What OS are you most comfortable with?

linux (mostly mint, ubuntu, zorin) for almost 15+ years, got tired of virus and blue screens back in windows 7 days. moved to linux on primary device, never looked back, use dual boot or windows only for games..
Happy with Windows 10.
Windows 11 taskbar doesn't work well for my workflow.
Guess I'll have to force myself to change workflow & get used to Windows 11 when security updates stops being released this year.
Happy with Windows 10.
Windows 11 taskbar doesn't work well for my workflow.
Guess I'll have to force myself to change workflow & get used to Windows 11 when security updates stops being released this year.
Or just install windows 10 IoT version and activate by mass grave service (personal use only).
Happy with Windows 10.
Windows 11 taskbar doesn't work well for my workflow.
Guess I'll have to force myself to change workflow & get used to Windows 11 when security updates stops being released this year.
windows 10 iot enterprise ltsc is supported till 2032
I have always been using windows, i mostly used to game and browse. but as i grew i got keen towards learning how things went behind, i used to admire linux so i tested it. tbh it was the most pleasurable and i gained alot of knowledge with it. Grub, filesystems, terminal, Desktop Environment, and productivity overall. only downside being i couldn’t game much.

Until i started using windows 10 again and stumbled upon autohotkey. ever since then it has been a breeze to use windows. i further learned alot about windows making custom iso’s and unattended files and modifying the registry files before even the install. Knowing how windows works really helps you alot.
I have been using MAC for last 12 years for my work. It fits better for tech job. But I still like windows more whenever I use it on my wife's laptop. Specially windows 10 made me feel that windows doesn't get slower with it's age and I feel at home. Wile MACOS offer's lot of polished look, and some options in respect to user friendliness, it lacks some basic shortcuts.
Anything which doesn't look modern, whatever restores it back to Win 7 level. Now days StartisBack is enough for me to get started with Win 11. And I believe 1 more tweak for the old context menu.
I've been using Windows 11 lately because of the flip view presentation model which improves borderless fullscreen and updates to WDDM for improved resizable bar performance.
My goto OS has always been LTSC, and Windows 11 finally released LTSC with their 24H2 version :cool:
I didn't mind Windows 10 all that much. I've hopped through a few Linux distros but I separate my work and play by OS so I don't really use it aside from when I need to get stuff done. Keeps the mind at peace.

That being said, I've found Pop_OS to be the most functional and non-aggravating so far. Zorin was alright and I've had a fling with Manjaro before while I was in college but they never worked out well for my laptop since I had some driver issues or the other that bothered me after dealing with them. I do wanna give Nix a go though, seems pretty rad!
I am using
1. Windows 10 only for gaming
2. Gentoo Linux on main workstation and on Home Server
3. Trying freebsd for fun
Linux is amazing, I've been using it for past 5 years. I'm using Arch Linux right now with hyprland and i couldn't be happier about it.
Hyprland is amazing, but I switched to xmonad.
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Had to get used all three popular flavours for some reason or the other:

Linux if I want to really get in the weeds of automation, networking related workflows. This OS gives you control like nothing else.

MacOS clearly shares it's ancestory with Linux but it's nicer (and more restrictive to use). It's also on my work laptop.

Can't do gaming without Windows lol.
As far as I know, most games don't run natively on Linux and most developers don't bother supporting Linux because of the very small user base. Needless to say, most translation layer for running Windows games on Linux either comes with a performance penalty or just doesn't work well. Gaming is the only reason why I haven't switched to linux yet. I always feel it's not worth the hassle to get my games working on linux. How are you managing gaming?.
if you are on an AMD GPU, wine actually works better than Windows :p
The FPS is about the same but the frame timings are a lot more flat/better

I tried using Windows for a year+ on a rog ally .. when I later switched to Legion go, I was very clear I cannot tolerate Windows shenanigans any more
The issues get further annoying/ amplified on handhelds.. Imagine being all set to while away time on a long flight with your preferred game and the handheld decides to do a long update of its own Accord while draining your battery in the process :facepalm:
Installed Bazzite OS on day 1 and could not have been happier. The system runs stable, battery life is better and most importantly, I can pause -> sleep-> Instant resume games with long gaps in between

Similarly, Mac OS has crossover (another front end for Wine) and game performance on the newer units (e.g M3 pro or even base M4) are very respectable .
Gaming was my last holdout for windows and the only relic I have left on windows is a Nvidia 3070 desktop.. If I do not get an Nvidia in next upgrade then that's also going linux

Windows was peak MS in the 2002-2007 era.. every successive iteration after that further exemplifies what a OS should not be!

Even though macOs is locked and not great for tevh enthusiasts to upgrade and play around with , in terms of stability it's the best os.
How is it locked?
It's pretty much linux with a fancy GUI. It offers an easy to use /streamlined interface for non technical users
but also offers pretty much every flexibility that an end user would want often either via the interface (eg try option clicking instead of clicking a settings button) or via the terminal/CLI

In fact most people who like/ are comfortable with Linux will generally also like Mac OS
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Windows 7 was what I liked most. Now Win 11 and MacOS are what I use. I have had my share of Linux.

By the way in my opinion software piracy has helped Microsoft the most. I remember a time when pirated CDs of WinXP use to be sold in Nehru Place just below their office. Windows and Office software reached a wider audience resulting in them becoming familiar and eventually given choices they all opted for MS products. Though Linux has been there for free, but it was not that easy to install and use as was windows. These days the case is different though, but windows is baked into the PCs sold and other OS is mostly a choice or experimentation.
By the way in my opinion software piracy has helped Microsoft the most. I remember a time when pirated CDs of WinXP use to be sold in Nehru Place just below their office. Windows and Office software reached a wider audience resulting in them becoming familiar and eventually given choices they all opted for MS products.
We're naive and gullible thinking it was pirated, or Microsoft had no control. Their customer was/is always corporate and Microsoft trained students/people like us on their interface.
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