coumputers.

I wrote down डेंटेरनेट instead of इंटरनेट, and चमपुटेर instead of कंप्यूटर.

Sir read that in front of the entire class and made fun of me!
... essay in Hindi about Coumputers.... still continue :bleh:
In my 12th our vatch was very unhappy with our accounts teacher and i ended up saying gand marning sir instead of good morning. Thank god it was boards


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I used "intimidate" once when I wanted to "intimate"..as in "I'll intimidate him" instead of "I'll intimate him".

There was this lady teacher we had in college who insisted on a roll-call at the beginning of the class (her tactic to waste time since she was no good in teaching). And, there was this chick named Simran K. Brar in the class. Whenever the teacher called out her name, it sounded like "Simran Kay Bra" ... we guys used to go hysterical...the gal used to go red... and the teacher was like, "what's so funny?"
FaH33m said:
Just copy pasting from someone's biography (About me) on TE. Won't take the name :P

"I'm a tech freak....just love spanking new and quality hardware....."
^^He copied it from my profile. Either way it ain't a problemo... It's not like I've got anything better to do...:D
shantanil said:
However, the best slip of writing in my opinion happened right here on TE. A member selling external HDDs had accidentally referred to them as MYBOOBS instead of MYBOOKS.

:lol: :rofl:
Me being a Email Server Admin, sometimes get requests saying "my clients massages are missing.." I mean cmon... you are working in a freaking IT Company.. !!
These were by some of my professors in college

Mech prof, first day of class - "Hot is coming from the sun". Another instance - "It is too much of hot, put fan"

We had an electrical engg prof who had a very funny accent. And he would say things like " When the flux is produces, the current is induces...". Once he wanted to tell the last bench to get up, he said it in such a funny way that it sounded like "Lesbians get up"! :rofl:

This one is EPIC, its in a mech engg textbook, whose editor was the principal! - "A refrigerator is a machine which produces cold" !!
While in 11th std, i didnt have a mobile. Had a landline in my room and my friends would give miss calls from their mobiles considering i had CLIP facility, but the problem was their miss calls would be so small that the whole number wont show up. So once i was getting misscalls from a friend again and again and all the digits were'nt showing up. So i put my hand on the receiver ready to pickup asap.
So here goes,

Tring Tring....
Me-Kaun hai be !!
~Silence for 2-3 seconds.~
The Man- Tera baap hai be..
Me- oh papa, sorry.... :P

Not a slip of tongue really but whatever...
mk76 said:
Not mine. But of one of my cousin.

The teacher asked how many USB devices can you plug into a computer? The reply - Depends on how many sluts you have.
Your cousin surely has a wrong notion of what a usb device means.

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My brunette haired but blonde headed friend panickly came to me asking for a pen in college.
When I asked what was the urgency, she replied "Testes there, penis not there."
Me and my group of guy friends burst out laughing realizing what she meant was "Test is there, Pen is not there"
Best part was I made her repeat it to half a dozen people when she asked me what was so funny.
(P.S. - She still doesn't know so I hope she isn't a member here ;) )

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viralbug said:
Not exactly a slip of tongue, but we had a drawing teacher who actually said stuff like these:

Draw a circle of any shape. :rofl:
The flower can be of any color, but should be yellow.
Open the windows and let the atmosphere come in.
I have 2 daughters, both of them are girls.
And the best one:
What is your name? Answer in yes or no. :rofl: wtf??
LOL...looks like you went to Agnels.
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