What really happened during Anti-TDF meet!!

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Renegade said:

Rest assured we are here to clamp down on chitchat in tech sections. Just report the posts.

While nobody likes one on one talk in a thread, it is hard to eliminate in non-tech sections. Still if you feel someone is engaging in a one on one chat in a thread which is not useful to anyone else, just report.

:clapping: Holds true for any situation.

Regardless, an awesome video indeed. :P

Noob question ,

What is TDF Forum and Whats The Full form Of The Same .
@Ryunosuke: I don't think you get and I don't expect you to get it. It's not about being a TDF member or a TE member. I don't even know whether the guys who made posts like this (see below) were/are TDF members.

But such posts simply trivialize the whole discussion, adds to noise and senseless banter. That doesn't go too well with people who come to this forum primarily to learn new things and share knowledge and not to converse with their l33t friends.

Some examples (My comments are in bold):

Nishu 25 Dec 09 03:40 PM

MObo for Gaming,overclocking
Hi guys iam building my gaming rig,so far i have selecled some components needed for it. they are as follow

amd phenom 2x4 550BE,

seagate 500 gd hdd,

2x2 gb ram,

1 gb hd 4890 gfx'

My problem is to select a mobo and case.I am really confused to select mobo.So far i liked asus M4a78-t,M4a78t-e.

I any body has good suggestion on this please help me .:huh::huh:

AviaScorp 25 Dec 09 06:02 PM

Re: MObo for Gaming,overclocking

I have been working on rigging up a 'gaming machine' for myself too.

But, I am planning to go the 'Intel' way rather than the AMD config I see that you have chosen.

I have heard a lot about AMD processers, but have no clue regarding them at all.

Would have loved to help you out, and discuss things,

but so long friend.... (what's the purpose of this post. does it help OP in any way)

sabby 25 Dec 09 06:38 PM

Re: MObo for Gaming,overclocking
You meant Phenom II X2 550 BE right ?

Mention your budget. Otherwise there are a lot of mobos available in the market.

Nishu 27 Dec 09 05:35 PM

Re: MObo for Gaming,overclocking
How about going for Phenom II X4 955 BE with good gaming support and cost effective mobo + Processor ~ 18k (first OP is talking about 550BE and then 955BE. I mean, did he try to look the specs and prices of two processors)

ayascool 23 Dec 09 06:43 AM

Gt 300...
hey release of gt 300 series is postponed ???

when ???


rajan1311 23 Dec 09 08:45 AM

Re: Gt 300...
Dont know it is postponed but it was mid - late march or April. They are probably having yield issues its a huge chip.

blufox 23 Dec 09 08:51 AM

Re: Gt 300...
Q1 is the date, pricing is going to be decent + it is not ready yet.

PS:- Sourced from someone in Nvidia working on Fermi for past 1 year.


And then see this classic thread:


# No punctuation

# No language... I mean come on, it's not difficult to write a few clean sentences. And even if you don't know how to, at least make some effort.

# Random answers and questions.

and see this:


It's comparatively better but from where the last post came... out of blue.

Nowadays people just post anything and all kind of threads. To all, please think for a second how your post is going to add to the thread before hitting "submit reply" button. It's not difficult.

PS: For good measure, let me add this as well: http://www.techenclave.com/the-introduction-lounge/hi-i-just-dropped-it-ca50-155204.html Seriously, don't you guys use Facebook?

Exactly, report button should be used more frequently for those idiotic posts.


Do I have something to do with that ( your 1st quotation ) ? :P
djmykey said:
.. Well I also shifted from TDF to TE sometime back just becoz I could not take the overdose of noobs at TDF. Hope this place remains clean...

heh. Too bad the irony of that statement (especially in the context of that video) is lost on you :P
I do understand your point Morgoth. My cognitive powers aren't that bad either :P The cases which you have highlighted are piddling instance of a bigger rampant problem whose solution doesn't seems to be at hand by us normal forum members. We can only try to adduce threads like these to edify the newbies about the proper conduct. Its the Mods who have to strike the rod for a balancing act.
All I'm saying is that its wrong to categorize the TDF members as the "Jews" of this "Germanic" forum. Don't get me wrong but that video does gives such undertones. :rofl:
The problem is that any Monkey with a keypad and Internet connection wants to join a site. First they go to places like Orkut, Facebook and Twitter where such Lingo isn't condone but rather sometimes preferred. Such people bring the habits home and mess up the ambiance :@ In this matter, only 2 things work, either the being's education and manners or the Admin and Mod's power to crackdown on such User's and crappy threads created by them. I still say, if these folks are allowed to get into a common chat area, maybe the forum will be safe but then again they all will post there and expect to get solution there itself. All I see as a solution is the better use of already present infrastructure, the Visitor messages and PMs. If the new guys are PMed upon joining about these things in advance, maybe we can see the situation improve.
As for CA50 thread, Mods, Admins, why is it still up? ;) Break your foot off into its ***!
Excellent video, the lines were very well written - "we had a life!" - awesome :D

For the record, I migrated from there myself (though a long time ago) - I think Chaos saw me and decided to move me here before I gave up on Indian forums :) I had a torrid time there, as well as on the TT forums. I was a member for six days. Never visited afterward.

It's becoming messy around here for sure. If it is due to migration (from wherever it may be), we can't help it. This is not the Fatherland, and it's impossible to clamp down and change habits of people. Nice try Sorcy, but this ain't gonna go anywhere or help anything. Doesn't change the fact that it was an awesome video. I sense your pain and frustration, but this is the way things are. Even Microsoft was a brilliant idea when it started last century, but look what size did to them.
Please dont ruin the theme of this thread...:)

greenhorn said:
heh. Too bad the irony of that statement (especially in the context of that video) is lost on you :P

and why the hell couldn't I understand greenie's reply
djmykey said:
and why the hell couldn't I understand greenie's reply

Everyone at TDF thinks there are too many noobs at TDF

Everyone moves to TE

You see where this is going right ?
cranky said:
Doesn't change the fact that it was an awesome video. I sense your pain and frustration, but this is the way things are. Even Microsoft was a brilliant idea when it started last century, but look what size did to them.

Guess you're probably right since you're putting it this way, although normally I would react exactly the opposite. The video is just made since I had some time to kill and keeping the current situation of people migrating in such a manner, I thought everyone can get a good laugh at it.

You're right! I guess I should just enjoy the knowledge, time and company I had/will have whenever I am with guys like you (though we just met only once), Bikey, Harshal and rest of the folks as much as I can. :)
Don't quite follow the underlying story .. didn't even realize what TDF was until I read through all these posts ... starting from Google, and considering the general mood here, I thought TDF stood for Telangana Development Forum (thanks, Google).

Gotta to say, appears you have a strong creative instinct! It's funny even without knowing the whole story (only one thing .. the subtitles occasionally faded away too fast for my reading)
saqib_khan said:
Seems Sorcy really has some free time :D

Bleh :bleh:. Thinking about the words and putting up the subtitles taken not more than half n hour. I already know how many and in which manner people were shifting, so making the subtitles was a piece of cake.
hellfire said:
Don't quite follow the underlying story .. didn't even realize what TDF was until I read through all these posts ... starting from Google, and considering the general mood here, I thought TDF stood for Telangana Development Forum (thanks, Google).

Gotta to say, appears you have a strong creative instinct! It's funny even without knowing the whole story (only one thing .. the subtitles occasionally faded away too fast for my reading)

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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